The Novel Free

Debt Inheritance

My eyes burned as I unlocked the screen. Hunching over the glowing device, I did as my captor ordered and made my way to the booth.

Typing in the number I knew by heart and practically the only number I ever called, I sucked in a breath.

A wall planted itself in my way.

A cold, unforgiving wall.

My head snapped up. Jethro crossed his arms, anger radiating from every inch. “What are you doing?”

I swallowed hard; my palms grew slippery with nervousness. “You said I could keep my phone. You said—”

“I know what I said. I may not stop you, but you still need permission. I am, after all, in control of your life from now on.” Peering into my eyes, he added, “Don’t make a rash decision you can’t undo, Ms. Weaver.” His English accent clipped my name in an unfamiliar way. He spoke it as if it were dirt. A filthy word contaminating his mouth.

My finger hovered over the call button for my twin. The one man who I could say anything to and he would understand. Summoning what useless power I had, I said, “Please, may I make a phone call? I won’t be stupid. I know what’s on the line.”

Jethro tutted under his breath. “That’s the problem. You don’t know. You think you do. You think all of this is a joke. You’re not grasping the depth of what this means, nor will you until you’ve been educated.”

Taking a step, closing the distance between us, he breathed, “But you do know one thing. You know what I will tolerate. Lying to me is another offence that comes with swift punishment. Stay honest, polite, and obedient and your heart will remain beating.”

I wanted to scream at him. His quiet voice was worse than being yelled at. It was so…decent…so eloquent. It made all of this seem normal. And it so wasn’t. So not normal.

“I understand. Do I have your permission?” My jaw ached I gritted so hard, refraining from what I really wanted to say. If I wasn’t so afraid of this psycho I would hit him. I would leap onto his back and pummel him until he bled. Just to see if he did bleed, because a part of me expected him to be nothing but stone.

He frowned. “Fine. But I’ll remain in earshot for this first conversation.”

I shook my head. “No. I need privacy.”

He smiled—a thin ribbon of emotion. “You need to realize privacy is a luxury you’ll no longer have. Everything you do from now on will be monitored by me. Nothing will be hidden. Everything must be approved.”

Everything? A horrible image of me begging to go to the bathroom only to be refused filled my mind. Not only had he taken me for something I didn’t understand, he’d stolen my basic rights as a human.

I truly am a pet.

Jethro’s hand whipped out, stealing my phone.

No! Being separated from it made all of this far too real. The starkness of my situation hammered at my soul.

Staring at the screen, he scrolled rudely through my contacts. My very limited contacts. His eye twitched, handing the device back. “You seem to live in a world dominated by males. The only names in your preferred lists are men, aside from a mysterious entry Kite007.” He stiffened. “Care to tell me if that person is female? I somehow doubt it, seeing as it’s clearly a reference to the ridiculous James Bond Franchise.”

Snatching the phone, I said, “I don’t care to tell you anything. Leave me alone. I’m calling my brother. I gave you my word I wouldn’t jeopardise whatever you’re planning until I know the full story.”

Jethro placed his hands into his pockets. His cream shirt and diamond pin were the epitome of class. In an ordinary circumstance, I would’ve been honoured and thrilled to have a date with a man with deliciously thick greying hair and a handsome face. I’d always preferred men over boys.

But he had to ruin it.

He ruined everything.

Jethro didn't move. Just stood there. Silently.

There was no winning. He wouldn’t raise his voice or strike me to get his way—not in public anyway—but his posture intimidated me until I gave in.

Staring at the awaiting number, I deliberated against calling V. What did I hope to achieve? It would kill me to hear his voice. But what if it’s a lie and the moment he’s got you where no one can see, he takes the only thing you have left?

I couldn’t risk it. Not if I could speak to V one last time.

Locking eyes with my gorgeously-groomed nemesis, I pressed the ‘call’ button and held the phone to my ear.

Being granted no privacy was horrid. My back stayed straight and all feelings of weakness were buried beneath false strength.

Do not cry. Do. Not. Cry.

The call connected on the first ring.

Vaughn never kept me waiting, almost as if he sensed it was me calling—twin empathy connecting us once again.

Shit, what if he hears? What if he sensed my unhappiness? How would I stop him from coming for me—wherever I was going.

Vaughn’s husky voice came down the line. “Nila. Tell me where you are. I’m coming to get you. Tex is acting really strange, and I’m done not being able to get a straight answer.”

I sighed, turning my back on Jethro, staring at the airplanes below. So many things ran through my head. I wanted to ask how Dad was acting strange. What all of this meant. But I kept it all bottled up. For him. For them.

“I’m fine, V. I’m…”

I need you. Come get me. Save me please.

“You don’t sound fine. Where are you?”

In hell with a monster.

Looking around the bar, I shrugged. “I’m exactly where I need to be.”

To keep you safe.

“Stop with the bullshit, Threads. What’s really going on?”

Sighing hard, I pressed a palm against my feverish forehead. I sucked at lying. Especially to V. “Something’s come up. I’m going away for a little while. A holiday where I can unwind. I should be able to contact you—if the Wi-Fi and phone lines are good.” I couldn’t stop rambling. “Tonight really put a strain on me, you know? It came together so well, but it wasn’t easy—you saw how bad it got toward the end. I just need—”

“What you need is a fucking spanking. You don’t just leave without talking this through!” Vaughn paused, a disbelieving huff coming down the line. “You can’t be serious. We had plans. You said you’d come with me when I went to Bangkok next week for more merchandise. We’ve booked the flights and everything.”