The Novel Free

Jacob's Faith

“You are starting to irritate me.” Her voice was calm, even, despite the fire in her eyes, and the obvious arousal in her body. And he was aroused, he knew.

“Sit down and eat. You’re worn out, and hungry, that’s why you’re so irritated. You can rest after lunch.”

He spooned the soup into bowls, and set it with two thick ham sandwiches on the table in the middle of the room.

“I’m irritated because you are being a typical, bossy, irrational male Breed,” she snarled, though she took her seat anyway.

“You’re irritated because you’re hungry, horny and sleepy, and I will address each issue in that order.” He took his own seat, exasperation filling him.

She stared at him, her eyes narrowed, her expression so filled with stubbornness it immediately made him want to force her to admit to each point.

“You have a point.” She surprised him. “Looks to me as though you may as well get used to it as long as you’re forcing me to stay here. I have no problem with eating your food, or sleeping in this house, but I’ll twist your dick off if you try to touch me.”

Jacob had to forcibly restrain his chuckle and his immediate impulse to show her otherwise. She didn’t wait for his answer, but lifted the sandwich and bit into it hungrily. Jacob applied himself to his own food, but watched her carefully to be certain she finished. One of Wolfe’s main concerns was the weight she had been losing over the past months. And she had lost a considerable amount. She wasn’t skin and bones, but she appeared too delicate, too fragile for the savage needs pulsing through him.

Thankfully, she finished the meal. After taking the last bite, she took her saucer, bowl and empty milk glass to the sink and started searching the cabinets.

He watched her for several moments, curious as to her intentions.

“What are you looking for?” He leaned back in his chair, unable to take his eyes from the rounded curves of her tempting ass. The bunch and flex of the rounded flesh had him clenching his hands into fists to keep from touching them.

“Coffee,” she muttered. “Where the hell do you keep it, anyway?”

“There isn’t any.” He shrugged. Of course, Caleb kept a supply on hand, but it was in the supply closet rather than the cabinets.

She turned around, her eyes wide with shock. “You don’t drink coffee? What are you, an alien? Order me some. Now.”

How cute. Her eyes were rounded in distress, and he could have sworn she actually paled a bit. Love her heart, she was definitely addicted.

“The caffeine isn’t good for your system right now, Faith,” he told her patiently. “Neither is alcohol, come to think of it. You’re going to have to watch what you drink and eat for the next few weeks.”

She drew to her full height, her brows snapping over her eyes in a frown as she stalked to the refrigerator door and jerked it open. He knew there was no longer any beer there. He had gotten rid of it hours ago. She closed the door slowly.

“You have five minutes to call someone, anyone, I don’t care who, and order me the finest blend of coffee that rat hole town has, and a dozen beers. If it’s not sitting on this table…” a slender finger pointed furiously at the table in question, “…in one hour, you die.”

She appeared perfectly serious. Jacob leaned back in his chair, watching her warily.

“Faith, I am not bringing coffee or alcohol into this house for a while, and neither are you. I’m telling you, right now, your system can’t handle it.” He crossed his arms over his chest and waited to see what she would do.

Her lips thinned, her face flushing as anger flooded her system. Anger and lust. As though the heat of her fury made her lust burn higher. Damn, he loved the scent of it.

Her breasts rose above the low cut of her neckline as she took a deep breath. Her head raised, her shoulders straightened, then she was walking purposely from the room. That was not a good sign.

“Dammit, Faith,” he growled, jumping up from the table and following her as she entered the foyer and headed for the front door. “Come back here.”

He caught her halfway through the wide entrance hall, his hand catching her arm as he pulled her to a stop. She stopped easily enough. Long enough to reach down and bite him.

“Son of a bitch,” he yelled, jumping back to stare at his arm, then at the woman who had refused to bite anyone at anytime during training. He was fucking bleeding! Two perfect punctures marred the skin of his arm and oozed a small amount of blood. Dammit, he was partial to his blood and he preferred to keep it in his body.

She didn’t appear surprised or shocked at her own actions. She stared at him, her dark eyes glittering with fury, her cheeks flushed with it.

“I want my coffee, and my beer. You can be as much an ass as you want to be, and you can hold me here till hell freezes over, but there are some things I refuse to live without. And while you’re ordering, get on whatever Internet connection this stinking jungle has and order me a vibrator. I want seven inches long, three inches around, D battery. Use that ineffective male brain and hunt up a vibrating egg as well. Preferably, white. I refuse to stay here without my necessities.”

Jacob stared at her incredulously. His gaze went to his arm, then back to her again.

“You bit me, Faith,” he growled, ignoring her demands.

“And I’ll bite you again,” she assured him fiercely. “Don’t manhandle me, Jacob. This isn’t the Pack, and contrary to what you think, I refuse to acknowledge you as my mate. Mates do not desert each other. They do not walk away after fucking them, and they do not refuse them the few pleasantries their life has to offer. Namely, my caffeine and my beer. But since you are a typical Breed ass, you can supply my vibrators as well, because I refuse to fuck you.” Her voice rose with each sentence.

Her breasts were heaving, her eyes glittering, and he knew her cunt was so wet he could knot her there and then with no trouble.

“You’re in heat, Faith. Caffeine affects it adversely, as does alcohol. And you need me, not fucking vibrators,” he yelled back, furious that she would think she could deny him now.

She staggered just enough to assure him that he had effectively shocked her. She stared at him, fear and horror flashing across her eyes before her features settled into a mask of cold hard fury.

“Then I’ve been in heat for six fucking years,” she growled. “Guess what, Jacob, I survived it without you then, and I will now. So, do you order what I need or do I walk out of this comfortable little prison you have set up and find it myself?”

“Did you hear what I just told you, Mate?” he snarled the title. “You are in fucking heat. You need to be fucked. My seed splashing inside your tight pussy. My touch, my taste. A vibrator will do you no good, and the caffeine and alcohol will only make the symptoms harder on your body. I will not tolerate this childishness from you. The least you can do is take care of yourself.”

“My childishness?” she asked him furiously. “Shall I show you childishness, Jacob? Shall I show you just how childish I can get? You better never sleep. You better never turn your back on me, because the minute you do, I’m out of here. If I can’t steal a vehicle, then I’ll walk, hitchhike, whatever it takes to go somewhere to get what I need. And since I know for damned sure there’s no adult stores anywhere in the flea infested towns that you situate yourself in, it might be a while before I get back. Because I will have my fucking vibrators!” she screamed the last sentence at him.

Jacob blinked, staring at the miniature apparition that seemed possessed by some vile, horrendous demon. How did you exorcise a caffeine addiction from such a damned little shrew? Damn Wolfe to hell and back, he could have at least warned him properly of what to expect.

“There will be no vibrators brought into this house,” he snarled back at her. “You need relief then you can come to me for it, Mate. No vibrators. No coffee, no beer.”

Jacob had a feeling that should he show the slightest weakness now, then there would be no end to her demands. She snarled, displaying those cute, though vicious little canines as she made for the door once again.

“No. Faith.” His arms went around hers, trapping them at her sides, wrapping around her waist. No way in hell was he getting near her mouth right now. Bloodthirsty little shrew.

He pressed his cock into the cheeks of her ass as he lifted her against him, turned and walked into the living room. He dumped her on the couch, then pushed her back when she would have jumped up. He stood over her, frowning down at her, becoming drunk on the sweet scent coming from her luscious cunt. He had fed her, now he was going to fuck her. Fuck her until she couldn’t fight, couldn’t argue and sure as hell wouldn’t have the energy to go after coffee, beer or a fucking vibrator.

Chapter Eleven

Jacob came down on top of her, his body stretching along the length of hers, long and hot, all male and sending her senses into riot. She could feel the heated length of his erection as he settled over her, his legs on each side of her, holding her captive beneath him as he caught his weight on his arms. His hard chest cushioned her breasts, his hair falling forward, framing the savage features of his face.

“Hurry and do it, and get off me,” she bit out furiously, hating her body’s response, her need to feel the driving length of his cock separating her, penetrating her, only to have him desert her seconds after climaxing.

She needed more than just the sex. Faith had always known that, had always realized that what she needed from him, he likely couldn’t provide. She needed him to hold her, touch her. She needed more than the rough ride and the desertion later. She needed the warmth of his body as the tremors of release shook her. She needed his voice, soft and gentle as he held her.

As he lay over her, six years of fantasies and loving daydreams drifted through her head, her heart. They pulsed in her soul as bright and hot as the lust throbbed in her pussy.

“I’m sorry about last night,” he whispered down at her, his eyes brooding, heavy lidded as he watched her. “Do you even realize what happened, Faith? What I did to you as I climaxed inside that sweet, hot body of yours?”

She frowned, breathing roughly. She didn’t want him to talk. She wanted him to fuck her, to love her and hold her. Explanations could come later.

She stared up at him in confusion. “Does it matter? Just do it again.”

She didn’t need explanations, she needed relief. She needed him to ease the fury of arousal, the ache of loneliness, and the dreams that had shattered over the years.

A strained laugh escaped his throat. His hands framed her face, one thumb smoothing over her lips in a slow stroke.

“Faith, I locked inside you,” he told her, his body tightening against her as she stared up at him, wondering if it was supposed to be a bad thing.

“You’re large—”

“I knotted inside you, Faith,” he bit out. “My cock swelled further, until the middle was the size of your fist or larger, baby. I couldn’t pull free. Like an animal, Faith.”

She fought to breathe. He sounded furious, enraged over it. She swallowed tightly. She had known that was coming, if Jacob took her. Hope had already warned her.

“Hope handles it,” she whispered. “Wolfe didn’t get angry with her—”

His body tensed further

“You knew this would happen?” he asked her carefully.

Faith stared up at him, anticipation pounding through her body. He was pressed to her from thigh to breast, and the heat of his body was driving her crazy.

“I thought you knew,” she told him breathlessly. “Hope told me about that when she found out Wolfe was sending me after you. She said I needed to know. I thought you knew. There have been other women—”

“It’s never happened before, Faith,” he growled. Damn, that harsh rumble from his throat made her entire body tremble.

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