The Novel Free

Kiss Me

Riley jumps up out of his seat, lets out a whoop, picks me up, and hugs me. I don’t get to hear who the other two reps are.

It makes me feel happy.

At least I’m actually following through and getting involved here.

And it’s really not a surprise that I came in second to Benjamin.

I mean he did promise an iPad in every hand. I think some president ran on that platform sometime in history, like maybe during the Depression? Did he promise a chicken in every kitchen, or a cow in every barn, something like that?

A blur.


The rest of today is a blur. Six more classes, lunch, soccer, and lots of congratulations. I get my long-ass detention waved until tomorrow morning, since I have to get on the bus at five for the trip to the away football game. I talk excitedly with Maggie and Katie about tonight’s party then dance and cheer for the team.

We lose, though.


Now I find myself sitting on the bus next to Aiden. Don’t ask me how it happened. Clearly the fates have collided or something. I really tried to get on Dawson’s bus, but Coach told me it was full and to go get on the other one. And then Aiden had my arm and was guiding me on the other bus, toward the very back, and I was too worn out to resist.

Dawson had a rough game and got sacked numerous times.

Dawson: Why aren’t you on this bus?

Me: I tried. Coach told me it was full.

Dawson: I saved you a seat.

Me: I tried to tell Coach that, but he wouldn’t let me on.

Dawson: :(

Me: I know. But I’m just gonna sleep.

Dawson: Even though I’m not really in the mood to party, we do need to celebrate your victory, Keatyn MonROAR :) I have some tequila shots calling your name:)

Me: Sounds fun