The Novel Free

Princess in Training

Discovered by Van Allen (radiation belts)

High radiation zone due to particles, some radioactive and charged, from space and sun

Aurora borealis caused by interaction of charged particles with the atmosphere


1.       Has naturally blond hair, and never needs to get her roots touched up

2.       Gets straight A’s and is in all honors classes

3.       Can do a back handspring

4.       Often does them at parties

5.       And in restaurants

6.       Is totally popular at her school in Delaware

7.       Is coming to see him at Thanksgiving

8.       Has her own horse

9.       Never wastes her time watching TV, because she is too busy reading books

10.    Doesn’t have an answering machine

Which is just as well, because probably no one ever wants to call her, since she doesn’t watch TV, and therefore has nothing to talk about.


PE: n/a

Geometry: exercises, pages 42–45

English: Strunk and White, pages 55–75

French: ????

G&T: ????

U.S. Government: How is Darwin’s theory

applied to dev. of gov.?

Earth Science: section 2, Nature of Energetic


Friday, September 11, the Plaza

Grandmère felt so badly about having caused me to have a crying jag in the middle of the school day that she insisted on taking me to tea downstairs at the Palm to make up for it.

Of course, I knew she didn’t REALLY feel bad. I mean, she is GRANDMÈRE, after all. And there WAS press all over the place, trying to get pictures of us eating our scones with clotted cream, so that tomorrow on the front of the Post there’ll be a photo of us sitting there and a big headline that goes Tea 4 2 / Take that, EU! or FU, EU, or something.

But it was nice to sit there and eat tiny sandwiches with the crusts cut off while Grandmère nattered on about Lana’s pom-pom-shaped squeezy things and how cheap they are and how much more superior our Propriété du Palais Royal de Genovia pens are. Especially, you know, since I hadn’t gotten any lunch due to having spent all of that period in the nurse’s office with a cool cloth on my forehead.

Grandmère was being so nice on account of the whole feeling guilty thing (note to self: Can someone with borderline personality disorder feel guilt? Check on this.) that I finally just came out and went, “Grandmère, can I have Lilly and Tina and Shameeka and Ling Su over for a slumber party in my room tonight, so we can do a mock debate?” and she went, totally calmly, “Of course, Amelia.”


So, then I got on my cell phone and called them all and invited them. Mr. Taylor had to speak to Grandmère before he would let Shameeka come, to make sure there was going to be adequate supervision and all, but Grandmère carried it off like a champ. By the time she handed the phone back to me, Mr. Taylor was asking if there was anything we wanted Shameeka to bring, like a popcorn popper, or whatever.

But I assured him that the Plaza would see to all of our needs.

We sent Grandmère’s maid back to the loft to get my stuff and feed Fat Louie.

I hope he’ll be all right on his own. It’s going to be weird for him not to have Rocky around. He’s gotten very used to licking all the leftover milk from Rocky’s face every evening, as a sort of midnight snack.

Note to self:

Call Mom on cell as soon as her plane has landed and remind her to keep Rocky away from:

Hay threshers Copperhead snakes (native to Indiana, and highly poisonous) Pitchforks Black widow spiders (their bite is deadly to infants) Unpasteurized milk (salmonella) Papaw’s La-Z-Boy (Rocky could become wedged inside it and suffocate) Farm animals (E. coli) Mamaw’s tuna-potato-chip-macaroni casserole (it’s just gross) The cellar (escapee from local mental institution could be hiding there)

Friday, September 11, the Plaza, room 1620, Time ???? LATE!!!!!!!

Oh, my God, Ling Su found the coolest quiz online and brought it with her so that we can all do it and find out stuff about ourselves!!!!


DO NOT CHEAT!!! NO reading ahead…just answer the questions in order!

First, get a pen and paper. When you choose names, make sure it’s people you actually know. Go with your first instinct. DO THIS NOW!

1.       First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column.

2.       Beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want.

3.       Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of members of the opposite sex.

4.       Write anyone’s name (like friends or family) in spots 4, 5, and 6.

5.       Write down four song titles in 8, 9, 10, and 11.


Mia Thermopolis’s Answers:

1.       Ten

2.       Three

3.       Michael Moscovitz

4.       Fat Louie

5.       Lilly Moscovitz