
Page 13

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said in a rough voice. “In my bed, on your knees, hands tied behind your back so you have no choice but to take whatever I give you.”

She was ready to scream in frustration. She was so on the edge and he still hadn’t done more than remain just inside her pussy, the head nestled right at her opening. She tried to push back against him, tried to force him deeper inside her.

Her mouth fell open against the sheets when he administered a sharp smack to her ass. Then he chuckled. He laughed!

“So impatient,” he said, amusement in his voice. “We do this my way, Mia. You forget so easily. I want inside you as badly as you want me there, but I’m enjoying every second of having you tied up and in my bed. As soon as I get my dick inside you, I’m not going to last long so I’m going to savor every second.”

She closed her eyes and groaned.

He chuckled again and then pushed forward another inch, opening her wider to his advance. She sighed, tense, waiting, anticipating, her entire body quivering and clenching, her pussy sucking at his cock, wanting it deeper. She wanted all of it. She wanted him.

“You want all of me, Mia?” he asked in a husky voice that danced across her skin.

God yes.

“Yes,” she croaked out.

“I can’t hear you.”

“God yes!”

“Ask me nicely,” he said in a silky voice. “Ask me for what you want, baby.”

“I want you,” she said. “Please, Gabe.”

“You want me or you want my cock?”

“Both,” she said in a strangled voice.

“Good answer,” he murmured, just before he leaned down to brush a kiss across her spine.

His grip tightened around her bound wrists and he plunged forward. She gasped, her eyes widening, her mouth remaining open as a silent cry echoed through her head.

“Damn good answer,” he whispered closer to her ear this time.

His body covered her, blanketing her, pressing into her tied hands. She twitched, bucking upward, unable to help her desperation for more.

Never would she have imagined having so many orgasms in one night. In just a few hours! This was so insanely over-the-top, so out of the realm of even her wildest fantasies regarding Gabe that her mind was completely blown.

Finally he withdrew, dragging his cock through her swollen, slick walls, pulling until the very tip of his erection was barely perched at her opening.

“Gabe, please!”

She was begging. She sounded hoarse and desperate and she didn’t care. Didn’t care if she was breaking the rules, didn’t care if it earned her a reprimand. God, she even hoped he’d smack her ass again, because anything, anything at all at this point would send her hurtling over the edge and into oblivion.

“Shhh, my baby,” he soothed in that husky sweet voice that could make a woman come just by the sound of it. “I’ll take care of you now. Trust me to do that for you.”

“I trust you, Gabe,” she whispered.

She turned her face at that moment, just enough that she saw savage satisfaction light fire in his eyes. It was as if those simple words had hit him right in the gut. And he liked them.

Both hands went to her bound wrists, gripping, restraining them even though she had no way of moving them. Using them as a handhold, he began to thrust. Deep, hard, long thrusts.

Her entire body began to shake. Her legs went weak from the strain of holding herself up. Her knees dug into the mattress and she could feel herself inching downward, her muscles jelly as they spasmed in her impending orgasm.

Flutters rose deep in her belly, spreading, taking wing and invading her veins. He was a drug. Sliding through her body, slow and sweet, intoxicating her with heady, blissful pleasure.

Soft moans rose in the air and she realized they came from her. She was helpless to silence them. They came from somewhere deep inside her, a part of her that had been locked away until now.

Then one of his hands left her wrists and tangled in her long hair. He wrapped the tresses around his fingers as if he enjoyed the feel of the strands. Then his grip tightened and became fiercer. He tugged lightly and then he loosened his hold only to delve deeper, closer to her scalp.

His hand was fisted in her hair, and he pulled until her head was angled so he could see her face.

“Eyes, Mia.”

The command was sharp, a demand she wasn’t to disobey. Her eyes came open. She could see him in her periphery, and his expression took her breath away.

There was something savage about his features. His eyes glistened as her entire body shook with the force of his thrusts. Each time he withdrew, her head came back just a little because his hand was wrapped so tightly in her hair.

It didn’t hurt. Or maybe it did and she was too drunk off pleasure to know the difference. She was aroused by the way his hand was twisted up in her hair, how he pulled her head back so he could see her when she came.

He wanted her eyes.

And so she angled her head even further, determined he would see what he wanted, and she focused on the beauty that was his face, angular, so very masculine and contorted with immense satisfaction. Pleasure. She was giving him that.

Their gazes locked and held and there was something in his eyes that hit her deep. Like a shot to her soul. This is where she was supposed to be. This was where she belonged. Right here, in Gabe Hamilton’s bed. At his command and mercy. This is what she craved.

And it was all hers.

“How close?” Gabe said, his voice strained and edgy.

She looked at him in confusion.

He softened his voice. “How close are you to coming, baby?”

“Oh God, I’m right there,” she panted out.

“Then come for me, beautiful. Let me see it in your eyes. I love how they go all liquid and hazy. You have such expressive eyes, Mia. They’re a shot right to your soul and I’m the only damn man who gets to see them when you come. Understand?”

She nodded, the knot in her throat too big for her to speak.

“Tell me,” he said in a lower voice. “Tell me those eyes are mine.”

“They’re yours,” she whispered back. “Just yours, Gabe.”

He loosened his hand in her hair and gradually withdrew it, allowing the strands to flow over his fingers until he reached the ends. Then his hand glided down her spine, his touch warm and soothing. He curled his arm around her waist, his fingers wandering lower, to the juncture of her thighs.

He rubbed over her clit and she cried out as a bolt of electricity arced through her body.

“That’s it, baby. Let go. Let me have you. I want it all, Mia. Everything you have. It’s mine. Give it to me now.”

He began to thrust, his hips pounding against her ass as he lightly brushed his fingers over her taut clitoris.

“Oh God,” she breathed. “Gabe!”

“You learn fast, baby. My name, your eyes, when you come.”

She almost broke eye contact. Everything went blurry. She screamed his name, not recognizing her own voice. It was hoarse, loud, like nothing she’d ever heard before. It was full of need, desperate need. It was a plea for him to give her what she needed.

And he did.

He took care of her. Gave her what she wanted. What she needed.


She went hot and slick around him as he bathed her pussy in his release. No longer able to maintain eye contact, she went limp, resting her cheek on the mattress. She didn’t have the strength to keep her neck turned, even at the slight angle she’d had it. Her eyes closed and she wasn’t sure if she was even fully conscious, because she hovered on some other place. Like she was shitfaced, but in the most beautiful place in the world.

Floating. Euphoric. Completely sated.

And happy.

Utterly content.

But there was no reprimand. Just soft kisses pressed up her spine and then to her ear. Murmured words she didn’t even understand drifted softly over her ear. And then he withdrew and her protest was immediate. She was rudely yanked from her warm haze and instantly cold and bereft without him.

“Shhh, baby,” he whispered. “I need to untie you and take care of you now.”

“Mmmm,” was all she could manage.

It sounded so very nice. Him taking care of her. She was good with that.

A moment later her hands came free and Gabe took each one in turn, gently massaging them, slowly lowering each arm to the bed so she wouldn’t suffer any discomfort. Then he turned her, pulling her forward and into his arms.

He backed off the bed and then picked her up, cradling her against his chest. She was curled into a tight ball, molded to him, her arms wrapped around his neck as if she’d never let go.

God, she felt so vulnerable. So…open. She was completely shaken by what had happened tonight. She’d come expecting sex, sure. But this? This wasn’t just sex. How could a simple three-letter word that was attributed to any sort of lovemaking possibly describe the raw, fierce, explosive inferno that had just occurred?

Earth-shattering. And she’d had good sex before, but nothing ever earth-shattering.

He walked her into the bathroom and turned on the shower until steam poured from the stall. Then he carried her inside and, still holding her tightly against him, allowed her to slide down his body as the spray covered them both.

When he was sure she was steady on her feet, he separated long enough to get soap and then he proceeded to cover every inch of her body using his hands. He left no part of her untouched, uncaressed, uncared-for.

By the time he finished, she could barely keep her balance. As he moved away to step out of the shower, she nearly face planted. He lunged for her, a curse echoing in her ears. He picked her up again and then set her on the counter beside the sink while he reached for one of the folded towels on the shelf by the shower.

He enfolded her in its warmth and she sighed, leaning her forehead against his damp chest.

“I’m okay,” she murmured. “Dry off. I’ll just sit here.”

When she looked up, his mouth was quirked into a grin and his eyes gleamed with amusement. But still, he kept a cautious eye on her as he reached behind him for a towel.

He made quick work of drying his body, and she enjoyed every single second of the show. The man was fine. Gorgeous with a capital G. And his ass. She hadn’t really paid much attention to his ass because she’d always been way more focused on the front side of that particular portion of his anatomy. Because the man had a beautiful cock.

Yeah, it was weird to consider a penis beautiful because in reality they were pretty damn ugly. But Gabe’s? He was just beautifully and perfectly formed. Even his penis. She was having some pretty vivid fantasies about having it in her mouth. Tasting it. Making him every bit as crazy as he’d made her.

“What the hell are you thinking about now?” Gabe murmured.

She blinked and realized that he was in her space. He’d moved in between her legs and was looking down, his gaze inquisitive and searching as he explored her face. Heat suffused her cheeks, which was pretty stupid considering the fact that she’d just had torrid, kinky sex for the last few hours, and now she was blushing because she’d been caught thinking about giving him a blow job?

Clearly there was no hope for her.

“Do I really have to answer that?” she blurted.

He lifted an eyebrow and amusement glittered in his eyes. “Yeah, you really do. Especially now that you’ve gone all pink with embarrassment.”

She sighed and banged her forehead against his chest. “I was checking you out.”

He grasped her shoulders, pulling her away so he could look at her again. “That’s it? You were checking me out and that embarrassed you?”

She hesitated and then sighed. “You have a really gorgeous cock, okay? I was admiring it.”

He choked back his laughter. Well, almost. A strangled sound escaped his throat and she groaned.

Before she lost what remaining nerve she had, she blurted out the rest.

“And I was fantasizing about…”

She could feel her cheeks getting even hotter.

And then Gabe was up close, spreading her thighs even farther apart as he pressed into her space. He tipped her chin up with his fingers and his fierce gaze penetrated her.

“Fantasizing about what?”

“Having you in my mouth,” she whispered. “Tasting you. Making you as crazy as you’ve made me.”

His entire body tightened against her. Lust blazed in his eyes. Like an inferno.

“You’ll get your chance, baby. I can guaran-damn-tee that.”

Once again her head exploded with images. Really vivid images of her lips locked around that huge cock and licking every inch of his length.

He lowered his mouth to her lips, pressing a gentle kiss to the bow of her mouth.

“We need to get some sleep,” he murmured. “I didn’t intend…I didn’t intend to take things so far tonight. You’re going to be tired at work tomorrow.”

He said that last in an almost regretful tone. He stroked her chin and grazed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. Then he kissed her again. One of those sweet, tender kisses that was a direct contradiction to the raging out-of-control furor he’d demonstrated earlier.

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