
Page 25

“If you quit, just think of all the shoes that would cry.” It was lame. Real lame, but he’d be damned if he could type his outrage to her over the Internet. She would probably save the f**king message to show all her chat room buddies. He sneered. Oh, was she in for a surprise.

“Well, this is true. But I’m definitely looking.”

He stilled. Looking, was she? He’d see about that one.

“Well, good luck darlin’. Now I’m off. Hot date tonight.”

Nothing came back for long moments.

“All right. Goodnight.”

“Night, darlin’. Cheer up, maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll at least have more than five inches.” He growled.

“As though that can help him.” He could almost hear the haughty vibration of the words. “Where oh where have all the alphas gone? Your mothers must have breast-fed you overly long.”

“Or yours fed you venom and spice rather than sweet milk,” he typed back furiously. And he meant it.

“LOL. Good one, Wicked. Have fun for me while you’re out. Talk to you later.”

He clicked the box away. He shut down the program, damn near shaking with rage and arousal. He came to his feet, pushing his fingers ruthlessly through his hair as he clenched his teeth against his anger. Damn her. Lucifer, was he? Five inches, was he? He snarled as he stomped through the house, jerking the leather jacket from the staircase post as he headed for the door.

Miss Jaded Tally was in for one hell of a surprise.

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