The Dragon Finds Forever

Page 23

She shook her head. “Is that Pandora’s mother? Or are the girls someone else? I just met Kaley.” She laughed. “I’m Van’s rehab therapist, so I’m a little clueless as to who’s who.”

“Not to worry, love. Corette Williams is the girls’ mother, and the girls are Charisma, Marigold, and the hostess of this party, Pandora. Kaley is Cole’s daughter.”

“Oh, I see. And Cole is Pandora’s boyfriend. That much I know.”

“Righto, now you’ve got it. I think Cole’s father, Jack, is around here somewhere too.”

She was never going to remember all these names, but there probably wasn’t going to be a test either. “So you and Corette are an item. How nice!”

His grin expanded. “We are. And it is. Engaged and the whole bit. Wanted to lock that down, I did.”

A handsome older woman sidled up to them, slipping her arm through Stanhill’s. “Did I just hear you say you wanted to ‘lock me down,’ darling?”

Stanhill made a face like he’d been caught. “Speaking of the most gorgeous woman I know, here she is. My lovely partner, Corette Williams. Corette, this is Lisa. She’s here to fix up Van.”

Van snorted at that, but said nothing more.

Corette’s expression turned curious as she looked at Monalisa. “You’re a matchmaker?”

“No. I’m not fixing him up that way.” Monalisa couldn’t begin to imagine having that job. “I’m his rehab therapist.”

“Ah, I see.” Corette smiled. “You have your work cut out for you, then, don’t you? Lovely to meet you, Lisa.”

“Very nice to meet you. Your daughter has done a wonderful job on this house.”

Corette looked around. “Cole did the heavy lifting, but Pandy did the design side. They make a great team.”

Stanhill nudged her. “That reminds me, I need to talk to that boy about his intentions with Pandora. Been long enough, don’t you think?”

A mysterious gleam filled Corette’s eyes. “I do think. I also think it’s going to be remedied very soon.”

That got Van’s attention. “What do you know?”

Corette shrugged ever so slightly. “I’ve been sworn to secrecy.”

The bell-like chiming of silverware being tapped on a glass rang out above the hum of the crowd.

Everyone turned toward the living room. A tall, dark-haired man with black eyes and glasses stood in the center, a fork in one hand and a nearly empty glass of beer in the other. “If I could have everyone’s attention for a moment.”

He scanned the crowd. “Where’s Pandora?”

“I’m here,” she answered from deep in the throng.

“Well, come up here next to me.”

Monalisa leaned over to whisper to Van, “Cole?”

He nodded.

Pandora joined Cole. He slipped his arm around her waist before he began again. “We want to thank all of you for coming out tonight to help us celebrate our house being complete. It’s been a long journey and an awful lot of hard work, but I think you’ll agree with me, well worth it.”

The party guests murmured their agreement.

He smiled. “I think you’ll also agree with me about something else I believe to be well worth it.”

He set the fork and glass down, then pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket. A moment later, he disappeared from view as he bent down on one knee.

Gasps arose all around them, and Corette put her hand to her mouth, her eyes damp with happy tears.

“Pandora Williams, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?”

Pandora, who looked a little weepy herself, nodded, then squeaked out a “Yes.”

The crowd erupted in cheers. Cole jumped to his feet, picked Pandora up, and whirled her around.

Monalisa felt like she’d just witnessed something amazing, but also very personal. There were no proposals in her future, that much she knew. Not unless her father ordered a man to marry her. Which seemed highly unlikely since he’d been set on keeping men away from her since she’d turned eighteen. Not that it was much of a task. No man in his right mind would fall for her. Not when her father controlled her life the way he did.

And who could blame a man for steering clear of her? She didn’t even want the life she lived, so she understood why no one else would want to share it with her.

The proposal, for all its romance, had left her a little sad.

She glanced at Van. He was smiling and clapping along with everyone else. She did her best to shut down the pity party welling up inside her. This was a happy moment and absolutely not about her or her crappy life. Her feelings could wait until she was alone. Or maybe she’d just ignore them altogether.

Stanhill and Corette pushed their way forward to congratulate the couple.

Van threw back the remaining punch in his cup, then set it aside. “Come. You can meet Cole.”

Monalisa took his lead, downing what was left of her drink, then put on a bright smile. “Lead the way.”

“I think you had too much champagne.”

“Nyet.” Van leaned on Lisa more than he intended to, but getting up the steps was hard. And she was soft in all the right places.

The next step looked very far away. Hmm. Maybe he had had too much to drink. Even though he felt fine. Better than fine, in fact. Except for the ache in his damn leg. “Maybe too much vodka.”

She laughed softly. “Maybe.”

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