The Dragon Finds Forever

Page 28

The delicious aromas of coffee and bacon woke Monalisa, along with the hushed sound of voices. Van and Norma.

Monalisa smiled and stretched and yawned. Everything about today felt better. And not just because she’d gone to bed with Van’s kiss still warming her lips. But that probably had a lot to do with it.

And even though she knew that kiss had been the last one—it had to be—she was okay with that, because that kiss she’d taken for herself. The impulse had been so strong she’d been unable to avoid it, just like the impulse to shift and spend a few moments in her true form outside last night.

She blinked up at the ceiling, but Van’s face was all she saw.

No one had ever acted so selflessly to protect her. Yet, he had done it without a second thought. And he barely knew her.

Kissing him had been the only way she’d been able to express how deeply moving that was. Words would not have done it. Words would have only revealed how lacking her life was. How sad and pathetic and awful.

Although it didn’t feel that bad this morning.

She’d fallen asleep in his shirt, so she left it on now as she got out of bed and padded to the railing.

He was in his seat at the breakfast bar, his broad back to her, his crutches leaning on the counter. Unlike last night, he had a shirt on. But his body was no less amazing.

An indulgent smile curved her mouth at the memory. “Morning,” she called down.

Norma looked up as Van swiveled the barstool around. “Morning,” they both answered.

Norma went back to stirring some sort of batter. Bacon sizzled in a pan behind her.

Van stayed right where he was, staring up at Monalisa. He was in sweat pants and a T-shirt, both of which fit him remarkably well. And she wasn’t sure, but it seemed like he checked out her legs before meeting her eyes again. “How did you sleep?”

“Good.” So good. “No brace this morning?”

He shrugged one shoulder. “Not yet. Breakfast is almost ready.”

“I’ll be right down.” No brace could be a good sign. Maybe he was feeling better. That would be wonderful. She put on some leggings and a pair of thick socks meant for boots, then took the stairs. She fixed a cup of coffee and sat next to him, elbows on the counter as she had the first sip. Delicious. And perfect, like this day was going to be. “What are you working on over there, Norma?”

“Syrniki. They’re one of Van’s favorites.”

Monalisa shook her head. “I have no idea what that is.”

“Cheese pancakes,” Van said.

Monalisa couldn’t stop herself from making a face.

He laughed. “They are good. You’ll see.”

Norma carried two plates over. Both held stacks of small, round pancakes that were toasty brown and drizzled with red sauce and a creamy syrup. “Cottage cheese pancakes, to be exact. With jam and sweetened condensed milk. Try them. If you don’t like them, I’ll make you something else.”

“No, I’m sure they’ll be great.” They actually looked pretty good, especially the way Norma had prepared them. And there was always the side of bacon.

Van gave her a look. “Grom loves them.”

She snorted. “I’m not sure that’s a ringing endorsement. I’ve seen Grom lick his privates like it was an ice cream sundae.”

His mouth twitched like he was trying not to smile. “Syrniki are very good.”

“We’ll see.”

Van dug into his with great enthusiasm, letting out a long, loud, “Mmm” as he chewed.

Monalisa tried a bite. The jam was raspberry. And the pancakes were really good. Creamy and sweet and tender. She swallowed the mouthful. “Okay, I was wrong to be skeptical. These are great.”

“Told you,” he teased.

“Yes, you did.” She ate some more, and before she knew it, her plate was clean. “Wow, I can’t believe I ate all that.”

Norma looked up from the dishes. “You want more?”

“No, I’ll burst.”

Norma looked at Van. “I know you do.”

He held his plate out and smiled.

Norma filled it, then added a single pancake to Monalisa’s plate. “Eat, you’re too skinny.”

“I won’t be if I keep eating like this.” But she cut into it with her fork anyway.

“That’s the point.” Norma smiled. “I’m doing laundry today, Lisa, so if you have any, I’m happy to add it to the load.”

“No, I’m good. Thank you.” Even though Van had already seen her in her underwear, something about mixing them with his in the wash was far more intimate.

“All right. I’ll let Grom in, then I’ll be in the laundry room if you need me. Unless you need anything else, Van?”

“No. All good.”

“All right. Holler if you need me.” Norma went to the front door to get the dog, who came galloping in a few moments later. He walked over to Van as Norma headed to the laundry room.

Monalisa leaned toward Van, who was scratching Grom’s head. “She’s not going to spend all day in the laundry room, is she?”

“Only until the laundry is done. There’s a television in there and a nice chair. She likes to watch her stories while she works. And sometimes, she naps.”

Monalisa laughed. “That doesn’t sound so bad after all.”

“She gets her work done, so why should I care?” Van pushed his plate away and wiped his mouth. He turned his head to look at Monalisa. “I suppose you want me to walk today.”

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