The Novel Free

The Dragon Finds Forever

He put the scepter down. “I want that too.”

“I don’t have any money, or a place to stay, and I don’t have any skills, but if you’ll help me, I promise I will pay you back.”

“Of course, zolotse. I will help you with whatever you need. You can stay here.”

She shook her head. “I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful for that offer, but I don’t think that’s the best way for us to get to know each other. We’ve been forced upon each other this week, and that’s turned out okay, but I want…I need to know what it’s like to live on my own. My father’s never allowed it.”

Van nodded. “That makes sense. I believe I know a place you can rent very reasonably.”

“Thank you for understanding. And for helping.” She squinted at him. “What is that word you called me?”


She nodded.

He hesitated, looking almost sheepish. “It means my gold.”

His explanation left her speechless.

He leaned in and kissed her. “You are a treasure to me.”

She threw her arms around him in a hard embrace. “Thank you.” She’d never known anyone so kind or so concerned with what happened to her. Even if she never got free of her father, Van had shown her that there was more to life than what she’d experienced. That there was compassion in this world, not just commands.

He put his hands on her shoulders, eased her back, and gazed into her eyes. “You helped me see that retreating from the world was no way to live. And gave me purpose again. Also, my dragon side has decided it wants you very much.”

She laughed. “Oh really? Your dragon side wants a Will-o’-the-Wisp?”

He nodded. “And as you can see around you, what my dragon side wants, it usually gets. Of course, you are not just a priceless treasure, you are a person with feelings and your own mind, so if you do not want me…” He shrugged playfully.

She poked him. “I want you.” She felt her cheeks get hot. “You’re the first man I’ve ever said that to.”

“Good.” He beamed. “I would like to be the last.”

“Sure, you say that now, but wait until you get to know me.” She loved teasing him, this easy back-and-forth. It was new and fun and felt exactly like what she’d always thought falling in love would feel like.

“I will prove it.” He limped toward one of the chests filled with coins, grabbed one, and limped back. “Your father may not have given you a coin, but I will.” He held it out. “From me to you. A gift to prove my intentions are true and real.”

She stared at the coin. It wasn’t the one she’d always dreamed about, but it suddenly seemed so much better. “I don’t know what to say. You don’t have to do that. I was only teasing.”

He leaned on the crutch, still holding out the coin. “Accept it, Monalisa. A dragon doesn’t share his hoard with just anyone.”

Smiling, she took the coin. The gold was warm from his touch. “Thank you. That’s the best gift I’ve ever gotten.”

The doorbell rang, and they both looked up.

“I’ll get it.” She could get up there before he could anyway.

“Thank you.” He motioned for her to go ahead of him. “I’ll close the vault and be right behind you.”

“Okay, see you upstairs.” She took a few steps toward the door, then went back and kissed his cheek. “Thanks again.”

He grinned. “Go ahead, or I will give you everything in here.”

She laughed and ran off, getting to the door a few seconds later. She opened it to see Pandora. “Hey, how are you? Come on in.”

“Thanks.” Pandora stomped the snow off her boots before entering. “I’m good. How are you guys doing?”

“Pretty good. Van’s on his way up.”

“Great.” She unzipped her coat. “Then I can talk to you both at the same time.”

Grom came barreling up from the basement and practically knocked Pandora down. She laughed and crouched to love on him. “Hiya, Grommy, how’s my boy? Did you miss me?”

He licked her face, making her laugh some more, then took off in an excited dash around the house, brushing past Monalisa and knocking the coin from her hand.

She scooped it up, slipped it into the pocket of her jeans, and started for the kitchen. “You want some coffee or something? I was going to make another pot anyway.”

Pandora stayed by the door. “What did you just pick up off the floor?”

“Nothing.” Then, realizing Pandora might not entirely trust her yet, Monalisa backtracked. “A coin. Van gave it to me. You can ask him when he comes up.”

Pandora stood, her expression bright. “Is that from his hoard?”

“Y-yes. But like I said, he gave it to me, so—”

“Holy cats. He means business.”

“What? Why?”

Pandora’s eyes widened a little. “That is a coin from his hoard. Dragons don’t give up parts of their hoard to just anyone. He’s serious about you to give you that. Like, thinking-about-the-future serious.”

The weight of the coin in Monalisa’s pocket became a palpable thing. “Should I…what should I do?”

“Do you like him that way too?”

She nodded. “I do. I really do.”

“Then nothing. Hang on to it. It’s kind of like a dragon promise ring.”