The Novel Free

The Professor Woos The Witch

She just didn’t think she could hold a spell this heavy with one hand. But she had to try. She inched one hand toward her purse.

Lila’s right eyelid twitched.

Bother. The door to the master bedroom was a few feet away. Maybe she could hold the spell long enough to get in there and shut the door.

“Let…me…go,” Lila mumbled.

“Sure. That sounds like a good idea.” Sweat trickled down the back of Pandora’s neck. Actually, talking made it easier. Maybe because then Lila wasn’t fighting the spell so much. She shuffled back toward the master bedroom door. “What were you trying to cast on me anyway?”


“And here we thought you were prepping that for Cole.” Pandora thought about that for a moment as her fingers went numb. She made a little more progress toward the door. “So you were going to bond to whatever’s in me that works with Cole’s familiar spirit?”

“Yes,” Lila hissed.

“I have to say, we did not see that coming.” Wait until she told her family. And Gertrude. Pandora’s wrists throbbed with pain, and she started to feel sick to her stomach. At best she had another thirty seconds in her. Maybe twenty. Time to make her move. “Well, wish I could say it was nice talking to you, but you’re an awful human being, a really crappy witch and a real turd of a mother.”

The freezing spell dissolved. Pandora leaped into the master bedroom as Lila reared back to cast the ashes forward again. Pandora got the door shut and locked just in time.

Lila howled in frustration.

Pandora collapsed against the door, panting and feeling faint. She flexed her fingers, trying to get the feeling back. She knew she needed to call for help, but if her fingers weren’t working, that was going to make using her phone tricky. Why hadn’t she set up voice command dialing? If she lived through this, she was doing that first thing.

On the other side, Lila muttered the words of a new spell. Based on the few words Pandora could make out, Lila was trying to funnel the ashes under the door.

Pandora took a few deep breaths of ash- and magic-free air while she could and went for her phone. “You really need to give up, Lila. Those ashes aren’t going to do a thing.”

Lila kept chanting the spell in a voice too quiet for Pandora to make out.

She brought her phone to life and saw a text message from Cole that caused new panic to rise within her.

Lila might have the real feather by accident.

Nausea made liquid pool in Pandora’s mouth. If that was true, she was in serious danger. She swallowed against the panic clawing her throat.

Magic might once again take the man she loved.

Hell no. She was not about to let that happen twice. Not without a fight.

A thin curl of ash wormed beneath the door.

Pandora held her breath, screwed up her courage and prepared to do battle.

Cole’s fear turned to anger when he saw Pandora’s Mercedes parked outside the old house. “Stay here,” he said to Corette.

“I think not.”

They both jumped out of his truck at the same time. Cole tried the front door, but it was locked. He threw his shoulder against it, driven by the burning need to save the woman he loved. The frame splintered, and the door gave way.

He raced into the house. “Pandora!”

“Cole!” The voice was muffled, but definitely Pandora’s.

As he skidded to a stop in the small living room, he could see clearly down the hall.

Lila stood in front of a closed door, hands outstretched, focused intently on whatever she was mumbling.

Corette thrust her hands out and yelled something.

Lila jerked like a rag doll and hit the rear wall. She got to her feet, scowling. “Stay out of this, witch.”

“Not when my daughter’s in the balance.” Corette closed one fist and pulled it toward her.

Lila was dragged in their direction, nails raking down the hall. “Let go of me.”

Corette yanked forward again until Lila was out of the hall. She held Lila in place and turned to Cole. “Get Pandora.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. He ran down the hall and opened the only closed door.

Pandora was crumpled against the wall, phone in one hand. Her skin was pale and she was trembling. She lifted the phone a few inches off the floor. “I tried to call.”

He pulled her into his arms and lifted her, holding her close to his chest. “I’m here now.”

“Yes, you are.” She slumped against him.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“Nope. I’m pretty good. Just magically hungover.” She exhaled a long breath. “How’d you find me?”

“Your mother. Something about a locating spell.”

Pandora let out a weak laugh. “The witchy version of your GPS app.”

“Apparently.” He carried her into the living room.

Lila was now sprawled on the floor.

Cole’s brows shot up, and he looked at Corette. “Is she…”

“No, she’s not dead.” Corette smiled. “Sleeping Beauty spell. She’ll be out for twenty-four hours. Sheriff Merrow’s on his way, and I’ve also called our local ACW rep.”

“Nicely done.” The Williams women were not to be messed with. “You should know that Kaley thinks she might have accidentally given Lila the real feather.”

“That’s all right. It might even be better. Those ashes will become evidence, and if they’re fully potent, that will only make our case stronger.” Corette brushed the hair off Pandora’s forehead. “How are you, my darling?”