The Novel Free

The Shifter Romances The Writer

“Got it. Lots of water. Starting with this one.” Roxy collected her receipt, then she and Delaney walked out together.

They stopped under the awning. They’d been in the spa for almost four hours, and during that time, the sky had gone gray. A light drizzle fell.

“Perfect writing day,” Roxy said.

Delaney stretched. “I’m so glad I don’t have to go back to the shop today. I love it, but the way I feel, I just want to go home, snuggle up with my husband and continue to pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist.”

“That sounds lovely.” It did. But it also made Roxy the tiniest bit melancholy. She had no one to snuggle with. Maybe she should get a dog. Or a cat.

Or an Alex.

She shook her head at her own thoughts.

“What?” Delaney asked.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“No, but you shook your head.”

“Just…” No reason not to be truthful. “Just thinking about Alex.”

Delaney’s eyes lit up.

Roxy raised her hand. “No. Don’t even go there.”

Delaney pressed her lips firmly together, but couldn’t keep herself from smiling. “Whatever you say.”

“Good. Because I say I’m not ready. I’m not even officially divorced yet.”

“Rox, I gotta tell you. The more you say that, the more it sounds like an excuse. You’ve been separated from Thomas for almost a year and a half. No one considers you married to him anymore. I think you’re scared.”

Roxy opened her mouth to protest, but Delaney didn’t give her a chance. “And you know what? It’s okay to be scared. Who wouldn’t be after what you went through? But don’t let fear ruin the possibility of what might be. You know what I mean? Alex is not Thomas. He’s a great guy. You couldn’t ask for better. Just…don’t shut him out entirely. I think seeing what could happen with a guy like him, a guy so opposite of Thomas, could be really good for you.”

Roxy nodded. “I get it. I do. And I am afraid. But I’m also just not ready.”

Delaney smiled, but there was disappointment in her eyes. “You know I just want you to be happy.”

“I know.” Roxy hugged her friend. “Tell Hugh I said hi.”

“Tell him yourself.” Delaney tipped her head at the sleek Jaguar that pulled up. “He’s here.”

Hugh Ellingham, Delaney’s gorgeous husband, hopped out of the car, umbrella in hand, and came around to open Delaney’s door.

“Must be nice,” Roxy said.

Delaney grinned as he helped her in. “It is. Very nice.”

Roxy gave Hugh a little wave. “Hi.”

He nodded back. “Hello, there. Nice to see you.”

“You too.”

He shut Delaney’s door then turned to Roxy and lifted the umbrella. “Can I walk you to your car?”

“Sure—oh, crud. I just realized I left my earrings on the counter in the dressing room. Thank you so much, but you go ahead.”

“All right then.”

She waved at Delaney and ran back in. Her earrings were right where she’d left them. She scooped them up and went back outside.

She stood a moment under the awning, waiting for the rain to let up and thinking about Hugh and Delaney. How amazing it would be to have that kind of relationship.

The drizzle wasn’t getting any better, so she ducked her head and ran to her car. She got in as quickly as she could, but had to wipe rain out of her eyes. Oh well. She was already covered in a bunch of different lotions and potions, what was a little rain water? And her car could totally use a bath.

Her thoughts went from Hugh and Delaney to Alex. Had he found anything out yet? She pulled her phone out and turned it back on now that she was out of the spa.

While she waited for it to start up, she glanced into her rearview mirror to look for cars behind her and went very still as she saw the back window. The rain had washed some of the words away, but enough of it was still readable, etched into the grime.

Have fun?

Alex woke to the ringing of his cell phone. He grabbed it off the nightstand without opening his eyes, a reflex born of years of being on call. He mumbled, “Cruz,” and waited for Birdie to fill him in on whatever emergency required his attention.

“Alex, it’s Roxy. Thomas followed me to the spa.”

Alex sat up, wide awake. “Are you okay?” She’d sounded stressed. The exact opposite of how she should sound after her spa day.

“Yes, I’m fine. Just shaken up.”

“Where are you?”

“Home. I didn’t actually see him at the spa. He wrote something in the dirt on my car window.” She hesitated, then blurted, “I feel like I’m being watched. That’s probably just my nerves, though. This is really freaking me out.”

“On my way over. Don’t answer the door for anyone else.”

“Okay. Thank you. I won’t.”

“You got it.” He hung up and got dressed, glad he’d showered before hitting the sack. He threw on jeans and a T-shirt. For a second, he thought about taking his off-duty weapon, but Thomas was a human. Alex wouldn’t need a gun to take the man down. Even if Thomas had a weapon, Alex was a shifter. It would take more than a bullet to stop him. That decided, he raced over.

He stood on her porch and checked the street in both directions. A steady drizzle had turned the day gray and dreary. No pedestrian traffic. No suspicious cars. But maybe the rain had sent Thomas back to wherever he was staying. Alex knocked. “Roxy, it’s me, Alex.”