The Novel Free

Vampire Vacation

Together we traipse downstairs, the animosity a palatable thing hanging in the air between us. We've only got a little time before Asa comes in and I need to either smooth things over or alter the dynamics of the group.

"Jon, I appreciate your help in suite six," I say. "Do you really need to meet Asa or can it wait till later?"

"Vivian! This is important! Why would you so callously push aside a powerful servant when meeting a possible adversary? You need me to showcase your strength."

Okaaaay, where the hell did that come from? Christ, he's acting like a spurned lover in front of a new man. I can't handle all this prima donna bullshit right now. Tact has never been a trait I'm good at, but I do try my best.

"Jon, I think you raise a very good point." Yeah, validation should work, right? "But I do not think a show of strength is what we need right now. This young man has been sent to help us. I need to treat him with respect." Time to do my spin-doctor routine. "If he truly could be a threat, don't you think it would be wise of me to withhold some of my aces for when they are needed? Never underestimate the element of surprise."

The fight goes out of him and his shoulders relax. "That's a good point." We reach the lobby floor and he grunts. "Okay, I hate to admit it, but I guess my leaving would be smart in this case." Decision made, he walks away, down past the front desk and takes a small hall leading toward a back exit, tossing over his shoulder as he goes, "Call me if you need me."

Rafe rolls his eyes. Yeah, that'll be the day, furball.

Cut him some slack, love, I do need him. I just don't need him like he wants.

You want me to stay or go?

I'm fine with whatever you decide, but we do need to check on the guests and the hotel this morning. I'm going to be tied up with Asa for a bit. Would you mind handling some of the minutia stuff some time today?

Sure thing, babe. Rafe's calm, unruffled voice fills my mind, soothing me. I'll inspect the third-floor rooms for the tour and make sure we don't let both dungeon rooms get reserved before noon. That was where you wanted Liam and Francesca to wind up, right?

Yes, and thanks. We'll catch up in an hour, 'kay?

Rafe angles to the front desk, and I head over to the sitting area to wait for Asa. Lowering myself onto a plush couch, I lean over to grab a house phone and call Paul in the kitchen. Going on a hunch, I order refreshment for Asa and settle in to wait for him.

Within five minutes, Paul carries in a tray, bearing a stainless steel carafe and two white porcelain mugs, one already filled halfway with black coffee. He sets everything on the low table in front of me and smiles. "Anything else for you, Viv?"

"No, I'm good. Thanks."

Paul heads back to his domain and I can tell by his jaunty step, he's feeling better than he did when I passed him outside the gym earlier. I reach forward, grab the half-filled mug and let the delectable coffee aroma fill my nose before taking a long, slow sip.

"Mmm, good stuff."

The front door opens and in walks a tall, handsome young man. I set my mug back down and rise to greet him properly. He slowly scans the room, side-to-side, and top to bottom. I bet he's not missing a single detail in his perusal of the lobby. The click-clack of my boot heels striking the wood draws his steely-eyed gaze my way.

His shaved head reminds me of the military, as does his ramrod posture and neatly pressed clothes. He's wearing black fatigues, a tight black t-shirt with a beat-up, army-issue jacket. Holy crap, I think I see the butt of a gun peaking out of a shoulder holster. The combat boots on his feet scream, I'm a macho guy, and I can't help but wonder what he's got stashed in all those damn pockets on his pants. I wouldn't doubt he'd have a hand grenade in one of 'em.

"Hello Asa, welcome to The V V Inn. How was your flight?"

Cool, gray eyes appraise me and he nods in greeting. "Long, but I'm glad to be here. Cy told me of your trouble. I hope I can help."

"Come, take a seat," I motion back the way I came. "I can fill you in on what we've learned since I spoke to Cy. Coffee?"

His whole face lights up and I see a dimple peeking out of his right cheek. "Thanks."

I pour from the carafe into the extra mug, and the unmistakable scent of fresh blood spills out with the coffee. "You'll need more nutrition to stay up 'round the clock. I thought a little burst when you got here would be good."

"Ahh, I can see why you've done so well in this business over the years. You anticipate before the need is even known, the sign of an excellent hostess."

Well, he's surprising me a bit as well. He's obviously traveled a bit and done some homework on me before he arrived.

"Well, thank you. I knew a bit of blood would never be turned down. Now let me catch you up on all that has happened since nine o'clock last night..."

Asa finishes his third cup, placing the mug on the low table in front of us.

"I think you've been around long enough to know the complexities behind tampering in someone's head. I'm more inclined to believe you should trust your gut on this one," he states.

I'm liking him more and more by the minute. The fact he didn't interrupt me in my retelling was key. I can't stand it when men don't let me finish a sentence.

"How would you explain the different scent in the room?" I ask.

"I would think being bound in silver and starved for years would change just about everything in a vampire. Not many could survive and remain sane."

"You're assuming they were sane when they were imprisoned. I don't think that's always the case."

"I'd like to listen in when you call the tribunal, if I may?" His voice sounds tentative.

I appreciate he's not assuming and didn't come in here all "bold as brass". Either Cy told him the best way to handle me or Asa's got a really good head on his shoulders. Bluster and loud arrogance will make me boot his ass back to New York faster than blood will have a chance to congeal in the coffee pot.

"Yes, Asa, we'll have you in on all aspects of the investigation as we move forward." I stand up and wait for him to follow. "I thought a tour of the main building would be in order and we can talk more along the way."

"Sounds good, thanks." He rises to follow and the gun winks out at me again.

"That gun you have is a surprise. Do you find you need it much after you turned?"

His face goes flat with no hint of an expression leaking in. "I have found my aim and ability with it is unmatched after my change, and that a silver bullet to the skull can slow down anyone."

"Good point, but a bullet won't kill a vampire."

"It can detain one long enough for me to run him down and behead him."

I sharpen my gaze on him at that statement. He'd have made a good enforcer for the tribunal with such cold detachment, but I wonder...

"How many vampires have you beheaded since you've been undead?"

His face relaxes. He dips his head down and looks over at me sideways as we walk across the lobby to the east wing. "None yet, but I've had to shoot some at the club and use silver cuffs to detain them for Cy. He doesn't think killing them is good for business."

I laugh at the understatement and motion ahead of us with my hand. "Up ahead through those doors is a vestibule overlooking the pool. Care to go in or would you like to look around later on your own after I give you a basic rundown?"

I have no desire to subject myself to Mikey in front of him, but I'll be damned if I say it out loud. I'm sorry, as a joke my husband has trained the parrot to attack me on sight? Ugh, freakin' kill me now.

"No, I'll go by later, I know it's a big place and I don't need a room-by-room tour right now. Besides, I like to explore on my own." His mouth turns up in a genuine smile.

I bet he likes the idea of the solitude he could get in a place like this, as opposed to the Manhattan club scene. Yeah, I don't blame him for wanting out of that. It wouldn't be my speed either.

We change direction and walk back across the vaulted area of the lobby to pass the front desk. Asa comments as he looks up at the chandelier, "I noticed from the air, this main building is laid out like a giant T-shape, but with all equal segments coming from the central junction. Correct?"

"Yes, the main lobby is the hub and all the wings branch off from here like arms. We're heading into the north-facing wing, or bottom arm of the T now." We walk down the six-foot-wide, red carpet runner, with dark wood peeking out on either side. The cream wainscoting on the lower half of the wall blends seamlessly into the detailed molding that divides it from the upper wall, which boasts a soft, pale yellow.

"This first door to the left leads to the gym." I nod my head at it. "The one on the right is a dojo or sparring room." We continue on down the hall that ends in an exit sign about sixty feet farther ahead. "Here," I gesture to the left, "is the media room, where we screen movies daily. The last room to the right is the game room. You know, pool tables, Ping-Pong, air hockey, foosball, that kind of thing."

I pause in speaking and turn my head to face him. "So, Asa," I decide it can't hurt to ask, "how did you get out of the military after you turned?"

He hesitates in his stride, but doesn't miss a beat. "I didn't, ma'am. I had to go AWOL for a bit and then fake my own death."

Oh, is that all? My hand reaches for the locking bar on the metal fire door. I push it open and lead him outside into the hot tub grotto.

"That had to have been hard." The biting cold whips my long hair back and I stifle a shudder as I step out on to the paved path.

I wonder about Asa's age and family background. He hasn't been undead for long and his parents and siblings may still be alive. His Aunt Cali may be the only one who knows he didn't die overseas. What would I have done in his situation? What did I do, come to think of it? It's been so long, only flashes leak in here and there when I try to remember. At times, I think I've suppressed almost as much as I remember about my life. I wish more for this young vampire.

Waving again with my arm, I encompass the whole area in a swift gesture, "Bunch of hot tubs out here. Oh, and the shed with the dead John Pierre locked up inside."

Asa lets out a bark of laughter behind me. "Man, Cy wasn't kidding with how abrupt you can be."

I stop and spin around to face this young whip of a vampire. Good God, by my standards, he's barely out of fledgling status!

"There are a lot of things Cy doesn't know about me, and lots of things he assumes he knows." Deciding in a split second to take no more chances with this pup, I do what I often do; act first and think later. Instinct is just that. Instinct.

Reaching out, I brush against his cheek. The cold has not touched either of us yet and he still feels passably warm. His thoughts and desires are like golden serpents tumbling over one another with no head and no tail. I touch on the largest coil, feeling his want push against my power.

He loved the military and feels lost without it. His strong desire to protect and serve for the greater good of his country had not diminished during his five tours overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan.

An unbelievable feat in itself.

Asa wants, more than anything, to be back doing what he was doing. Protecting others for the greater good. I remove my hand from his face and continue on the path that will lead us to a side entrance up by the dining room.

"What the hell was that? Why did you touch me just now?" Asa demands.

I smile as I use my keycard and pull open the door to the dining room. "What was what? A lady can't touch a handsome man when he's standing in front of her?" I toss a playful glance over my shoulder, trying to diffuse his mistrust and redirect while stepping into the warm air.

I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that Asa would make an excellent security addition to the resort. Rafe will be thrilled. Now, I just have to accept it.

The young vampire follows me into the hotel and addresses the issue, yet again. "You trying to tell me that touch meant nothing?"

Damn, he's a wily bastard. I need to be extra careful around the smart ones.

"No, I'm just not going to answer you." I grin wickedly. "It's my prerogative. As of today, I am paying your salary."

A loud throat clearing brings us both around. "Morning, mate," Tommy gets up from a nearby table, offering his hand to Asa. "I'm Tommy. Work the front desk."

The stiff demeanor of the former military man doesn't bend. He extends his own hand in polite response. "Hi, I'm Asa."

Once they shake hands, I note Tommy's eyes open a bit in surprise. He knows what it means if Asa's hand is cooler, even though we came in from the outside. The fact that we both weren't wearing coats is a big tip-off too.

Tommy looks in my direction, raising an eyebrow. "Guess Asa won't be staying out in the employee apartments with the rest of us?"

"No, he won't, good guess. Asa will be close to the main building staying in one of the cabins."

Asa scratches his head and snorts, "Cabins? No, I'll stay in the main building or all bets are off and I leave."

Jeesh! He sure is a pushy thing. I hear Paul start to choke on his coffee in the kitchen. Damn, that jerk's laughing at me.

Remaining calm on the surface, I keep my face blank. "We can discuss things with Rafe. Nothing's set in stone. Let's continue on the tour." Without a backward glance, I head into the kitchen, expecting Asa to follow. Which, of course, he does. If I could kick the smiling Paul on my way past him, I would. That would make me look childish though, so I refrain.

"Our apartment is through here." Unlocking the door, I lean into the wood with my shoulder. "And there's another area I'd like to show you as well."

The door closes behind him and I'm glad I don't have to look at the astonished looks of Tommy and Paul any longer. In the years they've both worked here, we've never had a vampire employee. I'm betting the gossip will spread like wildfire through the ranks in no time.

"Love, is that you?" Rafe's voice calls out from our office.

He knows very well it's me. Rafe is calling out so our guest doesn't know the extent of our bond. I'm not concerned about it anymore, having made up my mind. But apparently someone is.

"Yes, Rafe, it is. I've got Asa with me. Giving him a quick tour."

We hear Rafe moving around in the far end of the suite as Asa and I move through the living area and enter the kitchen.

Rafe comes from the hall and the three of us meet by the rough, hand-hewn table in the center of the room. They make their introductions to each other, then Rafe asks, "Taking him down to the basement next?"

"Yes, care to join us?" I say, already knowing his response.

Rafe walks over to the coffee pot and pours himself a full mug. "No, I'm good. Still catching up on some paperwork."

You showing him everything down there? Rafe inquires. Or just the basics?

In for a penny, in for a pound.

"This way, Asa." I lead him out to the hall and through a door leading to the basement. I start down the stairs, flipping light switches as I go.

We descend the stairs and enter the room where Rafe and I had hot monkey sex last night. Ah, good times.

"How did you manage this basement with the permafrost?"

"Good question! You are the sharp one, eh?" I walk across the room to the workbench, turn, and lean back to face him as he approaches me. "Fire, and lots of it, all summer long. It was the only way to get through and make the foundation deep enough."

"Must be nice when money is no object."

"I wouldn't agree." Reaching up behind me to the pegboard, my fingers brush the antique hammer from Rafe's father.

Dria, you sure this is a good idea?

No, I'm not. I'll have to kill him if I'm wrong.

I grasp the handle and swing it away from the pegboard. The wall in the corner, right next to where I held on to the rafters, slides open to the left.

Asa's shock comes through in his next words. "Holy shit, did that wall just open?"

I launch my body across the space between us and before he can think skippity-doo-dah, my hands are around his throat and I'm lifting him off his feet. His eyes bug, both of his hands come up trying to pry my grip from beneath his jaw.

"You can't go forward from this point, lad. Not without some conditions. We're at the spot where you swear allegiance to me or I rip your head off and bury you in the north corner. Which is it to be?"