The Novel Free

Vampire Vacation

"Olivia, only you can determine which man is right for you." My patience runs thin. It has been a hectic morning and now dealing with her indecision frustrates me.

"Drew was just so incredible last night that I'm starting to rethink my position." She looks up, wistfulness and hope sparkling in her eyes.

I don't have the time for this anymore. The tour with Asa was rushed. Rafe had to take over to help me out so I could meet Olivia in time for tea. What I envisioned would be a mini-lesson in how to seduce a man has turned into a microscopic pick-apart of last night and I feel like screaming. At heart I'm not a good girly-girl.

I steal a look at my wrist, confirming the time creeps closer to noon. "Well, darling, while I would love to chat about this longer, I'm sorry to say that I can't." Liar, liar, pants on fire. "I have to meet guests for a private tour of the third-floor rooms."

"Oh, those rooms sound like fun. Can I come?" She sounds like she expects me to say yes. Poor thing, I hope I can let her down easy without ruining the girlfriend camaraderie I've spent so long cultivating.

"This one's a private request, dear, so I'm sorry, but no. Not this time. But tours are given throughout the day, so you can check with the front desk and they can set you up."

We make our farewells, kissing on the cheeks, like old friends. She's good at heart and does deserve happiness. I hope I can help her find it before she leaves. Heading over to the staircase, I spot Rafe coming out of the dining room.

You're a sight for sore eyes. That tea seemed to go on forever.

That one's all you. Rafe's amusement comes through loud and clear. You're the one who suggested it last night.

Yes, yes, I know. Does that mean I can't regret it and bitch every now and then?

We're face to face now at the bottom of the steps and I stand up on my tiptoes to kiss him gently on the lips. I'd rather be naked in bed with him and he knows it. That's not to say we aren't going to enjoy the next hour, but still, I have my preferences.

Rafe breaks the kiss and takes my hand as we head up to the third floor.

How did things go with Asa? I ask.

Not bad. He's real intense about security and has a lot of great ideas.

Peachy. Sounds like you're on board with the command center idea I had to hear about for forty-five minutes?

We clear the first landing and continue up to the next one. The warmth from his fingers seep into my hand and courses up my arm. I run my other hand along the smooth railing, smelling the wood polish freshly applied to the banister.

We need to get Asa a room, pronto, or he's going to camp out in our living room until we catch Ivan, Rafe says.

My head whips around at that. You finally accept that I'm right and that it's Ivan?

I don't doubt what you saw in Sheba's mind. I question the fact it really is him if the scents didn't match up. Some other vamp could have put those images conveniently into Sheba's head.

He sees my face losing the happy calm look I had after our kiss and rushes head on.

But Asa believes you and that's the premise he's working from. If we have a madman loose on the premises, he wants to find him and keep us safe.

We reach the last landing and look around for the guests we're supposed to meet. I try to pull free from his grasp so that I can head toward room sixteen, one of the dungeon rooms.

"Wait." Rafe holds on to my hand and gives me a gentle tug back. "Have you tried to reach out and touch Ivan's mind yet?"

I wondered when he'd get around to thinking of that. "Yes, and no luck." His face clears and he looks relieved. "That doesn't mean it isn't him. It means his mind has been altered after the torture of his imprisonment." I've seen, first-hand, how that can happen. I've been there when the tribunal releases a vampire from imprisonment. Sometimes, death is the kindest option.

By the expression on Rafe's face, I can see my explanation is an idea he's not yet ready to accept. Our guests will be here any moment, and I realize I'm grossly overdressed for the tour. Reaching to remove my turtleneck sweater, I focus back on the here and now. The cashmere slides up and my Merry Widow-covered nipples harden when the air hits them. I toss the sweater at Rafe and reach behind me to unzip my suit skirt. As it shimmies down my hips, I step out of the fabric and spread my boot-covered thighs into a wider stance. "Ah, much better."

Impeccable timing being my forte, Liam and Francesca round the corner and head down the hall towards us.

I look back at Rafe and lower my voice. "We'll talk more later, hon, okay?"

Rafe moves closer to me and reaches out his free hand to run it down my hip, curving around to my backside. "Oh, that's fine by me. This is going to be fun." He gives me a playful smack on the rump. "You can count on it."

"Liam, Francesca," I call out in cheerful voice, "so good to see you again. How was your first night here?"

"The hotel's fantastic. Its reputation is well-earned," Liam answers.

He looks well rested and content. Good, exactly the right frame of mind to try something new.

"Are we starting here in the north wing or in the east one?" he asks.

I grin. He has no idea he's not going to see any other rooms. "We'll start in here," I reply. "I'm sure there is bound to be something you'll like."

Liam's eyes take in my outfit in a slow perusal from head to foot. "This doesn't look like standard inn-keeper attire. Although I have to admit, it looks good on you."

"Glad you like it. I have something similar in store for Francesca."

"You mean there are clothes in there I can borrow?" Francesca asks with a high pitch to her voice.

"Oh yes, something for everyone." I give her a playful wink in return.

Francesca's eyes dilate in excitement. Her breathing comes in and out fast, in short bursts. She looks like she's already turned on. Either Liam was a busy man before they headed up here, or she's anticipating the tour so much she has worked herself up to this on her own.

Without further ado, Rafe sweeps his key card down the lock and opens the door. I turn and lead the three of them inside. "Step into my parlor..."

Rafe finishes for me, "Said the spider to the fly."

My boot heels rap sharply on the late tile floor, echoing up and bouncing off the matching tiled walls. There's no fabric in here to cushion and absorb sound so every nuance appears amplified. Twinkling lights from the black ceiling lend an air of mystique. The dancing shadows from the pre-lit candles make the whole space come alive with movement.

"Fabulous!" cries Francesca. She runs a hand over a wooden rack with silver-lined cuff restraints as she walks by.

Liam's cool demeanor is gone-a spark of equal excitement lights deep in his blue eyes. His rugged face turns up in a small smile while he watches his mate get animated in her pleasure. Francesca lingers over each item, appearing to get caught up in a spell that she alone is weaving.

I nod to Rafe and he walks over to a corner where a large dressing screen stands. He steps behind it and I know he's stashing my clothes there as well as removing some of his own. In the time it takes for Francesca to discover the silver shackles hanging on the empty back wall, Rafe emerges from behind the screen.

My lover stands still, shirtless and wearing a black leather hood. The sculpted muscles of his chest bunch beneath his taut skin like an animal about to pounce. Rafe's snug jeans ride low on his body. The kissable angles of his hips create a line that points straight to his fly. I look up to see the mask hiding his facial features from view and feel heat pool low in my middle. I want him right now and damn the fact that we aren't alone.

Francesca's fascination with the silver restraints on the wall have made her miss Rafe's entrance, but not for long.

I walk over to her and pick up one of the cloth-lined shackles. "Would you do me the honor?"

Her gaze whips up to meet my eyes. "Really? You'd let me bind you here?" Her excitement comes off her in palpable waves. Her face flushes and her lips part. I bet her panties are damp at just the thought of tying up a vampire.

"But, of course, I know a guest would never try to harm me," I reassure her, but in actuality, I know no such thing.

That's the real reason Rafe is here; he'd never allow me to do this without being close by to protect me. The fact that I could easily control their thoughts doesn't matter to him. In essence, it's a small thing to ease his mind on so I don't argue.

I step up to the wall and raise my arms up for the cuffs dangling from the stone on both sides above my head. Shaking my long hair down my back, I spread my legs and push my ass out on display. Liam comes closer to watch as Francesca binds my left wrist in place.

"You aren't in pain from the silver?" His voice holds honest curiosity.

"No, the cuffs are lined, see?" I angle my bound arm to give him a good look inside the metal circle.

Liam grunts. "Interesting."

He reaches out and runs a hand along the silver chain attaching to the cuff to the wall. The soft hiss of searing vampire flesh and the pungent aroma of singed hair wafts up to greet me. He removes his hand quickly and the smell dissipates while the small burn heals. Francesca moves to the other side and repeats the process on my right wrist, securing it as well.

Flexing my arms, I try to pull the thick chains from the wall. The silver negates my vampire strength. The chains don't budge and my point is made. I have nothing to fear with my spouse here, but any vampire would be helpless in this position. Takes a lot of trust for one of us to voluntarily submit. I think the rewards are worth it; hopefully Liam will agree in a few moments.

Looking over my shoulder, I can better see all the players in the room. Francesca takes a step back to admire her handiwork. Rafe chooses that moment to come forward, causing her to jump back a bit at the sight of him.

"Whew! You surprised me. Where did you get the hood?" she says.

Rafe pulls himself into the scene and speaking right now would shatter the fragile spell. He jerks his head to indicate the direction of the screen but walks straight past her like she doesn't exist. The couple retreats a few feet, but they're still close enough to see the action clearly.

Rafe comes behind me, stepping between my spread legs. The rough seam of his jeans brushes up against my ass as he leans in to my neck. The rustle of the leather mask is faint as he pushes it up to bare his mouth. My hair is pushed aside by a gentle hand. Hot breath warms the skin of my neck. A wet tongue traces the large vein and I moan at the sensations tumbling through me. Wetness soaks the small cotton scrap of my panties and the scent of my arousal rises in the air.

Pushing my bottom out more, I try to grind up against the hardness I feel in his pants. Rafe steps away, wanting none of that. He wanders over to the items hanging beyond the shackles and chooses a leather crop.

"Oh my, Vivian, I had no idea the extent of the tour we'd be getting today. Bravo." Liam's voice sounds neutral but slightly taunting.

Men have an obvious "tell." I can see the rise in his pants, which contradicts the tone in his voice quite nicely.

"Shh...I want to watch," his wife says.

Francesca doesn't miss Liam's erection either. She snakes a hand down and starts to massage the impressive bulge through his pants. Her movements are gentle and teasing. Enticing the strong master vampire to do as she requests with her actions while watching quietly.

Rafe's calloused hands guide my body into the position he desires. Turning my face to the wall, I can no longer see everyone. I rest my forehead against the cool, slate of the wall and wait. A hand runs between my open legs to test my dampness. A guiding touch on my hips tilts my round cheeks up a bit more.

The flat tip of the leather crop runs up the left side of my body, over my shoulders, and down the other side, stopping at my right knee. There's a shuffling behind me. The crop sings through the air a split second before the crack of it hitting my backside resounds throughout the room.

I whimper and push back toward the crop, asking for more.

The sing and smack of the crop fires off in a rapid three-shot staccato. A loud moan escapes my lips and the skin on my ass feels like it's on fire. A gentle touch in a circular motion rubs the sting away. My treacherous hips undulate in time with the caress.

A finger passes under the material in the crack of my bottom and slides down to the wetness between my legs. Glorious pressure pushes a thick digit into me and swirls. Wet sucking noises accompany the attention as I clench my inner walls around the invading presence. The pressure withdraws, moving past my opening to circle my erect clit.


A warm, solid hand makes contact with one cheek while the teasing pressure on my center drives me higher. Both hands leave my body and I pull against the chains, reaching back, eager to be touched.

"Please, just a little more?" I look back over my shoulder and see Rafe removing his hood. Dammit. Playtime is over. Now that I'm good and aroused, he's going to start "lecture mode."

"Francesca, would you like to try?" Rafe holds the crop handle out to her and beckons her closer. "You know you can't hurt her. Give it a shot."Francesca reaches out a well-manicured hand, taking the crop from him while moving forward. Her body language is eager with anticipation and Liam watches her with heat in his eyes. Oh yeah, he's intrigued, in spite of himself.

She approaches me to my left, angling her body to the side as she looks back at Rafe. "Like this?"

Her arm goes back and whips quickly forward. A loud thwack! echoes throughout the room.

Biting down on my lip, I struggle to hold in my sounds of pleasure. I'm trying to tune out the feelings now that Rafe's no longer doing the swinging. This part, when a stranger wields the crop, is always hardest for me.

"Yes, yes. Very good," Rafe encourages. "You'll be a pro in no time."

Francesca's lips part, her tongue snaking out to wet them. Two bright pink spots appear on her cheeks.

"I want to do another."

With only her words as warning, I brace myself for the next strike. The crop zings through the air and lands across both globes at once.


My back arches and I crumple forward to lean on the cold stone tile. My nipples strain against the fabric of my undergarment. I push and rub the peaks in a swaying motion across the rock. Clamping my legs together, I thrust my hips forward, appearing to almost dance with the wall. My body searches, seeking a release from the frenzied build-up from the crop.

Dear God, Rafe, that was a good one. Save me or I'll be screaming a peak soon.

Rafe comes forward and takes the slight tool from her hand.

"Very good. You have to always keep sight of the pleasure of the one bound. I think Vivian has had enough for today."

He places the crop back on the wall and moves to the shackles holding me in place. Unlocking one, he raises my arm to inspect it. Making sure I have no burns from the silver, he then kisses the pressure point in my wrist, tracing his tongue over the skin before pulling back.

Francesca has not had nearly enough. She turns towards her mate, stalking to where he leans against a nearby stockade.

"What do you say, Liam? Can we give it a try?" She starts to unbutton her blouse, running her fingers down into the cleavage she reveals. Using her other hand, she takes Liam's fingers and presses them over her skirt, into the juncture between her legs.

Liam's nostrils flare, taking in the scents of two aroused women in the air. "I'd do anything you like, you know that. I had no idea this would turn you on so much."

Rafe turns me to face him, wrapping his arms around me in a hug. Are you okay to walk? I don't want to embarrass you by carrying you if you don't need it.

I'm okay-give me a second.

I nuzzle my nose next to his neck, drinking in the aroma from the light sweat that formed on him during our play.

You smell so damn good right now. It's taking all I have not to throw you down and mount you in front of them.

Rafe's hand runs up and down my back. I know, baby, I know. Let's get you dressed and leave these two alone.

We walk together toward the dressing area. Silently, we start pulling on our things. The rustling of clothes being removed from beyond the screen reaches my ears as my skirt zipper goes up. As Rafe and I steal out from behind the folded enclosure, I chance a look over at the wall.

Liam holds one arm out to his underwear-clad wife. Francesca steps up next to his nude body and reaches for the shackle.

I whisper into Rafe's mind, Looks like they are going to be fine. Let's get the hell out of here.

We make our way to the door undetected and slip into the hall.

Once out in the bright light of the passageway, I give myself an all-over body shake. My thong is soaking wet and I'm on the edge of full-blown arousal. Judging by the state of Rafe's erection, I'm guessing he's not far behind.

I reach down and cup him through his jeans. "Shall we go slip off into an empty room somewhere and find our own release?"

"Sounds like a great idea." Rafe raises his hand up to my breast and gives my taut nipple a hard tweak through the cashmere. "Let's go."

We make a beeline for the next door in the hall. He fumbles in his pocket for a key card, while I impatiently shift my weight from side to side.

The lights in the hall go out. The darkness is cut short by the sparse illumination of the emergency lights kicking in. Our cell phones, clipped at our waists, start to vibrate.

Rafe and I look at each other.

The displeasure on his face mirrors my own expression.

"Christ." he rasps. "This can't be good."

I sigh as I reach for the vibrating phone. "Yeah, I'm betting you're right."