The Novel Free


He nibbles his way around my lips; tracing every inch of my tender skin with his tongue before latching on to my swollen clit and pulling deep. I bring my hand up and press against his head, bringing him closer to my body. I can feel him bringing his hand around but the ribbons of pure unadulterated bliss that are firing through my system prevent me from tracking his destination. His thick finger rims the outside of my passage before thrusting inside. He gives me a few shallow thrusts before picking up speed and twisting his thick digit. Immediately, my pussy clenches down hard and I can feel another orgasm coming fast.

“Oh my fucking god, Axel! Don’t stop, please don’t stop!” I scream.

He hooks his finger and starts to press against my G-spot, applying just enough pressure to have me shooting off like a rocket.

“Oh, Axel…baby, oh god. Feels so fucking good…oh, god…never felt anything better than with you.” I moan; my head thrashing back and forth against the bed.

He lifts off my clit and I look down at his face between my thighs, “Princess, you need to let go of my head so I can finish eating this sweet pussy.”

Oh. My. God. Just like that, I am ready to go again.

“Right,” I whisper huskily and reluctantly remove my fingers from his silky locks.

With a wink, he is right back at it, licking every inch of my swollen pussy and every single drop of my come before thrusting his tongue deep within me. I cry out and scream his name, the sound bouncing off the walls of his bedroom. I can’t talk much more, he is slowly killing me with pleasure.

“Please baby, let me love you.” I gasp out.

“Not yet,” he says against my skin, making me shiver. “Give me one more. I want one more, Izzy. Then I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk when I’m done.” He dips his head and thrust his tongue deep within my pussy.

I scream.

He moans.

I cry out his name.

He brings his hand around my hip and presses his thumb against my clit, thrusting his tongue in and out in a steady rhythm.

“AXEL!” I yell out, coming all over his tongue, before my body falls back limply against the mattress.

I am just returning to earth, when I feel his wicked mouth kiss the insides of my thigh, trailing soft kisses up my belly. He gives each of my painfully hard nipples a few licks and bites before continuing up to meet my lips. I hungrily kiss him back. My tongue dancing with his, I can taste myself on him and groan into his mouth at how turned on that makes me. Never would I have thought I would enjoy tasting myself on a man. But, with Axel everything is a turn on.

His hands hook me under the arm and drag me further back on the mattress as he settles his hard weight on top. My pussy lips open wide to hug his cock. He moans into my mouth and rocks back and forth, sliding his hard length through my wetness.

Together we twist and move against each other’s sweaty skin. I trail my hands down his back and grab his tight ass in both hands, pulling him closer to my body. I bring my arms up and wrap them tightly around his back and my legs around his waist. “Please Axel, I need you inside of me.” I gasp against his lips.

“Soon baby, so fucking soon.” He pulls back from my lips and looks in my eyes. His lips are swollen from our kisses, his face is flushed and his eyes are dark with wanting. “It will be over before it begins baby, just have to cool off…want you so fucking bad.” He crushes his mouth back down to my own and tangles his hand in my thick hair before bringing his other hand slowly down my side. He caresses my heated skin before reaching between us. He pulls his hips back slightly, giving just enough room to take himself in his hand and align his broad head to my core. Rubbing my clit a few times, he dips into my pussy only to travel back out and coat my juices around my pussy lips. He repeats this a few times while I whimper into his mouth, he groans right with me and I know he is just as tortured with this slow process as I am.

“Feel so good…so wet, so hot. Can’t wait to be deep inside your tight cunt baby.” He says into my neck, kissing and sucking the soft skin where my neck meets my shoulder.

And with that, he gives one swift thrust and he is instantly fully inside my waiting body.

I scream out, the shock of his swift entry and the tightness two years’ worth of abstinence has given me, bring a biting pain I wasn’t prepared for.

“Fuck! Princess, you okay?” He bites out harshly as he stills inside me. “God damn, you’re so tight.”

I nod my head that I am okay, but words don’t escape me.

“Baby, I need the words…I need to know you’re okay.”

“Fine…” I whisper, my words trailing off when I feel him twitch inside me and I moan when the tingles of pleasure travel through my womb, causing me to clamp down on him.

“Shit, baby…this might be over before I move if your warm fucking walls hug my dick any tighter.” He groans, bringing his lips down to mine and giving me a tender kiss.

“I’m okay,” I gasp when he moves back slowly and inches back inside my waiting body. “Just been a long time. I’m good, so good…please don’t stop!”

That is all the reassuring he needs, because he starts to pick up speed. He keeps his eyes level with mine, his gaze burning into my own. Our moans are tickling each other’s lips and our heated breaths mingle together.

I dig my nails into his back and move with his body. Bringing my hips up when he drives his down. We move like we haven’t been apart a single day; like our bodies were made for each other. I can’t help the tears that slowly roll out of my eyes. This connection, this love that is between us has never died. My heart suddenly feels like it might explode. The claws of another, more powerful, orgasm start climbing up my spine and I can feel his rhythm falter when I clench around him.

“Come on baby, I’m going to come and I want you with me.”

I moan when he slams into my body, rubbing against my clit with just enough pressure to send my body into an orgasm so powerful my toes curl, my breath stalls, my eyes roll back into my head and my skin feels like tiny needles have been injected. The most delirious orgasm I ever experience.

“AXEL, oh…God…AX!” I scream.

I feel his grunt of completion against my neck; he thrusts a few times before bringing his hips hard against my own.

I couldn’t tell you how long we stay like that, his body molded tight against mine. His cock is still inside my body and I am still twitching in aftershocks. I can feel his lips against my neck and I rub small circles across the wet skin of his back.

With tears still falling from my eyes and the vulnerability that rushes into my system, I can’t help the sob that breaks past my lips. He is immediately up, bracing his weight on his arms, his still hard cock pushing back into me and it causes us both to groan.

“Baby?” He questions.

I shake my head and another sob escapes.

“Izzy? Princess, did I hurt you?” He looks tortured.

I shake my head again, reach up and bring my hand to the back of his neck. Tangling in the hair that curls at the end of his skull and bring his lips down to my own, hoping to express all of the emotions flying around my body.

I still love him. This man that I have thought was forever lost to me. If I am completely honest with myself, I never stopped loving him. But, all this knowledge shouldn’t scare me. The teenage love we shared over a decade ago has grown with such a power that it will kill me if I lose it again.

“I…missed…you…so much.” I sob out, gasping as the emotions over take me.

“God Princess, you have no idea. No fucking idea.” He says, rolling to the side and pulling me closer to his hard body. “Never letting you go, Izzy. Never.” He whispers into my hair, squeezing me a little tighter. I let him hold me while I purge myself of the overwhelming emotions our lovemaking has brought forth.

“I need to clean you up baby, don’t move.” He rolls up and off the bed, pads across the large room and into the bathroom. I roll over and look up at the ceiling hugging myself tightly. I can hear the toilet flush and the water running. He walks out of the bathroom completely unconcerned with his nudity, right up to the edge of the bed. “Open up baby and let me clean you up.” I let my legs fall to the side and watch, in shocked amazement, while he cleans our joint come from my pussy. The warm wash cloth causing me to jerk a few times when he touches my tender skin.

After a few seconds, he throws the towel in the direction of the bathroom and falls back to the mattress, pulling me into his arms again.

“Talk to me, Izzy. What was that?” He doesn’t sound mad, just confused.

Sighing deeply I reply, “It was just so much, Ax. So much emotion flooding through my system at once. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would be here again, and trust me I dreamt of this moment plenty.” I take another deep breath before continuing, looking into his questioning eyes. “You have to understand, Ax. I don’t know what it’s been like for you all this time, but I thought you were gone, Ax. Not just gone, but dead.” I hiccup a sob and take a moment to collect myself. My wet eyes meeting his shocked ones. “I lived in hell for six long years, but those years were nothing…absolutely nothing compared with the pain I felt thinking you were dead this whole time.”

“What?” He asks, so softly I would have missed it if I hadn’t been looking into his handsome face.

“I don’t understand what you don’t get about that, Axel?” I really am confused now. He seems completely baffled. How can he think I would think anything differently! He disappeared out of my life, vanished! How else would someone take that?

“Baby,” he chokes out, “please explain that to me, what do you mean you thought I was dead?”

I turn my head to the side and study him. I am beyond confused. His brow is winkled, his lips are pinched tight and his eyes…his eyes look pained.

“Can we get dressed please? Maybe get something to eat before we have this conversation?” I weakly ask him. I need to take a second and figure out what is at play right now.

He shakes his head, as if clearing the fog, and nods. “Sure Princess.”

We get up and he throws a tee at me from his dresser before pulling some sweats up his narrow hips. Walking over to where I’m standing, he pulls me back into his arms and holds me tight. Almost too tight.

“I know you felt it, baby. No way had something that fucking powerful skipped your attention. Hear me now, and understand me, we will talk but nothing you can say will change the fact that you and me are happening. I won’t let you go, Izzy. Never. You’re mine, you got that, Princess?”

Do I? Can I so easily give my heart back to this man knowing he has the power to destroy me? Yes. I can. If I walked away from him now, I might as well pull the trigger myself because I would be dead anyway.

“Yeah, I understand. But, Ax?”

“What baby?”

“I always have been yours, you know that, don’t you?”

And with a bright smile that reaches all the way to his beautiful eyes, he pulls me tighter and places a soft kiss to my shoulder, my neck, and my ear before whispering, “Oh yeah baby, I know.”