The Novel Free

Big Game


I hang up the phone with Asa, grinning at his description of the subtle matchmaking by the pack alphas. We're six hours ahead of the crew in Alaska, so while our human travel mates have just finished a late dinner, Asa and the wolves still await sunset back home. Overall, sounds like the Weres have settled in and things are off to a smooth start.

I'm not used to hopping so many time zones in such a short span of time, but will enjoy the increased darkness here with the change of seasons. The stinging wind I could do without, but for now, I'm content.

From the moment I heard about the island, I've been excited about this trip. When Vivian moved up the leave date by a month and said we could bring guests, I thought maybe she was off a few days on an April Fool's joke.

There's more to this than meets the eye. Viv explained she wants to surprise the Tribunal by arriving early, in the hopes to ferret out her enemies, but I wonder if there is more we don't know. Why leave her werewolf servant and military vamp behind? If she's expecting trouble, it'd be wise to keep the seethe together and strong.

With the council being a hidden ruling class for my whole existence, I've never attended an event at the Tribunal headquarters-but I do recall hearing stories from the masters in Chicago. They said the Ancients stick to the old ways and tend to treat humans like pets. Could that still be accurate in this ever-changing world? After True Blood, Blade, and Anne Rice is there anyone left who doesn't have an inkling of our existence?

Surely the Ancients have evolved like the rest of the undead? Adapt or Die, isn't that one of Vivian's favorite sayings?

I shake my head at the puzzles rattling in my brain. It'll all work out, and eventually I'll see her plan; I just need to think on it more. Never once have I thought of questioning her outright. It's simply not done. I could get a major ass chewing or smack down, depending on a master's mood. Sure, I spoke out at our meetings during the hunt with Emiko, but making a habit of it would be dumb. Pick your battles wisely is more than just advice for a teenager's parent.

Chelly enters our suite from the connecting bath, an excited expression on her cherubic face. "I'm done!" She strolls toward me sitting on a club chair in the bedroom sitting area. Her tousled blond hair looks wild and sexy draped over her shoulders, framing her freshly scrubbed face. Ample cleavage is on display, and her round hips stretch the gossamer material of her baby-doll nightie.

I raise an eyebrow to indicate I have no idea what she's talking about. Actually, I'm having trouble focusing on anything except her pert nipples pebbled beneath the pale pink fabric.

"I unpacked, silly. Nothing like getting all your clothes hung up and placed in drawers-not to mention your toiletries laid out-to really make you feel like you've settled in."

She ignores my look of feigned interest and turns to the enclosed balcony. "Have you checked out this area yet?" She fiddles with the drapes covering the glass doors, fingering the thick blackout fabric firmly affixed over the panes. The sheer negligee reveals bare skin underneath and the full globes of her bottom jiggle slightly as she works the latch. My fangs itch to descend, and my cock surges to life in my pants. Perhaps I should move my seduction plan to tonight. I don't think I can handle a whole night by her side while she's wearing that delicious concoction.

Unaware of my internal debate, Chelly opens and folds the glass doors against the wall then strides into the small, enclosed space. The floor tile extends into the balcony area, making it feel like a natural addition to the room.

"Nice," I say, rising from my seat. I'm staring at her butt and not the view, but I mean it nonetheless.

"Oh," Chelly exclaims while gazing out into the starlight. "We've got a distant view of Puerto Santa Cruz. The lights are pretty. How far away is it?"

"Hmm?" I approach her body with an outstretched hand ready to cup her buttocks. She must know what she's doing to me prancing around in such a flimsy getup.

A knock at the door whips us both around. "Who do you think that is?" Chelly races to the closet.

My cock deflates slightly at the interruption. "I'll send them away, not to worry." Before I reach the door, Chelly emerges from the closet wearing a thick white robe.

I swing open the heavy carved door to reveal the twins, Carmella and Carmina. They're dressed in short, black terrycloth robes hanging open over gold string bikinis. Sparkly wedge sandals decorate their slim, tanned feet. Each woman carries two glasses and a bottle of champagne. Long, wavy dark hair spills down to tickle their barely-covered breasts and sultry brown eyes hold an invitation no one could misread.

"We'd like to offer you a tour of the house..." Carmella says. "With maybe an end at the hot tub... if you're interested."

Chelly pushes forward, a nasty expression on her face until she counts the glasses. "Oh, I see." Her cheeks flush a deep scarlet and I'm tickled by her shyness when I know she's a bold creature of passion.

"Perhaps," I say, while staring at my blond temptress wrapped in her fluffy robe, "simply a tour for tonight?"

Chelly's eyes meet mine, and the heat in them at the mention of the hot tub is unmistakable. "That sounds fine. Let me get my slippers."

She retrieves the shoes and we follow the sashaying hips of the twins to the staircase. I find it quite telling that the pair approached us and not the single men. One of them must prefer Chelly.

While I've had my share of group sex, I'm positive my new girlfriend hasn't. Considering this trip will be our first time consummating our union, and where I plan to make her my vampire servant, I doubt we'll explore any ideas the twins might have. A wistful sigh escapes me, and Chelly shoots me a heated look.

She's thinking about the women. Interesting. I slip my arm around her waist and then casually lower my palm to rest on her ass. We reach the end of the hall, having passed the rooms Bob and Tommy occupy, and descend the stairs. Back in the main foyer two sets of French doors stand open, allowing the scent of the hot tub to drift in.

Chelly squeezes my hand in a signal I have no clue how to read. Does she want to get in the hot tub with them? I'm happy to oblige, but I have no intention of sharing her just yet-despite the mincing, sexy walk of the twins, and the waft of their arousal tickling my senses.

We enter the formal dining room, and the inclusion of a fireplace combined with the heavy wood furniture lends a historic Spanish feel to the space. Thick beeswax candles burn brightly on the rich mahogany table and mantle, releasing a faint sweetness into the air.

"Oh, this is pretty," says Chelly.

We skipped the sit-down meal with the men, and Paul, ever the conscientious chef, brought Chelly a plate to our room. I nod while taking in the rich red drapes and dark buffets pushed against one wall. The lingering odor of the fish dinner prepared with lemon is detected as we walk further into the room.

A wide archway leads into a true gourmand's kitchen. On the far end of the room away from traffic, stands a wet bar complete with full-sized wine fridge. Six stools line the long kitchen island, indicating my masters planned for more visitors down the line-as the numerous upstairs suites and large dining room would suggest, too.

Bright yellow, blue and red tiles decorate the back splash and counters, conveying joy and life with their vibrant designs. An industrial-sized Viking stove, freestanding freezer, and stainless steel fridge nestle together on the other side of the island. "Wow," says Chelly, "and I thought the inn had a nice kitchen."

"The difference, my dear, is that one is commercial and this one is in a private home."

Carmina runs her hand along the tile counter, staring at my blond companion the entire time. "Yes, it is lovely, no?"

"It is," I respond, trailing a hand down to cup Chelly's ass, letting the other woman know she's very obviously taken. Chelly smiles over her shoulder at me and Carmina's mouth turns up at the corner, seemingly amused by my show of possessiveness.

"Is there more to see?" Chelly walks to the doorway near the bar, beside Carmella.

"The game room is through there." Carmella puts her glasses and bottle on the bar counter and takes Chelly's hand. The moment their skin touch, sexual tension spikes. "This wing wraps around the back of the building and leads to the large living room that takes up the wing on the other side of the courtyard."

Arousal of all three women coats my senses like honey. It's a heady experience, and one I'm not sure what to do with. Are they trying to seduce Chelly to get to me, or are they truly interested in women? This strong show of attention within hours of our arrival is discomforting.

Carmina moves to Chelly's other side and takes her free hand. "Come, we'll show you."

A nervous laugh escapes the blond. "Which one are you again? Carmella?"

Carmina shakes her head, tossing her long dark hair back and encouraging her robe to slip off one shoulder. "Call me Mina. It's much easier than the silly matching names our parents gave us."

The two lovely twins walk my girlfriend into the game room, and I follow close behind. We walk through the Spanish-themed room past a pool table, Ping Pong and card tables, arcade games, darts... there might be more, but my mind is focused on the two sirens corralling Chelly between them.

If I speak up I'll look like a jealous sod, and yet, that's exactly how I feel. Definitely the odd man out. Carmella's hand drifts out of Chelly's to rest on the blond's lower back, in a gesture to usher her forward. Or at least, that's the way it's supposed to look, but I'm thinking it's just another excuse to touch my girlfriend more intimately.

Mina looks over her bare shoulder at me, her heated stare perhaps meant to inflame and bring me into the magic of their seduction. We walk through the large, plush living room. The rest of the downstairs doesn't quite register in my mind, as my peripheral vision spirals in on the threesome.

The two slinky brunettes clatter across the tile in their gold wedge sandals, leading Chelly toward another set of open French doors. The courtyard's small trees and plants spread before us. The hint of bromine and fresh earth assail my senses. I step onto a cobblestone path and glance up.

Lights twinkle on the vaulted atrium glass ceiling, reflecting the flickering tiki torches dotted throughout the courtyard. Gotta hand it to Viv and Rafe, this is some set up. It's similar to the pool wing in Alaska, but smaller and greener, with in-ground plants rather than pots around a pool.

The three ladies venture to the hot tub and I see another body lounging in the water, awaiting us-Rosia, the owners' nineteen-year-old daughter. Warning bells sound in my head. Whatever fun the twins were hoping isn't going to happen now, not if I can help it. I have a feeling Rafe and Viv would have my head if Rosia were involved, right after Dalton tried killing me in my sleep.

I quicken my pace to pull alongside the twins as they shrug off their robes. Rosia stands to greet us, the water spilling off her topless body, droplets glinting in the torchlight. "Come, join me. The water feels perfect."

Chelly catches her breath at the sight of the younger woman's perfect palm-sized breasts. A seductive smile spreads over Rosia's face as she reaches for a drink on the edge of the hot tub.

The twins hang their robes on a nearby hook then focus all their attention on Chelly, sashaying forward with their arms extended to help my girlfriend out of her robe. I slip my hand into Chelly's and draw her back to my side. I push my awareness out to the three women, sliding into their minds to take control. One by one, they look to me, and our eyes briefly lock. Mina and Carmella's arms drop to their sides.

"Thank you for the tour ladies, but I think we're going to turn in for the evening." Chelly lets out a slight mew of protest, but says nothing. She fidgets from foot to foot, and I smell her arousal on the air. I stroke a thumb across the back of her hand, reassuring her that she's forefront in my mind.

Should I plant a suggestion in their mind or dig to see what has brought on the sudden interest in us? It could simply be they are lonely on the island. I know how protective Vivian is of the humans in her care, so it might be best to leave this group link as unobtrusive as I can.

I tip my head in acknowledgement of their loveliness. "Enjoy yourselves. Perhaps we'll join you another time." I let go mentally, pulling my will from coating their minds, and the twins react as if nothing happened, changing direction toward the hot tub and climbing in. Rosia gives us a playful little pout, but otherwise she looks fine, too.

"What just happened here?" Chelly whispers to me in a low voice. "Did you do something?"

"We'll discuss it in our room." We turn and head down the path we came, entering the large living room wing of the house and head silently for the stairs together.

Once the door closes Chelly pounces, unbuttoning my shirt and latching her heated mouth onto mine. When I saw her leave the bathroom in her negligee, I'd thought tonight would be the night we'd consummate our relationship, but now I'm not sure. I want to drive all thoughts of the sexy women from my lover's mind, demanding she focus solely on me and the pleasures I can give her-not what might have been at the hot tub.

She spreads my shirt open and runs her hands across my chest. "Drew, those ladies were hot. Do you think they were hitting on us?"

I chuckle and decide now is not the time to analyze, but to act. I untie her robe, sliding the soft terrycloth off her shoulders to pool on the tile. The bra cups of Chelly's sheer nightie hug her luscious curves and the sight drives the blood back into my wilted erection. Running my thumbs over her aroused peaks pulls a gasp and shudder from my lover.

Never one to stand still, Chelly boldly unzips my fly and pushes my pants past my hips, springing my cock free of its confines. She grins. "I think they were hitting on you in a round-about way..." Her voice trails off as she pumps my cock. "Bet they thought if they won me over, they could get at your man meat." She snickers at her crude phrase and squeezes the head of my cock harder.

"Am I all yours?" I ask, guiding her slowly toward the bed.

"Hmph. I'm not sharing until I've had every bit of you inside me-repeatedly."

Her sexy innuendo could lead to more down the line, but right now, all I care about is the here and now. Chelly's legs hit the edge of the mattress, and she scoots toward the padded headboard.

I remove my shirt and step out of my pants before climbing onto the bed. Chelly pats the covers beside her, motioning for me to sit next to her. I stop instead at her knees and push her legs apart. Her mouth parts in a little "O" and heat fills her cheeks.

"How about we start this trip with my tongue inside you first?"

Chelly nods enthusiastically and settles on the pillows. I plant my first kiss along her thigh and the warm skin above her knee prickles in gooseflesh. We've touched and fondled for months, but our dates have been every two weeks when I can safely feed from her, and have not included oral sex, despite the vixen's many attempts to get down on her knees and gobble me whole.

The scent of clean woman and tangy arousal wraps around me as I slowly work my way closer to her center. I slip my hands under her full bottom to tilt her up and open, encouraging her to spread her legs wider. With a moan she complies and the delicate flesh along the crease where thigh meets torso is exposed to my eager lips.

Her shaven pussy quivers under my attention, silently drawing my eye and focus to the delicate folds of flesh. Moisture gathers at her entrance, glistening in the soft light, inviting me to bend and taste. I resist for a moment longer and spread her outer lips open with my thumbs.

The flesh here is swollen, eager for coupling. The dark pink color tells me blood has rushed to her arousal like mine does to harden my prick. The pulse pounds through my raging erection at the sight of her readiness, and I have to physically resist the overwhelming urge to thrust inside her as my body demands.

Instead, I nuzzle her privates, dipping my nose near her mound and move my face around gently to coat myself in her delicate scent. I continue to plant soft kisses and lightly lick the heated skin. She squirms and thrusts her hips up, begging for more pressure and more attention where she wants it-right on her clit.

A rumble of satisfaction comes from me as I gently press her onto the bed. I plan on controlling this ride and want her screaming my name before I'm done. My cock weeps onto the covers, my own arousal at her pleasure like fire to my senses. Focusing on the outer lips, I gently lick, nibble and tug until the wetness from her opening flows down to coat her tiny pink ass pucker.

My pointed tongue dips to her center and trails up from the dripping opening to her hard nub peeking from its hood. "Yes! More like that," she calls out while thrashing back and forth on the pillows.

I know exactly what she wants and don't intend to give it to her yet. At the top, I change my tactic and caress the inner folds with my tongue, skimming the sides of the clit where the nerve endings extend. "No, no, no..." she pleads, "back to the middle, you tease."

Spreading her legs even wider, I take one hand from holding her lips and tease her opening by pushing a finger in up to the first knuckle. I'm worried she might not feel it with all the wetness, but she immediately bears down and tries to force it deeper.

"Oh, yes. That's it. Get that finger in me."

Steadily I pump back and forth, working in the entire digit and curving it up as I pull out the stroke. I keep my licking focused to the right and left of her sensitive clit, not wanting her to peak. Soon, I'm able to double finger and this time apply pressure with both to the spongy spot at the top of her vaginal wall, curving up toward her clit from the inside.

I stroke in a circle as her moans become louder and her squirming on the bed, more intense.

"Please, Drew! Lick my clit, dammit! I want to come."

A smile forms on my face as I pull away from her succulent flesh. "As the lady wishes."

Without further direction, I amp up the pressure and speed of my fingers inside her, while zeroing in on the hard button above her pussy with my mouth. I rotate between sucking the heated flesh between my lips and flicking fast with my tongue.

Her body bows off the bed and quivers beneath my hand and mouth. "Oh God, this feels different. Oh, God. I'm coming. Drew!"

The ripple of her pleasure wraps around my fingers, squeezing them tight and pulling them in. The pulses through her body vibrate out from her spasming clit as her cries of pleasure bounce off the bedroom walls.

I ease the pressure as her orgasm continues, not wanting to over rub the sensitized flesh. After a moment she relaxes on the bed, to stare down at me winded and flushed. "Holy crap. What did you do with your fingers?"

A satisfied grin curves my mouth as I rise and lay down next to her, my own throbbing cock bobbing with each movement. "That, my dear, was your G-spot."

"Wow," she says, wrapping her hand around my long cock and stroking. "Is there an equivalent for a guy? 'Cause man, I'd like to return the favor. It was mind blowing."

I settle back on the pillows while my lover pumps my shaft up and down, exactly as I like. "Yes, there is." My hips rise off the bed as my need to come tingles at the base of my prick. "But I don't think I can handle it, right now."