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Candy Canes: A Dirty Box Set by Angela Blake (143)

Chapter Five


Ashlyn turned away from Brandon. She was momentarily distracted. The wind was silent. It seemed as though the whole world was listening, waiting for the storm to give its plan away.

“It’s quiet,” Ashlyn said.

Brandon nodded. “The eye of the hurricane.”

A methodic thumping somewhere of something smacking against the side of the house sounded out. Ashlyn smiled. It was as though she had made her decision, and the storm had decided with her. All of those games were done. It was time for reality.

Ashlyn rested her head back on the pillow and looked up at Brandon. He was looking thoughtfully at the curtains that covered the window. It gave Ashlyn the opportunity to really study his torso. Her eyes dropped down over every curve, and she imagined what it would feel like to run her fingers over those little muscles that formed mounds just above his belt.

Ashlyn looked up at Brandon and saw that his eyes were now fixed on her. Her cheeks reddened automatically as she wondered what he thought of her admiring him. But Brandon didn’t seem to be moving; only his eyes were strolling across her body.

“Ashlyn, I think you have changed my world forever,” Brandon whispered.

His voice caused Ashlyn’s mouth to fall a little open. She licked her lips and smiled up at him. She wanted to say something clever, something that Brandon would never forget. She couldn’t think of anything. It didn’t matter. Brandon was already leaning down to kiss her.

Brandon carefully placed one hand in her hair. He slowly kissed her, and Ashlyn leaned into his lips. Cautiously, Brandon split her lips and pushed his tongue through. His tongue came through and found Ashlyn’s. Urgency and innate need controlled Ashlyn. She sat up rapidly and ignored the pounding in her forehead.

She reached forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. Brandon’s right hand wandered down her arm and to her hip. He squeezed her tightly. The desire in Ashlyn was taking over her body. She pushed her pelvis up into him then fumbled around to feel the front of his pants.

Brandon pushed himself even harder into her, and he bit down on her lip at the same time. Ashlyn groaned, not able to contain her pleasure.

Brandon pushed her back onto the bed, and Ashlyn lay still as Brandon slowly loosened her bra and pulled the straps off her arms one at a time. He stared at her for a minute before his eyes flicked back up to her. Ashlyn pushed her chest up toward him, inviting him to touch her. He slowly moistened the end of his finger, his tongue playing with the edge. Ashlyn watched his finger as he slowly moved it downward and began caressing her nipple. Ashlyn grit her teeth, scared of moaning so loudly that everyone else would be alerted.

After a mere few seconds, Brandon couldn’t wait any longer, and he bent down and took her nipple in his mouth. It had been so long since Ashlyn had done this with someone. It was as though her body had forgotten what the word pleasure meant.

“Brandon,” Ashlyn moaned, as low as she could. Brandon was breathing hard, even though he had barely been moving. He addressed her neck, slowly moving his tongue up and down the nape, reaching the edge of her ear. He bit down gently then blew in her ear.

Ashlyn felt gooseflesh rise up all over her body. She turned her head, silently hoping Brandon would do it again. This time, he put his tongue in her ear, and Ashlyn felt her whole body go rigid.

He bit her shoulder once more, then his fingers were fumbling at the button on her pants. He slid them down around her hips and pulled them off. He spread her legs apart, and Ashlyn watched as he admired her. He slowly moved a finger up and touched the middle of her underwear. Ashlyn knew that she had wet it right through, and Brandon smiled at her.

“I think I know what you’re ready for,” Brandon smiled.

Ashlyn suddenly felt a sense of desperation. She didn’t want him to be done yet. She wasn’t ready for it to be over. Ashlyn pressed her body up against his, suddenly becoming dominant and directing him. Brandon smiled as she indicated that he lay on the bed. She quickly slid his pants off and just stared at how his tight boxers cupped his penis.

She gritted her teeth as she slowly slid his boxers off. She needed him more than she had ever needed anything. Ashlyn slid his boxers off and saw his smooth skin built up to the rounded point. Ashlyn bent down and ran her tongue along the point. When Brandon groaned, he sent Ashlyn over the edge. No matter how much she wanted, she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t think. She began moving her mouth rapidly back and forth along his erection. Brandon had entwined his hand in her hair. His eyes were closed, and he was moaning off and on.

“Stop, Ashlyn, stop!” Brandon pushed Ashlyn off, almost roughly, and Ashlyn frowned at Brandon. What was his problem? Didn’t he like it? Brandon sat up and started kissing Ashlyn furiously, but she didn’t understand. She pulled back slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Ashlyn asked.

“I don’t want to finish yet,” Brandon said. “If you kept doing that, I would have finished, and I haven’t gotten to the best part yet.”

Ashlyn reluctantly backed off and let Brandon take off her underwear. He reached forward and began touching her with his finger. He touched her sensitive area, and she groaned, clenching up and moving away from him. The pleasure was too strong. She felt like she was going to pass out.

Brandon forced Ashlyn to keep her legs open. “Do it, Brandon. Do it, now!” Ashlyn commanded, feeling that strange feeling right before she finished. Brandon teased the entrance, the smooth skin massaging her. He finally pushed in. With a groan, Brandon moved in and out two times before he sighed and finished inside her.

Ashlyn was breathing heavily as she felt herself finish too.