Finding You

Page 4

Alex: I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just he seemed desperate. You really need to talk to him, Grace.

Rolling my eyes, I threw my purse and phone onto the passenger seat and headed back to the house I shared with Alex and Will. Now that Luke, Libby, Lauren, and Colt had moved out, it seemed cold and empty all the time. Even when they did live there, I spent more time at Noah’s place than I did at home. Well, at least I did until I freaked out and pushed him away.

Wiping my tears away, I concentrated on thinking about nothing but my date tonight with Doug. I’ll deal with Alex later. Right now I needed to push Noah Bennet far from my memory. I needed to move on and this date tonight was long overdue.


Rushing into the house, I looked for my book before heading upstairs to my room to check my makeup. Alex just talking about Noah had my emotions all over the place. Closing my eyes, I thought back to the day I ran into him at the hospital. His beautiful smile that about dropped me to the ground replayed over and over in my mind.

Then I saw her. His wife. Standing next to him. She didn’t seem at all like his type, but hell, maybe I was the one who wasn’t his type.

Sitting down on the bed I thought about all the things he had said to me. Had he meant a word of it? He sure moved on fast after I told him I needed some time. Shit. He even left A&M.

Dropping my head into my hands, I cried. “Jesus, Grace. It’s your fault. You pushed him away until he had no choice but to fall into the arms of another woman.”

With a sinking feeling in my heart, I fell back onto the bed and let out a scream as I stared up at the ceiling. Sitting back up, I shook my head to clear my thoughts. “What’s done is done. It’s time to move on.”

Picking up my phone, I sent Doug a text. We had exchanged phone numbers the other day for a project we were working on.

Me: Let’s skip the date part and move straight to dessert.

It didn’t take Doug long to respond back.

Doug: Sounds like a solid plan. My place or yours?

My hands started shaking and I fought the urge to tell him I suddenly got sick and had to cancel.

Me: Yours. Pick me up at seven.

Doug: Be ready to have your world rocked.

Rolling my eyes, I let out a sigh. “Ugh. Jesus H. Christ. Why do all guys think their dicks are the greatest thing since apple pie?”

Finding my book, I shoved it in my backpack and headed downstairs. Feeling guilty about ignoring Alex, I hit her number and called her.

“Hey, Grace,” Alex said softly over the phone. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you by giving Noah your number. It’s just . . . well . . . he seemed so desperate to talk to you. He was practically begging me. I really think you need to talk to him.”

Opening the refrigerator, I let out a fake laugh. “Maybe she sucks in bed and he wants out of the marriage.”

Alex sighed loudly through the phone. “Grace, please don’t go on the date tonight until you talk to Noah. Please listen to your heart.”

Closing my eyes, I nodded my head as I whispered, “Alex, it’s been two weeks and he hasn’t called.” Taking in a deep breath, I decided I needed to be honest with Alex and myself. “It’s just . . . Alex, I’m so afraid to talk to him. My feelings for him . . . they’re still so strong even knowing he’s married. What if he wants . . . I mean what if I—I’m not that girl, Alex. I won’t be with a married man.”

Alex sighed. “I know you wouldn’t and you don’t have to be. Listen, just talk to him when he calls, Grace. I don’t think Doug is truly who you want to move on with, but I understand your thinking behind that.”

Grabbing my upper lip with my teeth, I bit down hard and nodded my head as I looked at the time on the microwave. “Hey, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tonight.”


“Yeah?” I asked as I put my backpack over my shoulder.

“Don’t go tonight,” Alex whispered.

I knew this wasn’t a healthy way to live. Sitting around moping about a man whose lips I’d never feel on mine again. I also knew I didn’t really want to have a mindless one-night-stand with Doug. “Great minds think alike, Alex. Doug isn’t who I want to be with. I’ve got to run. See ya later. Love you.”

“Love you too, sweets!”

I quickly sent Doug a text telling him something important had come up and I couldn’t make tonight. I prayed like hell he didn’t call me back and just took the rejection and moved on. Grabbing my keys, I dashed out the front door, cursing myself for being late to class. I was already so far behind in all my classes. Turning, I pulled the front door shut and locked it. Spinning around on my heels, I went to walk down the stairs and was stopped dead in my tracks as I sucked in a breath of air.

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