Finding You

Page 51

“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my entire life, Noah.”

Euphoria surrounded both of us in that moment. I walked back into this woman’s life and turned it upside down, yet she stood by me through all it. It was my turn to do something for her.

It was time to do the one thing I’ve wanted to do since the first time I laid eyes on Grace.

Now all I needed to do was set the plan in motion.


The last month flew by as Alex and I finished up the details for the grand opening of Wild Flower. As I walked amongst the flowers, herbs, and garden decorations, I wanted to pinch myself. Our dream was about to come true.

“Is it crazy we’re opening a nursery in the winter?” Alex asked from behind me. Turning around, my eyes landed on her eight-month pregnant belly.

“When have you ever known us to not do something crazy and out of the normal, Alex? Besides, spring isn’t to far off and everyone is getting their spring gardens ready.”

Laughing, she rested her hand on her stomach. “Are you nervous?” Alex asked as she bit down on her lower lip and wore a worried expression.

“Did Jesus walk on water?”

Alex rolled her eyes as she giggled. “Oh my gosh, Grace. It’s February and the baby will be here next month. Everyone is going to be getting their spring gardens going and I’ll be dealing with a newborn baby. How are you going to do it?”

Walking up to Alex, I put my hands on the top of her arms and smiled. “Alex. Stop worrying. We’ve got Noah.”

Shaking her head, Alex said, “He doesn’t know shit about plants!”

Pressing my lips together, I held back my laugh. “But he knows about business, and he is handling all the back office shit that neither one of us was wanting to do. All we have to focus on is helping people dig in the dirt and have fun while Noah runs the business side of things.”

Alex looked down and I couldn’t help but notice the tears building in her eyes. Placing my finger on her chin, I pulled her eyes up to mine. “What’s really going on, Alex?”

Seeing her chin tremble and tears roll down her face had my heart breaking for her. “I’m scared, Grace. What if I’m not a good mother? What if I can’t manage to be a mom and work? What if I can’t even birth this child?”

Narrowing my eyes, I said, “Well that last one certainly threw me for a loop. Alex, women have been pushing out babies for years. I don’t think God is going to decide that you’re going to be the first woman to not be able to deliver a child.”

Letting out a nervous chuckle, Alex shook her head. “That’s not what I meant. Oh gosh, I have no clue what I’m even saying. I’m just so afraid.”

Taking Alex’s hand, I led her over to a small wooden bench Will’s father, Josh, made for the nursery. “Alex, have you talked to your mom? Or Heather, about how you’re feeling?”

“God no, Grace! They are like super moms. If I tell them I’m scared, what will they think?”

Cocking my head, I lifted a single brow and said, “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Did you really just say that? Alex, I would bet this whole place that both your mother and Heather, and hell my mother too, freaked the hell out before they had us. Do you remember Amanda telling us that when she was pregnant with Meagan she ate this really spicy food and she started having what she thought were contractions? She said she was so afraid to tell Brad because she thought she had thrown herself into early labor!”

Alex laughed and nodded her head. “Yeah, turns out they were just Braxton Hicks contractions.”

Taking Alex’s hand in mine, I giggled. “Yes! I would imagine every mother is nervous no matter if this is their first or the fifth time giving birth.”

Alex worried her lip. “I know. It’s just I have this really weird feeling and I can’t shake it.”

“Listen, why don’t you head on home and take it easy. I can take care of the little things that need to be done. Besides, I’ve got Noah and Luke here helping. Just go home, take a nice bath and relax, Alex.”

Alex’s eyes lit up. “Oh a nice warm bath to soak in would feel so good about right now.”

Standing up, I helped my very pregnant best friend up into a standing position. “Then go take one.”

“Promise you’re okay with this?”

Tilting my head and sighing, I gave her a stern look. “Alex, you were here handling everything when I was helping Noah. Please. I’ve got this.”

“Okay, I think I’m going to do what you say. I’m feeling so tired for some reason.”

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