Finding You

Page 59

My eyes roamed the waiting room as I took everyone in. Most of everyone was sitting in silence as we waited for news on Alex and the baby.

Noah walked up and handed me a cup of hot chocolate. I wasn’t in the mood for coffee so he went on a search to find me something hot to drink.

“Thank you, babe,” I said while my shaking hands took the hot chocolate as Noah kissed me gently on the forehead before sitting next to me. The nurse had already come out and talked to all of us. She said Alex’s water did indeed break, but she wasn’t going into labor, which was not good. They were going to have to do an emergency C-section. I could see the fear in everyone’s eyes as I looked around. Ellie, Gunner, Josh, and Heather were all in another waiting room right outside where they were performing the C-section. My heart broke as I watched Grams and Gramps across the waiting room as they held each other’s hands and waited.

Their main concern was the strength of the baby’s lungs. Closing my eyes, I leaned my head on Noah’s shoulder.

“How many kids do you want?” I asked.

Noah kissed my head and said, “How ever many you want.”

“Two. I kind of liked having Luke around. He came in handy when I needed him.”

Noah’s body rocked me gently as he chuckled. “Yeah, I liked having Em around too. Especially when I needed her to taste something new my mother had cooked.”

Smiling, I peeked up at Noah. “That’s mean.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Noah said, “That’s life. She learned quickly not to be such a push over.”

I let out a soft chuckle as I looked back over at Grams and Gramps. They both looked so worried. “Can you believe they’re waiting for their great-great-grandchild to be born? Can you even imagine?”

Noah’s fingers glided across my arm softly as he said, “No, I can’t imagine how that must feel.”

“The things those two must have seen in their day. How awesome is that?”

Noah pulled my body closer to his. “Colt was telling me about his Grams and Gramps. He said he’d never seen two people so in love after so many years together.”

“I think that’s what keeps them going so strong. Their love for each other. I would dare to say that when they do pass on . . . they’ll probably go together. I couldn’t imagine either one of them being happy without the other.”

Noah took his finger and placed it on my chin as he brought my lips to his. “That’s a forever love.”

Whispering, I smiled and said, “Yes it is.”

Hearing Taylor let out a gasp, I looked over toward the doors and saw Gunner standing there. Tears were streaming down his face as we all slowly stood up.

“No. Please, God no,” I said as I leaned my body into Noah’s.

Smiling a smile so big and bright, Gunner held up his hand as if he was asking for a moment. Ellie came walking out behind him, followed by Josh and Heather.

Heather took a step forward and said, “Bayli Elizabeth Hayes was born about fifteen minutes ago.”

Crying, I turned to Noah who held me tightly while Heather kept talking.

“She weighs four pounds one ounce and is seventeen inches long.”

Everyone erupted in cheers as they hugged the new grandparents.

Walking up to Ellie, I wiped my tears away as I said, “Ellie, is Alex okay?”

Taking me in her arms, Ellie cried as she said, “Yes! Oh sweetheart, Alex is doing amazing. Will is a little emotional, but I think he is okay.” Pulling back some, Ellie pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Bayli is in NICU, but Dr. Johnson thinks she’ll only be in there for a few days. The main thing is making sure she can breathe on her own and suck so she can eat.”

Closing my eyes, I thanked God for the answered prayers. Opening my eyes, I turned to Gunner as he held me close to him. I stood back and looked between the happy grandparents.

“Um . . . did they say what caused her water to break?”

Ellie shook her head. “It’s really hard to say. It was nothing Alex did. Stress might have led to it, but they aren’t sure. Sometimes these things just happen. Thankfully though, both Alex and Bayli are doing wonderfully.”

Noah wrapped his arm around my waist and said, “Looks like Bayli wanted to make today’s grand opening . . . grander!”

Everyone laughed and agreed as the mood in the waiting room shifted and sniffles were replaced with laughter.

“Alex stood outside the store front window of Wild Flowers and stared as she rocked Bayli back and forth in her arms.

Rolling my eyes, I said, “Jesus H. Christ, Alex. Bayli’s going to be ten by the time you decide if you like the display window or not!”

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