Forget Me Not

Page 5

He knew almost nothing about her culture. Very few of his kind had ever escaped from their prison sentences on Obliterra. He was certain that most had tried, but he could already feel the numbing effects this place had on him. The edges of what had once been crisp, clean memories had begun to blur. It was only a matter of time before he forgot everything about his old life—including those he loved. If he forgot the scene he had witnessed of Grynar standing over Elina, weapon in hand, justice would never be found for his sister.

That could not happen. His family still wept over Elina’s death. They doubtlessly wept over his imprisonment, fed lies Toren could not contest. If he stayed here, another child would be forever lost to his mother. The idea of causing his parents more pain was more than he could tolerate.

Toren lifted Adreeahbenwah’s body and carried her to the narrow bed in front of the fire. He had intended to lay her out so she could rest and recover, but he enjoyed the feel of her in his arms too much to let her go. Such thoughts were not normal for him. He loved women, but never had he felt like the absence of one would cause him any discomfort.

He tried to reassure himself by remembering that this one fragile human was his only connection in this world—his only means of escape. It was natural for him to feel protective of her.

He sat on the bed and leaned back, arranging her in his lap so that she fit the shape of his body.

“I’m okay,” she said, though the tremor in her voice told another story. “You can let me go.”

“I did not know my knowledge would affect you like that. I am sorry.”

She started to sit up, out of his embrace, but seemed to lack the strength. After a moment, she relaxed back against his body.

Her breathing was fast, drawing his attention to her breasts. The clothing she wore skimmed over her curves, molding to them. He knew it was dishonorable of him to stare, but it was not every day that he was greeted with such an alluring sight.

The edge of her shirt had crept up, revealing a narrow ribbon of skin above her blue pants. The temptation was irresistible, and he was already fighting his natural urges to tap into his power. Combatting the urge to touch her as well seemed too much to ask of himself.

Toren traced that band of skin with the tip of one finger. The silken softness that greeted him had a magic all its own. Even the slightest pressure shaped her flesh.

The women of his kind were not so malleable. Their skin was as firm as his, protecting them from the harsh elements that surrounded them. One single diamond storm would tear the fragile skin from Adreeahbenwah’s body.

It struck him that she could not survive in his world, just as everything important inside of him would die if he stayed here. As strong a warrior as he was, he was not powerful enough with strands of magic to construct a shield that would protect his mind from this place, even for a brief time. His skill lay more in speed and aggression, rather than the more delicate intricacies of protection and defense, like others of his bloodline.

“How did you get here?” she asked.

Toren debated telling her, but if he conversed with her, she might stay in his arms—an idea he found too compelling to resist.

“My brother in marriage cast me here so that I could not give testimony to what I had witnessed. He was the one who killed Elina.”

“That’s the guy I saw with the knife, right?”


“Why did he kill her?”

“He wanted a child. Elina confided in me that she worried about his lack of control. He was becoming angrier as time passed—as he tapped into more powerful threads of magic best left to those with decades more practice than he had. Elina knew he was behaving in a dangerous manner and did not want to subject a child to his anger. She wanted him to seek peace, to be content with his inherent power, but he found it inadequate. She said she was going to tell him her decision this morning. I went to her home to protect her from any backlash, but I was too late.”

“You showed up just in time to see what he’d done. Why didn’t you report him to the police?”

Thinking about those moments was difficult, but at least he could still remember them. He took solace in that, knowing that even his darkest memories weren’t eroding. “He is an enforcer of our laws—the one who oversees justice in our area. It is his job to punish the guilty, and until now, he was praised for his fair and even hand. He knew all would believe I had killed Elina if he said it was so. No one would question his authority without reason.”

“And with you here, who would do the questioning?”

“Precisely.” He turned his face away to hide his shame. “Elina and I had argued the night before her murder. Our parents heard the quarrel and knew I was furious. I wanted her to wait for me to arrive before she told Grynar she would not have his child. She refused, saying it was a private matter between her and her husband.”

“So he set you up to take the fall for what he did?”

Toren searched for the meaning of her words. “When he saw that I had entered the room and witnessed what he had done, he opened a rift and sent me here before I could raise any kind of alarm. He knew I was newly home from battle and not yet restored. He thought my weakness would prevent me from finding a way home. He underestimated me.”

“So you go home and then what? You tell the police what you saw?”

It took him a moment to translate the word police. “Grynar is police. Unless I go home, no one will question that I was the one at fault.”

“If Grynar is a cop, then who will you tell?”

“I will show the council what I witnessed, much like I did with you. Grynar answers to them, but acts autonomously unless accused of wrongdoing by another. I will accuse him and call for justice.”

“Will they think you’re lying?”

He was shocked by the question, allowing a trace of indignation into his tone. “Only someone with no honor would lie to the council, and as far as I know, there is no way to lie with memories. They will see what I saw, without taint.”

“I didn’t mean to insult you or anything. We don’t have any way to share memories like you do, so people lie all the time. Especially criminals. Someone like Grynar could just say that he found the knife and pulled it out of her, hoping to save her.”

“If he were to say such things, the council would seek the truth from his own mind. There is no way he can hide this so long as there is at least one witness to accuse him of the crime.”

“You,” she guessed.

“No one else was there. If I do not accuse him, no one else will. He will remain a free man.”

“And assholes like that rarely stop with destroying one life.”

In that, at least, their people were the same. “Grynar’s temper was always easily provoked. I should have been there. I should have stopped him. If I had…”

“You can’t second-guess yourself like that. I felt how much you loved her. I know you would have done everything in your power to save her.”

“And now I must do everything in my power to return home.”

“Even if that means turning my head into the Gong Show. I get it,” she said, sounding resigned. “I should get up and start looking for more stuff you need. The sooner I’m done, the sooner you can go home.”

Toren was not convinced she was well enough yet to continue her search. As much as he wanted to return home, he had no way of knowing if Adreeahbenwah could harm herself by pushing too hard. If she did, he would never forgive his abuse of her.

Besides, holding her like this had soothed some of his rage. He wasn’t sure what it was about her that eased him, but he was reluctant to let go and risk being tossed back into that maelstrom of grief and anger so soon. This peace was a welcome respite—one he was loathe to abandon.

Without realizing what he had done, Toren had slipped his hand beneath her shirt and splayed his fingers across her abdomen. The end of one finger was tucked beneath the top of her pants, molded to the slight swell of her belly. Their skin tones contrasted sharply—his pale and frosty against her warmer, darker coloring.

She lifted her head and stared down to where he touched her. “What are you doing?”

Toren probably should have pulled his hand away, but he liked the feel of her skin too much to move unless she requested it. “Does my touch bother you?”

Her cheeks darkened, flushing a deep red. “Bother isn’t exactly the word I’d use. Still, you shouldn’t go around groping women you don’t know.”

It suddenly occurred to him that a woman as beautiful as Adreeahbenwah would have countless men wanting to claim her. She would have her pick of them, and it was not likely that she would be free of attachments. “You are bound to another,” he said, knowing it had to be true.

“No. I’m single, but I generally don’t let strangers paw me.”

He was not sure he liked the term paw, but considering his hand was still on her, his fingers kneading gently, it was an appropriate description.

Toren moved his hand and tugged her shirt down to cover the temptation she presented. “How do you feel?”

“Better. The dizziness is gone. I can sit on the couch by myself.”

He catalogued the word she used for the narrow bed, but ignored her request. He had just given up the feel of her bare body under his hand—it was not fair of her to ask him to give up more. Instead, he leaned back, stretching out his legs, giving her more room atop him.

“Do you know where to find the other items I need?”

“I’m not even sure how I figured out that you needed silver. And to be honest, the reaction my puny human brain had to helping you was a bit… intense. I’m not sure I’m ready to go through that again right away.”

“I hate that you suffered, but I do not have much time. Perhaps if I try again to implant the knowledge, I can make it easier for you to bear.”

He reached for her head, but she jerked back. “Uh. No. We’re good. Just give me a minute and I’ll try again.”

Toren wanted to tell her not to rush, but he did not have the luxury of time. She was the key to his going home, and if that meant he had to watch her suffer, then he was going to have to harden himself against it. Every moment he stayed here was one of suffering for his entire family. He could not sit back and allow that to happen any longer than necessary.

“I will fetch food for you,” he offered. “Nourishment will help.” His quest meant letting her go, but it seemed fair that he suffer at least as much as she did.

* * *

Adria wasn’t sure what was making her shake more—the mental explosion she’d experienced or Toren’s touch.

It had been years since a man had touched her like that—not since before the big C had stolen William and changed the course of her life. She’d first focused on getting him well. Then when she failed to do that, she focused on her career. Every minute she spent working was one she didn’t have to grieve for what she’d lost before she’d really even been able to enjoy it.

Maybe it was better that way. There was no way to know for sure, so she did the only thing she knew how: she worked. Hard. Endless hours, countless weekends. Even her time off had ended up with her back at the office, putting out some fire or other. She was good at what she did, but the pace was killing her.

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