The Novel Free

Gabriel's Inferno

“Homemade apple pie,” Gabriel announced, removing the dome with a flourish.


“You said no one ever baked a pie for you before. Now someone has.”

Julia stared at the dessert incredulously. “You made this?”

“Not exactly. My housekeeper did. Are you pleased?”

“You had someone bake a pie for me?”

“Well, I had hoped you’d share it. But if you insist on eating the entire thing by yourself…” He chuckled.

Julia covered her mouth with her hand and closed her eyes.


When she didn’t respond he started speaking very quickly. “You said you liked pie. When you told me about growing up in St. Louis, you said no one had ever baked you a pie. I thought…” He stopped, suddenly very unsure of himself.

Her shoulders shook as she silently cried.

“Julia? What’s wrong?” His voice was frantic as he watched her cry again. He walked around the counter and enveloped her shaking figure in his arms. “What did I do?”

“I’m sorry.” She found her voice.

“Sweetheart, don’t be sorry. Just tell me what I did so I can fix it.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” She wiped her tears. “No one has ever done something like this for me before.” She gave him a half-smile. “I didn’t know you had a present waiting here for me.”

“I didn’t mean to upset you. I was trying to make you happy.”

“They’re happy tears. Sort of.” Julia giggled half-heartedly.

He hugged her one more time and released her, smoothing her hair back behind her shoulders. “I think someone needs dessert.”

Gabriel cut a large serving of pie and held a fork in front of her. “I’d like to feed you. But I’ll understand if you’d rather I didn’t.”

Julia opened her mouth immediately, and Gabriel fed her a small piece.

“Mmmmmm. It’s really good,” she said with her mouth full and grinned as she brushed the crumbs from her lips.

“I’m glad.”

“I didn’t know you had a housekeeper.”

“She’s only here twice a week.”

“And she cooks?”

“Sometimes. I go through stages. Obsessions, really, but you knew that already.” He tapped her nose with his finger. “This was her grandmother’s recipe. I won’t tell you what she put in the crust to make it flaky.” He winked at her.

“What about you? No pie?” she asked.

“I’d rather watch you enjoy yourself. But this isn’t a proper dinner. I wish you’d let me cook for you.”

“My dad always eats a slice of cheese with his apple pie. I’d have some cheese if you have it.”

Gabriel appeared puzzled by her request but immediately rummaged in the refrigerator and soon presented her with a substantial piece of aged Vermont white cheddar.

“Perfect,” she murmured.

After she’d finished her pie, she sat quietly, wondering if she should go home. She really didn’t want to, but perhaps after so many tears and so much drama he wouldn’t want her to stay.

“You didn’t respond to my note,” he said after a protracted silence.

“The note I sent with the gardenias.”

“I wrote an e-mail.”

“But you left something out.”

Julia paused. “I didn’t know what to say about the taming part.”

“You told me the dialogue with the fox was your favorite. I thought it would be clear.”

“I know what the fox meant. But you…” She shook her head.

“Then I’ll tell you. I don’t expect you to trust me, but I would like to earn your trust. Maybe once you trust me with your mind, you’ll begin to trust me with your body. That’s the sort of taming I have in mind. I want to pay close attention to you… to your wants, needs, and desires…and take my time attending to them.”

“How will you tame me?”

“By showing you with my actions that I am worthy of trust. And by doing this.”

Gabriel stood in front of her and clasped her face in his hands, bringing his mouth inches from hers. She closed her eyes and held her breath, waiting for their lips to meet.

But they didn’t.

Warm air from between Gabriel’s curled and parted lips floated across her mouth. Her tongue peeked out, slowly wetting her lower lip in anticipation. The feel of his breath across the wetness caused a shiver to shoot down her spine.

“You’re trembling,” he whispered, pushing more warm breath across her mouth.

Julia felt herself blush against his hands, the warmth traveling across her face and down her neck.

“I can feel you flushing, your skin blossoming in heat and color.”

He stroked her eyebrows, and she opened her eyes, staring into large, dark-blue pools.

“Your pupils are dilated.” He smiled against her mouth, barely grazing her lips. “And I can hear your breathing speed. You know what that means.”

Julia searched his eyes. “He said I was frigid.” She sounded ashamed.

“Cold like snow. It made him angry.”

“Only a boy who knew nothing about women could be so blind and so ridiculous. Never think that about yourself, Julianne. I know for a fact that it’s far from true.” His lips curved into a seductive smile. “I can tell when you’re aroused, like now. I can see it in your eyes. I can feel it on your skin. I can — sense it.”

Gabriel traced a single finger across her eyebrows to relax them. “Please don’t be embarrassed. I’m not. It’s tantalizing and very erotic.”

She closed her eyes and inhaled his scent — Aramis and peppermint and blessed Gabriel.

He chuckled. “I think you’re telling me that you enjoy my cologne.”

He leaned down so that her nose was able to skim his neck. The scent of Aramis was stronger there.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m building desire, Julianne. Now tell me what you want. You’re flushed, your heart is beating rapidly, and I can hear your breathing acceler-ate. What do you desire?”  He cupped her face in his hands again and brought his mouth close to hers. Close, but still not touching.

“I want to kiss,” she breathed.

He smiled. “I want to kiss too.”

She waited. And still he would not move.

“Julianne,” he blew across her lips.

She opened her eyes.

“Take what you want.”

She inhaled sharply.

“If you don’t initiate on occasion, I’ll conclude that you don’t want me. That I’m being demanding. After a night like tonight, the only person doing the demanding should be you.” Gabriel’s eyes were wide and dark, and they pierced her.

She didn’t need another invitation. Surprising both of them, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him forward. When their lips met, his hands trailed down to her lower back, and he imagined caressing her naked flesh. She teased his bottom lip and drew it into her mouth, copying an act he’d performed with her before. She was less skilled, but he was no less pleased.

Her unhurried ardor enticed him, and within a moment, he felt his skin heat and his heart race. For as his tongue expertly explored her mouth, he wished nothing more than to part her modest knees with one of his own and press himself against her. And sweep her into his bedroom to fraternize…

He pulled away, placing his hands on her bare forearms. “I have to stop.” He leaned his forehead against hers and exhaled deeply.

“I’m sorry.”

He pressed his lips to her forehead. “Never apologize for acting on your desires. You’re beautiful and sensual. And very, very arousing. I can enjoy you without becoming more intimate, but I can’t kiss you again. Not right now.”

They stood frozen, holding each other for several minutes, until Gabriel opened his eyes and stroked her cheek.

“Whatever you want, Julianne. Tonight, I’m yours. Do you want me to take you home? Do you want to stay?”

She nuzzled his jaw with her nose. “I’d like to stay.”

“Then I think it’s time for bed.” He extended his hand and helped her to her feet.

“Doesn’t it seem strange to you? Sharing a bed with me?”

“I want you in my arms and in my bed every night.”

Julia was quiet for a moment as she picked up her messenger bag.

“Does that bother you?” He frowned.

“No. Maybe it should.”

“I’ve missed you this week.”

“I missed you too.”

“I sleep better when you’re in my arms.” He smiled at her warmly. “But it’s your choice where you sleep tonight.”

“I’d like to share your bed,” said Julia shyly. “If you’d let me.”

“I’d never deny you that.” He led her down the hallway to his bedroom.

She sat on the bed, and he picked up the framed photograph from on top of the dresser.

“You have a picture of me under your pillow. I thought I should return the favor.” Gabriel smirked as he handed her the photograph.

Julia racked her brain to try to remember when he could have found the old photo she had of him.

“How did you get this?”

“I should be asking you where you obtained a picture of me from my days on Princeton’s rowing team.” Gabriel untucked and unbuttoned his dress shirt, exposing the tight t-shirt that clung to his chest.

Julia grew embarrassed and looked away, silently ruing the day men decided to wear undershirts. Watching him undress was even sexier than watching him in a purple towel that was far too small.

“Um, Rachel had it on her bulletin board. And the first time I saw it, I took it.”

He leaned down to lift her face up so that he could examine her expression. “You took it? You mean, you stole it.”

“I know I shouldn’t have. But you had this wonderful smile. I was seventeen and stupid, Gabriel.”

“Stupid or smitten?”

Julia rested her eyes on the floor. “I think you know.”

“Rachel took pictures with her phone while she was visiting. This one is my favorite, which is why I framed it.” He examined her closely. “Don’t you like it?”

She seemed flustered. “You look nice.”

He took the photo out of her hand and carefully placed it on top of the dresser. “What are you thinking? Tell me.”

“The way you looked at me while we were dancing…I don’t understand.”

“You’re a beautiful woman. Why wouldn’t I look at you?”

“It’s the way you looked at me.”

“I look at you like that all the time.” He kissed her softly. “I’m looking at you like that right now.” He brushed her hair back from her face. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

After changing into what would serve as her pajamas, she stood in the doorway of the bathroom, backlit in white light.

“Stop,” said Gabriel. He had returned to the room during her absence and was lying in bed, staring at her.