Holding You

Page 96

Feeling my jaw tremble, I turned away to get my wits about me. I wasn’t about to breakdown and cry in front of my father. Closing my eyes and getting a hold of my feelings, I glanced back at the man who I admired more than any other person on this planet. “Thank you, Dad. You’ll never know how much your words mean to me.”

Giving me a smile and a wink, he leaned closer and said, “So I’m going to safely guess that you and Lauren have planned a trip . . . Vegas maybe?”

Tipping my head to the side, I whispered, “How’d you know?”

Throwing his head back and laughing, he shook his head. “You don’t think I was your age once? The idea of marrying your mother was so overwhelming, I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I wanted to whisk her away and marry her. You’re smart doing it this way. Plus it will save your mother and me the stress of another wedding.”

Letting out a laugh, I followed my father as he kicked his horse to start walking. “Just do me one favor, Colt.”

“Anything, sir.”

Peeking over at me from under the brim of his hat, his blue eyes pierced mine. “Let the idea of Alex having a baby fully settle in before you and Lauren think of having any kids.”

Letting out a chuckle, I nodded my head and said, “Yes, sir. We’re in no hurry for kids right now. Lauren’s gotten pretty much all of her strength back and is feeling normal again. I think our goal is to focus on each other.”

Letting his shoulders drop into a relaxed position he laid his head back and sighed in relief. “Thank you, God.”

LYING IN BED, I stared up at the ceiling. As much as I had been dying to make love to Lauren, I wanted to make sure she was feeling one hundred percent better. Being near her was beginning to take its toll on me. Lauren had come over to my parents’ house for dinner tonight and every time she laughed, my dick jumped. The smell of her perfume caused my stomach to dip in that crazy way it does when you’re on a roller coaster. The way she kept smiling at me with that adorable smile of hers was enough to keep me forcing myself to keep my hands at my side. Being with Lauren was more than a physical thing; she made me feel whole when we were together.

Closing my eyes, I could still taste her on my lips. It was almost as if they were still tingling from the kiss good-bye she gave me.

Reaching over to the side table, I grabbed my phone. Lauren should be back home by now.

Me: Marry me.

Lauren: I’m pretty sure I already said yes.

Me: Marry me now. I don’t want to wait any longer.

Lauren: If we left now, we could be married in twenty-four hours.

My heart felt as if it leapt from my chest. Smiling, I hit Lauren’s number.

“Hello there, handsome.”

Grinning, I sat up. “Pack a bag, Ms. Reynolds. I’m taking you to Vegas.”

“Mmm . . . I’m not sure. I mean, we aren’t even twenty-one, what are we going to do there?”

Holding back my laughter, I said, “We can play strip poker in our hotel room after I make you Mrs. Colt Mathews.”

I heard a noise and Lauren yelled out. “Shit! I stubbed my little toe!”

Laughing, I got up and walked to my closet as I grabbed a duffle bag. “Well?”

“Ouch. That really hurt, Colt!” Lauren whined.

“How about I kiss it for you?”

Lauren sucked in a breath of air, then let out a soft moan. “I’m packing right now. I’ll be ready in a couple of hours.”

The phone line went dead as I pulled it away from my ear and looked at it. Laughing, I shook my head and quickly packed a bag, then headed down to talk to my parents.

Holy shit. I’m going to marry Lauren.

RUNNING DOWN THE stairs I called out for my mother. “Mom! Mom!”

Stepping out of my father’s office, my mother hummed as she made her way into the living room. “What’s up?”

Skidding to a stop in front of her, I stared at her. What’s up? She wants to know what’s up? Oh, just the man of my dreams is taking me to Vegas to get married and play strip poker! That’s all! Okay, so maybe I won’t mention the strip poker.

Attempting to keep the panic out of my voice, I said, “I need a dress! Mom, I need a white dress stat!”

Well, so much for keeping the panic out of my voice.

A smile slowly played across her face. “Why white?”

Sucking my lower lip into my mouth, I felt my face flush. “Colt’s taking me on a little road trip to Vegas.”

Her face was blank. I couldn’t read it at all and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. “Lauren, I know you got the all clear from Dr. Cunningham, but are you up for a road trip, darling?”

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