The Novel Free

Love Me

Finally, she raised her eyes and found him staring down at her with such desire it literally took her breath away. Unable to do anything but react, she tightened her grip on his shaft. His arousal slipped out and onto her fingers.

“Use your mouth.”

His words were gritty and filled with stark need, less a demand now than a plea of his own.

Didn't he already know that nothing could have stopped her from taking him in her mouth? Still, there was something impossibly sexy about his telling her what to do. And when to do it.

Just this once.

Tonight with Luke, all rules were off.

Which worked perfectly for a woman who had never much cared for following the rules.

A moment later she was leaning in closer, breathing in the clean, heady scent of his arousal, and then hot, hard flesh was on her tongue and she was taking him into her mouth, opening up as wide as she could to accommodate not only his thick head but the wide shaft that followed as well.

His hands had threaded through her hair, holding her against him. Her hands were on his thighs and his quadriceps bunched and tightened beneath her fingertips with every inch deeper that she managed to take him into her throat. With gentle pressure, he rocked himself further into her and she made herself relax the muscles in her throat to take even more.

Just looking at him, she'd known it would be impossible to take his entire shaft. Her lips and throat had never been stretched like this. What, she wondered wildly as her body gushed arousal, was it going to feel like to take him inside her pussy?

Her mouth still on him, she groaned at the delicious thought of his cock stretching her wide. His penis throbbed hard once, then twice in her mouth. His fingers tightened in her hair.

“Don't do that again,” he growled. “Hell, don't even move.”

Suddenly, she could taste more of him, and knew that her inadvertent groan must have reverberated all around him.

Feeling wicked, she hummed really, really softly. His cock moved in her mouth, and she tasted him again.

God, he was delicious.

A heartbeat later, her mouth was empty.

Still on her knees, she watched him yank off his shirt, take off his shoes, and shed his pants and boxers completely.


After already seeing his cock, she felt like she should have been prepared for his naked body, that it shouldn't come as such a hard erotic shock to see all those muscles, all that dark skin.

But she wasn't ready. And it was a shock.

She'd spent the past ten years working with models, both female and male. But she'd never seen this.

Luke Carson was perfect.

Belatedly realizing she was sitting there with her mouth hanging open, she gave him a saucy little smile. “Now that I've started to get used to how big you are,” she paused, licking her lips, “I bet I can do even better than that.”

But instead of stepping closer and shoving himself back into her willing mouth, he reached down and picked her up, one arm sliding beneath her legs, the other around her back, and headed down the hall, obviously looking for her bedroom.

“Later. I need to fuck you. Now.”

Chapter Seven


As she twisted her torso to reach for her bedside table, he pulled her panties off and threw them across the room.

If he didn't get inside her in the next sixty seconds, he was going to fucking lose it.

She ripped open the packet and reached out to put it on him but he knew he was already so far gone that if she so much as touched him, he would blow. Yanking it out of her hands, he gritted his teeth as he shoved the condom down over his throbbing dick.

And then he was crawling over her and she was reaching for him.

Goddamn it, all he wanted to do was to shove himself deep inside her and never come back out.

But even in his feverish state, where black had turned to white and white to black, he knew he couldn't do that.

He was too big. He'd hurt her.

God, he didn't want to hurt her.

He wanted to love her.

His cock head poised just at her slick opening, he stilled at the shocking thought.

What the hell was he doing bringing love into this? Into tonight?

Whatever happened, he had to remember that being with Janica was nothing more than sex.

Nothing more than release.

Nothing more than a way to clear his head.

She moved beneath him and shifted her hips up to try and take him inside and all reminders, all thoughts entirely fell away.

Bracing himself above her, he said, “Look at me,” knowing there was no way he could just take her like she was any other woman.

No matter how much he wanted to pretend otherwise, she was special.

And he had to make sure that he took care of her.

Her eyes flew to his. “Please, take me, Luke.”

It took every ounce of remaining control that he had not to drive himself into her. But he couldn't. Not if meant there was the slightest chance of his hurting her.

“We're going to do this slow. Easy.”

She didn't argue with words, she simply used her body instead by bucking her hips forcefully up into him.

He sucked in a hard breath as his head pushed into her slick heat. Even though the latex cover he could feel how hot, how wet she was. Nothing had ever felt this good. He wanted to rip the condom off and sink into her, skin on skin. But that was something reserved for a relationship. For commitment.

Not for a one night stand.

And just as he had suspected, he was far too thick to simply slide in the rest of the way. Even as wet and aroused as she clearly was, she'd need to get used to the size of his shaft and open up to him little by little.

She closed her eyes, but he needed her to keep them open so that he could watch her and make sure he wasn't hurting her.

She was so small. So perfect. He couldn't stand the thought of hurting her.

“Open for me, sweetheart.”

Her eyes flew open, wide and stunned.

It had been so natural to call her sweetheart that he almost hadn't noticed he'd done it. Now, he found himself holding himself up on one arm so that he could reach up and brush his fingers against her beautiful face.

He felt it then, the gentle easing of her inner muscles, and as he bent down to press his lips against hers, he slowly moved deeper.

He took her gasp of pleasure into his own lungs as he continued to slide in. Further and further he went, feeling her widen her legs beneath him even further, until she had taken more than half of his shaft.