Lucky Girl

Page 8

Then he did the other leg, so they were completely wrecked.

“I don’t know why, but that’s sexy.” He ran his hands up my bare legs. The sensation of his soft palms and his rough fingers—calloused from years of playing guitar—caressing me sent sweet waves of pleasure through me. Dale touched me like he was playing music, listening to notes only he could hear as he kneaded my flesh in his hands. I bit my lip and whimpered, wiggling on the bed.

“What am I going to wear tomorrow?” I wondered as Dale rolled the elastic top of the pantyhose down, stripping me of them completely. Now I was in just panties and my bra.

“I’ll buy you something.” He kissed one knee, then the other. “I missed your knees.”

“My knees?”

“Both of them.” He flicked his tongue around my kneecap and down to the bend in my leg, making me moan. “See? You love that. I love that you love that.”

“I love that you know I love that.” I ran a hand through his hair, soft as raven’s wings.

“I love that I know that you… wait…”

I laughed, reaching for him. “Shut up and kiss me.”

And that’s how the night really began.


I was sore when I got up to go to the bathroom. The clock on the nightstand said it was two in the morning as I made my way back to the bed. Dale was sleeping, completely nude, one leg off the edge of the bed, his foot dangling, the other knee cocked. The sheet was tangled at his waist, just across his hips. The comforter was somewhere… oh yeah, we’d taken it into the kitchen because having sex on the tile was too cold and far too hard.

But now I was cold. I went to the kitchen, seeing the remnants of the minibar on the counter. I think I was still a little drunk. My head was swimmy. I grabbed the comforter off the floor, putting it over my shoulders and wrapping it around me. I opened the little fridge and picked out one of the chocolate covered strawberries, eating it as I wandered into the living area.

I was tired but I couldn’t sleep. Having Dale home again made my mind race almost as fast as my body. I missed him when he was gone, but I missed him almost as much when he was home. His focus was so often elsewhere these days. His rock star dream was really coming true. The album had been released—with my cover art, I was so proud of that—and the first single too. But he was right, he never really forgot me. Even when he was up on stage, singing to thousands, he was singing my song, thinking about me.

“Why’d you come out here?” Dale came out of the bedroom, rubbing his eyes. He’d put on a pair of boxers.

“Had to pee. Can’t get back to sleep.” I held an arm out, holding the comforter open and his eyes lit up when he saw I wasn’t wearing anything. He snuggled up, grabbing the remote from the coffee table.

“Wonder if there’s anything good on.” He started flipping through channels while I played with his hair—what was left of it. It was so soft. I loved how it felt under my fingertips at the back of his neck.

“Mmm.” He shivered. “I like that.”

“This?” I lightly traced my nails there and he shivered again. Then I spelled out the words, “I love you.”

“Hey, look, it’s porn.”

“What?” I blinked at the television, trying to focus. The picture was all scrambled but I could almost make out a hint of skin.

“Want to watch porn?” He grinned, pushing buttons on the remote.

“Won’t that show up on the bill?” I gaped at him as the loud sounds of people having sex filled the room.

“The record company’s paying, remember.” He cocked his head, looking at the screen. “And they kind if expect it.”

“They expect you to watch porn?”I looked at the screen and saw a blonde with very large, very fake breasts doing a little striptease.

“They’d pay for escorts too, if I wanted them,” he replied casually, his hand stroking my thigh.

“So this is porn.” I watched as the blonde spread her legs for the camera, spreading her labia with nails so long they were more like garden tools.

“You’re kidding me?” Dale sat up. “You’ve never seen porn?”

“No…” My eyes widened when the blonde started putting her fingers inside. “Not movies anyway… she’s going to hurt herself!”

Dale looked and laughed. “That’s what I always thought too. Those fake tits and the bleach blond hair and those nails. Ugh.’

He grabbed the remote and changed the channel.

“There’s more?” Now there were two women kissing, touching each other.

“Mmm. Nice.” Dale perked up and I saw his cock tenting his boxers.

“You like that?” My fingernails traced the hairline at the nape of his neck. “What if I told you Aimee and I did that?”

He turned to look at me, mouth hanging open.

“I’m kidding.” I giggled. “No way. Gross. Never happened.”

“I didn’t think so.” He scoffed, making a face and looking back at the girls. “But for a minute there, you got me thinking about it…”

I watched the dark-haired girl spread her legs for the blonde. At least these two women were far more real. Their breasts didn’t defy gravity and their nails weren’t registered as deadly weapons. The blonde kissed her way down the brunette’s smooth, taut belly. I ran my hands down my own, stopping at my scar.

“Am I ugly?” I asked, getting Dale’s attention. His hand had wandered under his boxers and his attention had clearly been carried away by the image on the screen.

“Are you kidding me?” he exclaimed, his gaze roaming over my body. I was uncovered, my thighs slightly open, leaning back on the couch.

“My scars, I mean.” I winced, running my fingers over the raised spots. They were hard, knotted.

“No baby.” He leaned over and kissed my fingers, my scar too. I wouldn’t let him see me naked for months afterward. Sex always had to be with the lights off. “You’re beautiful. You’re so beautiful you make my heart ache from the inside out. And the best part about you is you’re real.”

He glanced back at the screen, making a dismissive noise in his throat.

“That’s fun, sometimes, but it’s fake. You’re real. You’re you.”

“But you like that.” I nodded toward the screen.

“I like watching, sure. I don’t know any guy who doesn’t. Any straight guy,” he added. Then grinned. “And gay guys just watch gay porn.”

“There’s gay porn?”

He laughed, grabbing the remote, pushing the button.

“No!” I protested. “I don’t want… oh. Wait.”

Now the image was of a couple. They were kissing, fondling each other, getting undressed. I watched her unzip him, his cock springing free. I loved that feeling, when Dale’s cock practically escaped out of his jeans into my hand.

“You like that?” Dale cocked his head, smiling.

My sex clenched. God I was so sore from him inside of me. I couldn’t count how many ways or times we’d had sex. The kitchen, the bathroom, the bed—oh god, those damned Skittles—and then the kitchen again, this time with me on the counter…

But my body responded when I watched the girl on the screen kneel and take his cock into her mouth. I could almost taste him. I licked my lips.

“What are you doing?” I asked as Dale slid down between my thighs, parting them with his palms.

“Just watch.”

I did. Wow, I was learning a lot. I loved taking him in my mouth like that because of the way he responded. He loved being in my mouth, my hand, watching me lick the tip.

“Ooohhh yesss,” I moaned as Dale’s tongue slid up and down between my cleft. My nipples, already hard from being exposed to the air, grew even harder, the skin around them puckering.

The sound of sex filled the room. Now the man had the woman on the bed and he was licking her, just like Dale was licking me. Except she was completely bare down there except for a strip of dark hair at the time.

“Would you like that,” I murmured, my hand in his hair. “Would you like me to shave all my hair down there for you.”

He moaned against my flesh, lapping faster, pressing his tongue against the sensitive bit of flesh right up top. He knew just what I liked, the way to flick it with his tongue, tease it round and round, then toggle it back and forth like turning a light switch on and off at lightning speed.

The couple on the screen were fucking. He was inside her from behind, her breasts swaying. The camera got up close and personal, showing the slick shaft of his cock moving in and out.

I glanced down and saw Dale had slid his boxers down his hips. He fisted his cock, the head red and leaking pre-cum. I whimpered at the sight of it, wanting him.

“Mine,” I whispered, reaching for him, falling far short, my hand opening and closing on the air. “I want you in my mouth.”

Dale grabbed my hips, pulling me up, and I sighed when his mouth moved from my sex. But he moved quickly, reclining on the couch and settling my pelvis over his face. I nuzzled his crotch, taking his cock in my hand. It was thick and hard and, I noted with a strange sort of pride, bigger than the guy on screen.

Dale moaned when I took him between my lips. His pre-cum was peppery and I swallowed, using my tongue and bathing him with saliva. The sweet press of his tongue between my legs was taking me to climax like a freight train at full speed. I wasn’t going to be able to stop it. I stroked him in my hand, moaning and rolling my hips, my eyes half closed as I watched the man on the screen. He pulled out of the woman and pumped his cock, once, twice, and then he was exploding, giving out a loud yell as climaxed.

“Oh!” I cried out, surprised by the sudden force of my orgasm. My hips bucked involuntarily and my hand grasped Dale’s cock so hard the head was almost purple. Dale didn’t stop, using his tongue to tease every last quiver and shudder from my body.

“Oh wow.” I shivered on top of him. “That was… wow…”

Dale slid out from under me and I collapsed onto the couch, still trying to catch my breat. He stood looking down at me, his eyes so full of lust it was almost scary. He licked his lips, then his fingers, tasting me still.

“I want you.” His voice was hoarse.

“How?” I smiled up at him, so sated and sleepy now.

He grabbed the comforter, folding and folding it, tossing it onto the wood coffee table.

“There.” He pointed. “On your hands and knees.”

“Ohhh.” I got up, climbing slowly and carefully onto the coffee table, afraid it might not hold my weight, but it did.

“Hang on.” Dale grabbed my hips and I gasped, looking for something to hold on to! I gripped the edges of the coffee table with my fingers, feeling his cock sliding up and down, teasing. It was the perfect height and with one, swift motion he was inside me. I cried out, biting my lip. I was sore, but oh, it hurt so good.

He went slow at first, easing himself out only half way before sliding back in. There was another couple on the screen, doing exactly what we were doing, a mirror image. Dale gripped my hips and thrust himself in deeper, using longer strokes, really driving into me now.

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