No Place to Run

Page 15

Garrett shot him a quelling look. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. Van can stay with Mom and Dad. I’m going with you and Sophie.”

“Okay then. Let’s figure out where the fuck we set up the meet and greet with Resnick.”


WHEN Sophie awoke, the living room was filled with strange men, all clad in black shirts and camo pants. They looked hard, not just muscled, but hard in the sense that they’d seen and endured a lot.

These were military men. Disciplined. More than just money guided their motivation. Their loyalty couldn’t be bought as her father bought those loyal to him.

Her thoughts were fanciful. She didn’t know any of this for a fact. Maybe they weren’t any better than her father, but she had to believe in something, and right now she chose to believe in Sam, and by default the men who worked with and for him.

Fascinated by the lone woman in the group—they called her P.J.—Sophie watched her interact from the safety of her blankets and mound of pillows. No one had noticed she was awake, and she was quite happy to observe in silence.

P.J. was small and surprisingly feminine-looking, or maybe it was because she was surrounded by much larger, terse males. She was quite pretty in an understated way. She had a tan that testified to time spent outdoors. Her hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail, simple and no nonsense, just like she appeared. Her eyes, though, were a clear shade of green, beautiful enough that Sophie found herself staring unabashedly at the fascinating woman.

She too was dressed in a black T-shirt and camo pants. A large knife was secured to her belt, and she wore a shoulder holster with a pistol tucked under her arm.

Sophie felt a rush of envy. Here was a woman who was wholly self-sufficient. She didn’t need the men who surrounded her. She was obviously an equal, and she could take care of herself. These men trusted her to look out not only for herself but for the team as well.

P.J. wouldn’t have run scared like Sophie had done. Nor would she have made such a pitiful attempt at escaping Tomas’s assassin.

She glanced down at her hands and almost laughed. It was rather pointless to be comparing herself to a female mercenary. Though she did wonder about P.J.’s story. How awesome that she had choices, that she could do and be anything. She was in control of her own destiny.

So were about a billion other people on the planet, and now so would Sophie be. No longer would she be controlled by another human being. It was a vow she repeated often.

Her gaze drifted to where Marlene and Frank sat in the corner of the room. Marlene was on Frank’s lap, and he had a firm arm around her. They were talking in low tones, and it was obvious Frank was comforting her. Every once in a while Marlene’s worried gaze would seek out her sons, but there was also fierce pride reflected there. And love.

It made Sophie’s chest ache. It hurt to see such love, such a sense of family in this sprawling house. Pictures and memories littered the walls and the mantel over the fireplace. Occupied every available space on the surface of end tables and over the television.

It was everything she’d ever wanted and never had.

The baby kicked, just one gentle nudge, like she was turning over to a better position in her sleep. Tears burned Sophie’s lids. Already she loved her daughter so much, and she vowed with everything she had that somehow, someway, her child would grow up with the love and security that Sophie never enjoyed.

She had no experience. But she had dreams. She had imagined a thousand times how normal families lived and loved. She wanted that for her daughter.

She wanted it for herself.

“Are you all right?”

She jerked her head up to see a tall, dark-haired man—Rio?—standing over her. She froze as she studied him. He looked fierce, but there was something soft in his eyes as he stared down at her.

“You looked upset.”

She cleared her throat nervously. She wasn’t sure what to say, or if she should say anything at all. This might be one of Sam’s men, but that didn’t automatically give him a pass.

Then he smiled, and white teeth flashed. “You remind me of my little sister. Magdalena was her name.”


It came out little more than a whisper, and when pain flashed in his dark eyes, she regretted making the distinction.

“She passed on a few years ago. She was pregnant like you. And just as beautiful. Pregnancy does that for a woman.”

Sophie didn’t know what to say or how to respond, so she said nothing. To her surprise, Rio held out a glass of iced tea and carefully put it into her hand.

Touched by the gesture, she gave him a genuine smile and raised the glass to her lips. “Thank you. Who are all these people?” she asked, looking beyond him to the others.

He glanced over as she did. “The man standing to Sam’s right is Steele, the other team leader. I’m Rio, by the way. My team is standing to the side. All this togetherness isn’t really our thing.”

She followed his direction to a group of five men standing silently with no expression. They merely observed. She shivered. They looked dangerous.

“That’s Cole and P.J. with Donovan. They’re the two sharpshooters. They both belong to Steele. On the other side of them are Baker, Renshaw and Dolphin.”

She raised her head to look at Rio. “Dolphin?”

Rio grinned. “Because he swims like one.”

“Why are you being nice to me?” she asked bluntly.

His eyebrow went up and he studied her for a moment. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

She shrugged. “You don’t know me.”

“I think maybe you’re used to people not being very nice to you. Maybe it’s time to alter your expectations, hmm?”

He offered a smile, then returned to where his men stood. He leaned against the wall, propping one foot behind him, and stared at Sam and Steele with a bored expression on his face.

Every once in a while he looked back over at her and smiled. He had no idea how much that small gesture meant to her in a room filled with people she didn’t know or trust. It gave her something to grasp. He may not like her or trust her—she doubted either—but he was nice to her and he didn’t have to be. How silly—but unsurprising—that she was such a weak sucker for someone showing her any sort of kindness.

She was already firmly under the spell of Marlene Kelly, and for all she knew, the woman had changed her mind about her the moment Sam gave her the story.

Talk of safe houses and leaving turned Sophie in Sam’s direction. He was speaking to Steele, and Rio had closed in on the small circle of men surrounding Sam. Garrett and Donovan stood on either side of Sam, and she was struck by how fierce their expressions were.

She struggled to lean forward so she could hear, and Marlene and Sam both saw her at the same time. Sam turned in her direction, going silent as his gaze roved over her. Marlene left the shelter of her husband’s arms and slid onto the couch next to Sophie.

“How are you feeling, dear?” Marlene asked as she laid a hand on Sophie’s arm.

Not wanting to be rude, she yanked her gaze from Sam and turned to Marlene.

“Better. The bath and the food did wonders.”

“Are you hurting? Do you want some more pain medicine?”

Sophie paused, realizing she hadn’t given her shoulder any thought. She hadn’t awakened with the vicious ache. Tentatively she tested her motion, raising her arm at an angle.

She winced and immediately dropped it back to her side.

Before she could respond to Marlene, Sam was next to her, his eyes flashing with disapproval.

“Don’t move your arm more than necessary. You don’t want to open those stitches.” He glanced over at Donovan. “Van, you want to take another look before we bug out?”

Sophie blinked in confusion and then looked between Sam and his mother.

“I’m fine, Sam. He just looked at it, and I haven’t so much as moved it until just a second ago. It wasn’t even hurting until I did.”

“Well don’t move it then,” he said gruffly.

“Are you leaving?” she asked. The idea of him going sent panic up her spine.

His eyes narrowed and then he blinked. “Did you think I was leaving you? You’re coming with me, Sophie.”

Her lips rounded to an O. “Where are we going?”

She was so relieved that her head was slightly swimmy.

“We’ll have plenty of time to discuss that on the road. Sit tight here with Mom while I get all the details worked out with my men.”

He touched her hand briefly as he rose, but warmth traveled her entire body. He glanced one more time at her before returning to his men.

“Is there anything I can get you?” Marlene asked.

Sophie shook her head and focused on Sam. She wanted to hear what he had to say and find out what his plan was. She’d needed the sleep, but now she was at a disadvantage. She’d missed a lot while she dozed.

“Rio, I want you to bug out with Mom, Dad and Rusty. Donovan’s staying with you. Stay low until you hear from me. Steele, you’ll pull recon at Eagle One with Cole, P.J. and Dolphin. When you give me the all clear, I’ll bring Sophie in. I want Baker and Renshaw on the first plane to Hawaii to watch over Ethan and Rachel. I’ll send Garrett to meet Resnick and bring him in. You’ll maintain the perimeter at all times. I’m not taking any chances.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Steele said.

It was the first time she’d heard Steele say anything. He mostly stood and watched, his intense blue eyes taking in everything around him. He looked . . . cold and intimidating.

Instinctively she found Rio, and he flashed her a quick grin.

She wanted to interrupt and ask where the hell they were going, but she remained silent. She didn’t want everyone’s attention on her. Sam had promised to protect her and their child, and for now that was enough.


“SAM, I think Sophie should be examined by a doctor before you leave,” Marlene said in a worried voice.

Sam looked down at his mom, who had her hand on his arm. “Van checked her over, Ma. He stitched her wound and gave her antibiotics.”

“But Donovan isn’t going with you. He’s staying with us. Garrett isn’t a medic and neither are you. Besides, what does Donovan know about pregnancy?”

Sam frowned.

“This is your child, Sam,” Marlene persisted. “This woman has been through hell. You need to make sure everything is all right with the baby.”

Sam cupped the back of his neck and twisted his head from side to side. Fatigue and tension had a firm grip on him. “I have to see to their safety, Ma. You know that. I can’t let anything happen to them. We can’t walk into a clinic even using a different identity. Her father would be on to us. I’m sure he has a net several hundred miles wide around us.”

“I can have Doc come here to look at her. He’s delivered more than one baby. He could at least listen to the heartbeat. And give her some vitamins. She should be taking vitamins.”

His frown softened as he saw the very real worry in her eyes. He leaned down and hugged her tight.

“I’ll get her vitamins. I’ll make sure she eats well. I’ll take very good care of her. And as soon as possible, I’ll get her to a doctor. You have my word. But I can’t do it now. I can’t take the risk and stay here any longer.”

Marlene sighed and reached up to pat him on the cheek. He smiled at the gesture. It always made him feel like a boy again.

“You’re my oldest, and I love you dearly but I have to say, you royally screwed up this time.”

He blinked in surprise as she shook her head and pulled away. Then he laughed. There was nothing else to do. He was being taken to task like a teenager caught having sex in the backseat of his parents’ car. At least then he’d worn a condom.

Blowing out a weary breath, he turned to the others.

“Is everyone ready to roll?” He glanced over at his dad. “Are you, Mom and Rusty packed?”

His dad walked toward the kitchen. “Just let me lock up the house and set the alarm.”

Sam nodded, not having the heart to tell his father that locks and an alarm wouldn’t stop Mouton’s men if they wanted to get in.

His mom hugged everyone, including making the rounds of his men. It was amusing to watch their discomfort over being fussed over by Marlene Kelly, but it’s not like they’d refuse her. She wasn’t the type you refused.

Sophie watched from the sofa, and Sam could see pain that had nothing to do with her injuries deep in her eyes. He made his way over to her and reached for her hand. Her haunted gaze met his, and he squeezed her fingers, hoping to lighten some of the darkness he saw reflected on her face.

“Sit tight,” he murmured. “I’m going to take some pillows and blankets out to the SUV so you’ll be comfortable. Garrett’s going to drive, so I’ll sit in the back with you.”

Now that orders had been given, everyone split up and went their way. One of the two Kelly jets would fly Baker and Renshaw to Hawaii, while the other would take Steele, Dolphin, P.J. and Cole to West Virginia, where they’d prepare Eagle One, one of the KGI safe houses, for Sam and Sophie’s arrival.

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