The Novel Free

Not Over You

“You want to do that right now?”

“I thought it would be a good time to talk about the future.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “About our future plans.”

His face lit up and the sight of it made that lump return, bigger than before. “We can go in my office, and you can borrow my laptop.” He took her by the hand. “Maybe we can include that in our future purchases, if you want one—but I do have a confession to make.”

“Oh,” she said, heart pounding as they entered his office. She sat down at the table by the windows, and he sat across from her.

Booting up his laptop, he turned the screen to face her and said, “I might have bought you another wedding present. It’ll be delivered tomorrow. So don’t peek at that expense.”

Another present? What could be better than the art kit he’d given her? She grabbed the material of her skirt and twisted. “I don’t want to see your expenses.”

His brows drew together. “Then what do you want to see?”

“I want you to help me pay the legal fees for the lawyer.”

His face grew so dark that she almost ran out of the room. “We’re not getting a divorce.”

“It’s not for that. It’s for Ivy.”

“How much?” His knuckles turned white around the fist he made.

She named the amount left to pay her lawyer. “You can write a check out to Pellum & Foster if you think that would work better.”


“By the first of next month. I’ve paid through this one.”

He shut the laptop and rose to his feet, moving to his desk. He opened a drawer, and took out a checkbook, filled out a check, and then tore it off. “Here,” he said, placing it on the top of his desk. “I was thinking about going out tonight. Noah and Carlos invited me to Poor Boy’s, but I told them no, unless you think differently?”

Why did he have to be like this? Any other man would have stormed out, but her husband… he wanted her to know where he was going and who he would be with, and her opinion on the entire invitation. All that served to remind her that he didn’t deserve her for a wife.

“You should go,” she whispered. Go, so I don’t have to see the disappointment in your eyes. She could never stomach his disappointment, one of the reasons why she always left Holland Springs after staying a while. Gabriel would get to her, with only a look.

“Will you be here when I get home?” he asked, and she wanted to cry, because he knew her that well.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Not until it’s decided about Ivy.” He sounded so defeated that her heart began to ache for him.

She nodded, biting her lower lip. There was nothing she could say, and what she wanted to say would do nothing to help.


Gabriel nursed his beer while waiting for his turn at the dartboard.

Noah sat down beside him, after scoring three bulls-eyes in a row. “It feels like we haven’t talked in forever.”

Gabriel gave him a side-eyed glance. “We talk every day at work.”

“Yeah, but only about work stuff.”

“What would you like to talk about, Noah?”

“Nothing.” Noah grinned over the rim of his glass.

Carlos stepped up to the table and tossed the dart on it. “Your turn, angel.”

“Angel Edwards, huh?” Noah made a noise. “Stripper or ninja name?”

“Neither.” Though Summer tended to call him by the nickname when he was nude, or inside her. He swallowed.

Carlos looked at Noah. Together they said, “Stripper name.”

“You guys really need to stay off Facebook.”

“But how else will I find out what people I haven’t talked to in ten years are up to nowadays?” Noah quipped.

“If you haven’t talked to them in ten years, why would you start now?” Gabriel asked, scooping up the darts.

“Because they accepted my friend request.”

“Sound logic.”

“Says the guy who posted over a hundred pictures of his wedding.”

Gabriel’s mouth flattened. Who cares how many pictures he had posted of his and Summer’s wedding? She certainly didn’t. Her not-so-little reminder tonight was loud and clear. She might give him her body, might even laugh with him, and confide some of the things that had bothered her for years, but never would she be his completely.

Yet, he’d given her his word, knowing exactly why she wanted his help, all the while thinking he could change her mind. God, he’d been such an arrogant fool, thinking he could change her anything.

“Sore subject?” Carlos asked.

There was no way he’d talk to them about Summer’s plans. Carlos was half a beer away from saying, I told you so as it was.

Noah didn’t have a clue about Summer at all, his view of the opposite sex was generally positive, no matter their reputation. Besides, there were only two people in his and Summer’s relationship, and neither of them were Noah or Carlos.

“I’m strategizing on how best to win,” Gabriel said instead, and it wasn’t a lie. He really did want to kick Carlos and Noah’s butts. Usually they won. He was horrible at darts in college, and he was just as horrible now, but he didn’t hang out with them to improve his game—obviously.

“If you strategize any longer, they’ll kick us out and start cleaning up.”

Noah snorted. “If the bar starts closing at nine at night, then I need to move to another town.”

Gabriel looked around him, not for the first time noticing how young the bar crowd was—legal yes, but at least seven years younger.

“Have you guys noticed the crowd lately?” Noah suddenly asked, and both he and Carlos leveled their buddy with a look. “I feel old.”

A waitress walked by, wearing low-slung jeans and a halter-top that left nothing to the imagination, but Gabriel pretended he hadn’t seen anything.

“Try thirty, and then talk to me about feeling old,” Carlos said with a grin.

“I will in February,” Noah said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Maybe we should find another place to hang out.”

“Or start playing this in my garage,” Gabriel offered. “Beer’s better and cheaper.”

“I’ll toast to that,” Carlos said, holding up his glass. “Shelia would be much happier with that arrangement.”

“It has begun,” Noah said in a deep, booming voice. “One wedding ring to rule us all.”

“Shut up, Noah.” Carlos threw a pretzel at him. “Shelia is very secure in our relationship, but bars like this… It seems kind of juvenile to hang out here and do the same thing we’ve been doing since we were in college.”

Gabriel threw his dart and hit the number three. “Are we calling it a night, gentleman?”

“With that score, you better hope we want to call it a night.”

“That’s just sad, Gabriel. We’ve been playing for ten years, and you’re still just as bad.”

“So’s your face.”

“Classic.” Noah emptied his bottle and set it down, leaving some cash for the tip. “Ready?”

“How about we continue our game another night?” Gabriel asked.

“Fine with me,” Carlos said.

Noah shrugged. “I can catch up on Honey Boo Boo re-runs ”

Gabriel struggled not to make a face and failed. “Sounds interesting.”

“Great television.”

“If you say so.”

“I do.”

“I’m leaving.”

Gabriel paid for his drinks, left a tip, and headed outside. The night was humid, so much so that it felt like he was drinking air instead of breathing it in. As he drove home, he thought of Summer, and whether or not she’d be there.

Despite not arguing, his heart felt heavy. He wasn’t sure how to proceed once he did get home. Assuming, once again, that Summer was actually there.

The outside lights were on when he pulled into the drive. He parked beside the truck he’d given her four years ago. She’d been so desperate, so frightened, and for once had looked to him to help her, really help her.

He’d seen the need to be her hero and had taken the opportunity to play the part. So, he couldn’t blame her for resenting and needing him at the same time.

But now. Now she was his wife.

He exhaled, parking his truck and heading inside.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“I’m still here,” Summer said by way of greeting.

Gabriel hung up his truck keys and continued to the bedroom, but not before dropping a kiss on her cheek along the way. “Wasn’t worried.”

Relief flowed through her. He wasn’t back to argue or fight with her. “Did you have fun with your friends?”

“I did, even though I suck at darts.” He paused at the entrance of their bedroom and gave her a self-depreciating grin. “Maybe I’ll win next time. I’m getting in the shower, to wash off the stench of Poor Boy’s, if you’d like to join me.”

Images of him in the shower, water running down his hard body, made her squirm. She crossed her arms. “I already had one.”

“Suit yourself,” he said, and she watched as he disappeared.

She picked up the remote and clicked on the television, channel surfing until he appeared in the doorway again, with only a towel wrapped around his lean hips.

Her mouth went dry.

“I’m going to bed now.”

There was no way she would join him in there either. She had to start distancing herself. The honeymoon was over. After everything was sorted out with Ivy, their marriage would be over.

“I’m not tired,” she said, tearing her gaze away from him.

“Me neither,” he said.

Oh God. Please don’t ask me to come to bed with you. She stared harder at the television.

Gabriel appeared before her. Unfortunately, he had on a pair of pajama bottoms. Though the view of his muscular chest was nice—and bad. Very bad to her determination. “Let’s go outside.”


“To play with my telescope.”

Mulling over his words, Summer clicked off the television. Surely, taking part in an activity that didn’t involving kissing or touching would be okay. After all, she didn’t want to leave him with completely horrible memories of her.


Smiling, he pulled her up from the couch and led her up the stairs to a room in a corner of the house. Since she hadn’t allowed herself to explore his house, because she felt like she didn’t deserve to even live here, she was seeing it for the first time. It was empty.

She frowned. “Where’s your telescope?”

“Right through those doors.”

Opening the French doors, Gabriel waited for her to step outside first. The night sky greeted her, saturated with stars, so many stars that the sight took her breath away.

She reached out to touch one, and then drew her hand back at her foolishness.

“I feel the same way,” he said, running his fingers though her hair. “Did you know that you can buy a star for someone, and have it named for them?”

No touching, she wanted to shout, but she was weak and needy for his touch. And greedy. She wanted to savor all his touches and kisses, before she had to leave him.

“No,” she said shakily. “I didn’t know that.”

“Look through here and you can see a pretty crown,” he said, tapping on the end. “I would have named it for you, but someone beat me to it.”

“Oh.” Unsure of what to think of his statement, Summer leaned down, closing one eye and peering through the lens with the other. “I can’t tell which one is which.”

“Seven stars forming a u-shape. It’s called Corona Borealis.”

She looked up from the telescope and made a face to keep from smiling. “It’s named for a beer?”

He grinned. “You know it’s not.”

Shrugging, she bent to the telescope once more and found the seven stars that formed the u-shape.

“Legend has it that Theseus gave the crown to Ariadne for helping him defeat the Minotaur. She wore it at their wedding.” She heard him move closer to her, running his hands down her back. “They worked together, you see, to defeat something that no one else had before. Alone, neither of them would have survived.”

“So they lived happily ever after?”

He exhaled. “I’d like to think so.”

“But they probably didn’t.” She stood and turned around.

“I still like to think so,” he repeated.

“I’m not trying to change your mind.”

He made a noise. “No, you’re trying to make sure yours doesn’t ever change.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I really am going to bed now.”

“I’m not tired.”

“Okay,” was all he said as he walked inside.

She wanted to go after him, but she made herself remain still and calm. Once she was sure enough time had passed, she headed inside, shutting the doors behind her and hurrying to their bedroom.

The lights were off, but moonlight outlined his form in a soft, blue-white glow. She got into bed with him, curling up in a little ball, careful not to touch him. She didn’t deserve to touch him.

But he had other ideas. Gabriel rolled over, snaked one arm around her middle, and hauled her against him. He sighed. “Much better.”

Against her better judgment, she allowed herself to stay there and be lulled into sleep by the warmth of his body. He relaxed against her.

*** Copyright: Novel12.Com