The Novel Free

Not Over You

“I don’t believe you,” Summer said through gritted teeth.

A nurse came into the room, saying something to Azalea as she left. She took Summer’s temperature and checked the small sutures. “You’ll be able to see your baby in a little while.” A cool hand patted her shoulder. “Picked out a name yet?”

Summer nodded, her arms aching to hold her. “Ivy.”

“That’s a nice name.”

“Wh-where’s G-gabriel?”

The nurse’s brow furrowed. “I was told that he needed to leave, that you only wanted family.”

Azalea’s doing—it had to be. But why had he listened? “Oh, yeah.”

“I’ll be back in an hour to check on you.”

The door clicked closed, making the room seem empty. The emptiness grew, until it reached every toe and finger. Until the longing to hold Ivy was overshadowed by it. All she wanted to do was sleep. To feel nothing ever again.

But her last thoughts as she drifted off were of Gabriel. Why wasn’t he here with her? What had made him leave?

This time things had seemed different.

“I don’t belong here,” she sobbed, breaking free from her memories. But where else did she have to go?


After a long evening at The Center, Gabriel drove down to one of the local docks, unloaded the canoe he’d strapped in the truck bed into the water, jumped in, and began to row.

He rowed across the Pamlico, the oars slicing through the water with little resistance. When his arms and abs began to burn from the exertion, he braced his legs against the sides and pushed himself harder.

He rowed until his chest ached and his brain cleared, then he rowed even more, until he came to the bridge that led to the little town of Jessamine. The only time he ever rowed this far northeast was when he had excess energy to burn off, or when he had a problem to solve.

Only Summer wasn’t a problem. She was his wife.

With a great sigh, he began to row back to shore.


Once he showered and changed, he walked into the living room, only to find Summer asleep on the couch.

She was curled up in one corner of it, like a little girl, and every so often, she’d hiccup and sniff. She’d been crying, he realized, and everything he’d rehearsed while he’d been rowing flew out the window

She looked so vulnerable lying there, wearing a pale pink nightgown with butterflies on the hem. Another one of Jemma Leigh’s recommendations, he’d bet, smiling at little.

One of the thin straps slid down her shoulder, and he gently tucked it back in place. “Gabriel,” she murmured, turning to him.

“I’m here.” He leaned down, picking her up as she wrapped her arms around him. “It’s late. Let’s get you to bed.”

“I need you. Now.”

Her words were his undoing. She’d never needed him, at least not in the way he thought she meant it.

He searched the room, zeroing in on the table. Striding to it, he sat her on the edge. “This good?”

“Yes.” She leaned forward and licked a path up his neck. “Please.”

Tugging his shirt up and over his head, he fixed his gaze on her. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “Take everything off.”

Not sooner than the command had finished being issued, he toed off his shoes, and rid himself of his socks and pants.

Her nightgown went flying across the room and then her very interested gaze locked on him once more. “Those too.”

“These?” He tucked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxer briefs, edging them down. She licked her lips, and he applied more pressure until the material caught on the tip of his cock.

“Now,” she ordered and he gave her a wicked grin before letting his boxer briefs fall around his ankles.

He barely had enough time to step out of them before she hauled him to her, locking her legs around his waist. The head of his dick brushed her silky thigh. She tackled him, grabbing his face, and kissing him with so much passion, it was like she was desperate. He kissed her back, sliding his hand under her bottom to fit her more fully to him. She moaned, her hands leaving his face to glide down his neck, his chest, over his nipples, and further still to his abs.

He sucked in his stomach and she laughed a little, but the sound was sweet.

Her warm hands encircled him, down low at the base of his cock. She stroked him, plunged her tongue into his mouth, and had him groaning with need.

“You’re not wet enough,” he said, falling to his knees and worshipping her with his mouth, tongue, and teeth. Only joy and passion existed when he licked her, made her cry out his name and whimper. He reveled in her taste, closing his eyes and drinking her down. Her scent was as intoxicating as her taste.

Then she was digging her nails into his shoulder as her body bowed into him. He used his shoulders to spread her thighs wider, and she began to chant his name.

Suddenly her hands were on his arms, urging him up, and somehow she managed to impale herself on him. He eased out of her, and then drove deep, making her body jolt.

Her head fell back, pale hair spilling everywhere like a waterfall. He licked the tops of her breasts, the side of her throat, and nibbled on her ear.

He rolled his hips, and she wound her legs tight around him. “Keep moving,” she gasped.

Barely able to speak, he looked to where they were joined, watching as he disappeared inside of her.

“Amazing how we fit together,” he said.

“Faster,” she said and he slowed his thrusts.

“I want to savor you, savor this moment.”

She let her head fall on his shoulder, wrapping her body around his. The movement sent him even deeper, but he didn’t succumb to the biting need to go faster. Instead, he made his strokes long and precise. He moved inside of her, firmly, consistently until he had to grit his teeth from coming. Her body flushed, a sign she was close. Hard nipples scraped his chest, and he groaned.

No more savoring. He had to move, he had to give her what she wanted. So, he picked up the pace, bracing his arms on the table, and plunged inside of her until the table began to move across the floor.

“I have to… I need,” she panted as she slid a hand between them. “Watch me. Watch me.”

He did, and the sight of her fingers sliding over her pink flesh and over his made his hips jerk. He felt his orgasm bear down on him and when her inner muscles tightened around him, he let go, coming inside of her in white-hot spurts that had him growling her name.

Only a few heartbeats behind him, she said the one thing he’d been longing to hear for years. “Oh, Angel… my Gabriel… I love you.”

He smoothed back her hair, searching her face. “Please don’t take it back.”

“I can’t take it back, even if I wanted to,” she said softly.

Lifting her from the table, he carried her to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Once steam began to billow from the top, he stepped inside and lowered her feet to the floor.

She kissed him again. Sweet little kisses that made him hug her to him. “I’ve decided not sue for custody of Ivy,” she said.

“Oh sweetheart, I know that wasn’t an easy decision to make, but I’m so proud of you,” he said.

She blinked up at him, her lashes wet, and her lips trembling. “It still hurts.”

“I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”

“I don’t deserve you.” She hugged him tighter, the water seeping between their bodies. “I really don’t, not after all I’ve put you through over the years.”

“Utter nonsense.” He threaded his fingers through her wet hair and kissed her.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Summer didn’t bother going to Carolina Dreams the next day. Rose would most likely be at the store, and she did not want to face her right now. Instead, she met with Ms. Foster, informed the woman of her plans, and then walked out again.

She trudged up the street, not wanting to notice the blue sky or the bright sun. She certainly didn’t want to smell the flowers.

She was in no mood for any of it.

There was no reason for her to stay in Holland Springs any longer. Her purpose for coming back was no longer a goal. She had no purpose, much less a goal.

She had no job, no place to live, and no car, because she refused to take Gabriel’s thoughtful gift with her.

Her only choice was to clean out her checking account, and purchase a bus ticket to the other side of the country. This time, she would make herself stay away. She would give Gabriel the divorce he deserved, so he could be with a woman who deserved him.

She swallowed a sob, then another, until she had to sit down on the nearest bench. Breathing deeply, she tried to get her emotions under control. It wouldn’t do for anyone to see her like this.

Not that anyone would care to see her like this.

Well, Jemma Leigh would care and Gabriel, maybe even Gabriel’s family.

Out of the corner of her eye, a flash of red caught her attention. She turned, watching in disbelief as Gabriel practically danced through the park. He didn’t see her. She stood, shrinking back into the shadows and behind a tree.

He looked so happy, so pleased with life, that she couldn’t help but smile with him. A tear trickled down her face.

Suddenly, Elise appeared, bumping into Gabriel, and Summer’s heart leapt into her throat.

Gabriel turned around, looking sheepish and apologetic. Elise burst into tears, and Gabriel’s arms automatically went around her, pulling her closer. He said something to his ex-girlfriend, most likely words of comfort, because that’s just who he was.

A watery smile appeared on Elise’s face.

Summer couldn’t take anymore. She had to leave, and not because she thought Gabriel was wrong or he would cheat, but because Elise was the woman he deserved.

The faster she left town, the better it would be for everyone.

She marched out of her hiding place, not bothering to answer when Gabriel called out her name, even as her heart screamed at her to stop.

Tears ran down her face, but she didn’t bother to scrub them away. She wanted to remember this moment, this decision to be selfless for the third time, and let the one she loved have a better life. Without her.

“Hey you!” Jemma Leigh called from their usual table at Muffin Top.

“I really can’t, Jemma Leigh,” Summer said, trying in vain to keep the blonde from seeing her tears. Jemma Leigh would be nice and concerned, and make Summer feel a million times worse.

She’d miss Jemma Leigh, and the knowledge hurt almost as bad as leaving Gabriel to Elise.

“What in the world happened?” Jemma Leigh said, quickly catching up with her.

“I’m leaving.” Summer stopped walking, and Jemma Leigh did the same.

Jemma Leigh pursed her lips, nodding. “I see that.”

“It’s for the best.”

“That darn Bernice. I told her I didn’t believe a word she was saying about you and Jeremy.” Jemma Leigh tossed her head. “As if my best friend would ever mess with my husband.”

Summer’s eyes grew huge. “Someone told you I was messing around with Jeremy?”

“Just Bernice, but no one ever takes her seriously,” Jemma Leigh said. “She wears white after Labor Day and thinks college football is boring.”

Summer laid her hand on Jemma Leigh’s arm. “I would never, ever sleep with your husband, or anyone’s husband, for that matter.”

Jemma Leigh rolled her eyes and huffed. “Silly woman. I know. We had an entire conversation about it. Gosh, I didn’t fall off the turnip truck last night. You’re my best friend, Summer Jean Holland Edwards, and nothing’s more sacred a bond between women.”

Summer threw her arms around the taller woman. “I love you, Jemma Leigh Stratford, and you’re the best friend a woman could ever have.” Then she let go of her and did what she did best.

Summer ran away.

After lunch with Carlos, Gabriel strolled through the park with a smile on his face and lightness in his step. He wanted to sing and dance, and give praise. He felt like King David, when he’d brought home the ark, and his joy couldn’t be contained, so he’d stripped down and led all his people into rejoicing.

Only he wasn’t King David, he didn’t have any people, and he was pretty sure he’d be arrested for stripping in the middle of the park.


Summer Holland loved him. She loved him. Wait. Make that Summer Holland Edwards loved him.

Had the sun ever been any brighter? Had the sky ever been as blue? Had the flowers ever smelled so sweet?

The answer to all his questions was a big, resounding no.

Whistling, he did a little shuffle dance by a tree and almost bumped into another person.

“I’m so sorry,” he began, turning around and finding Elise there. “What’s wrong?”

Tears streaked her face. “I’ve made a mistake, but now it’s too late, because I know—I know...” She burst into tears.

Immediately, he hugged Elise. She looked so lost and forlorn that he couldn’t help himself. “It’s okay. Tell me what I can do.”

“I need a friend, someone to talk to,” she sniffed and he got a funny feeling in his stomach. “Can we go somewhere private?”

That funny feeling turned right back into the off feeling he’d had when they had been a couple. But he didn’t want to hurt her feelings, not when she was obviously hurting again. “There’s hardly anyone in the park,” he said into her hair. He lifted his head and set her away from him, gently smiling. “Why don’t we sit down on the nearest bench and talk?”

Elise looked at the bench, and then at him. “Summer’s cheating on you.”