Ours to Love

Page 30

It wasn’t much, but she could give him her virginity and her affection. He would probably take her heart, too. Just as his brother would. But that was her problem. She knew that being young and inexperienced meant that she was likely to get starry-eyed and think she was in love. London promised herself that she would expect nothing from them but pleasure.

She spread her legs for Xander, offering herself wholeheartedly. And she clutched Javier’s hand. He squeezed back as his brother crawled over her body, breath rushing out in hot pants over her lips. Then Xander slid the condom down fully and lowered himself onto her, his erection nudging at her opening.

“It’s going to be a bit painful at first. It’s unavoidable,” he said with regret.

“It’s okay.”

“He’ll be gentle, little one, or he’ll answer to me,” Javier promised, brushing a kiss across her cheek.

“Very gentle,” Xander vowed. But he looked like the restraint might choke him. He was keeping himself on a tight leash, trying desperately to maintain his control.

“Breathe and focus,” Javier told him.

Absently, Xander nodded. His entire body stiff with tension, he spread her thighs wider with his own and began probing lightly at her opening, inserting the head just a fraction, then withdrawing again.

The sensation merely teased her with the slick feel of him, there and gone again. But the sear of his skin covering hers, the taut need ripping across his face, the anticipation skittering through her veins made her heart skip beats. London drew in a deep breath to steady herself, then smiled up at Xander. “I’m not made of glass. Go ahead.”

He swallowed, then looked at Javier, seeming to communicate something silently. His brother smiled. Reassuringly, yes. But also with a bit of mischief, like they’d become coconspirators.

Before London had time to wonder what they were plotting, Javier wrapped his fingers around her nape and turned her head toward him. His seeking lips found hers. She groaned as he claimed her mouth in a consuming kiss that curled up her toes.

At the same time Xander surged forward and broke through the thin barrier to her body. As she cried out into Javier’s kiss, Xander sank down, down, deeper. The pain was a long, burning gash gouging her insides. She tore her lips from Javier’s and sucked in a shocked breath, stiffening and fighting.

“Stop!” she sobbed.

Xander pinned her to the bed and held completely still for the span of a few breaths, crooning soothing sounds and whispered apologies to her. He feathered his lips over her cheek, her ear. Slowly, the pain subsided to a dull ache, then nothing at all.

As she exhaled raggedly, London relaxed. It was done. Losing her virginity wasn’t the only key to finally living a whole, fulfilling life, but it was a start.

Suddenly, Xander wriggled his hips once more, working himself deeper still into her pussy, inch by aching inch. Javier seized her lips again.

“I’m sorry it hurt, belleza.” His voice shuddered along with his body. “I don’t know how long I can hold out. So tight. So . . . mine.”

The gruff words zipped down her spine, lighting her body up. This time, when he withdrew and surged forward again, a brief blip of pain morphed in a tingling of nerve endings. The head of his shaft prodded a spot inside London that had her gasping. Her sex throbbed and burned. She tried to speak, but Javier’s lips never left hers. Instead, he swallowed her cry.

Together, they piled on more sensations, Xander increasing the length of his strokes, still like molasses, zinging across every sensitive spot inside her. Javier now toying with her nipples, pinching one, then the other, gently twisting. London arched as every jolt of pleasure from her sensitive breasts shot down to her clit.

Finally, Javier lifted his head, already breathing hard, as he turned to watch his brother thrust into her body, then inch back. Xander’s cock was glossy with her moisture, and a hint of blood stained the condom. London gave herself over to the rush of pleasure with a shuddering sigh.

“How does she feel?” Javier choked out the words to his brother.

“So fucking good. I’m fighting not to lose it. You’re amazing, belleza. Move with me,” Xander panted and grabbed her hips, coaching her silently to rock her body with his as he shoved inside even harder now, faster. “Help me, Javi,” he panted. “I want her sky-high before she comes again.”

“My pleasure.” Javier smiled at her.

Xander balanced on his knees and grabbed her hips, lifting them off the mattress, then powered into her, one deep stroke after the next. Javier licked his fingers, then caressed his way down her abdomen to circle her clit again. Her stomach flipped. She was more sensitive than ever. Blood rushed through her body, swelled the folds of her sex. Every time Xander pushed into her, he bumped her clit. Javier rubbed it the rest of the time. Perspiration began to coat her skin until she couldn’t find her next breath, until her whole body tightened.

“That’s it, belleza. So beautiful. And you’re so close . . .”

Javier nuzzled her breast. “Your skin is glowing. Open your eyes, little one. Look at me.”

Slowly, she turned her head—and drowned in his blue gaze. It burned. He wanted her with a desperation that showed in every line of his body.

“Please, Javier . . .” London didn’t even know what she was asking for exactly. Relief? Release? “Xander!”

But there was no relief in sight, just more endless pleasure that dragged her under like quicksand. Inescapable and thick, it would be her downfall.

With one hand, Javier continued to caress her clit. The other he wrapped around his thick cock, stroking it roughly up and down. The sight sent a sharp bolt of arousal between her legs. Her stare wouldn’t leave that hand gripping his hard, needy flesh.

“He’s going to fuck you next,” Xander promised huskily. “The moment I roll away from you, he’s going to blanket you and shove his way into this achingly tight little pussy. Can you take him?”

“Yes!” she screamed out the word, arching and thrashing.

“Good. I’m going to watch. And it won’t be long before I’ll want you again.”

Release sat right there, taunting her, throbbing through her clit with promise. She held her breath, certain that at any moment, she would go tumbling over. Instead, the blood just continued to rush in, building and building the climax with every devastatingly slow stroke. The nerves between her thighs danced and scorched her. She mewled and scratched at the sheets, sent Javier pleading stares, doing her best to force Xander to push her over the edge.


“That’s not a polite way to ask for what you want,” Xander chided.

London bit her lip until it hurt, then whimpered for more. “Please. I need more. Can’t . . . take it.”

“You can. Wait a little longer. I’m enjoying your pleading. Tell me you need it again.” He surged deep inside her again, scraping his way up the sensitive walls of her channel.

“Yes.” She could no longer string two words together. “Please. More. Now. Aching.”

“So fucking sweet, but no coming yet.” He turned to his brother. “Little London has never sucked a cock, I’ll bet. Want to help her learn?”

Another boom of desire throbbed in her womb at Xander’s growled words. And before she knew what was happening, Javier loomed over her as well, lifting her head in one hand and feeding her his hard shaft with the other. She welcomed him, openmouthed and curious. The experience was different—better—than expected. He cradled his hard length on her tongue, and she stretched her lips wide to accommodate his girth. The salty, fresh male taste of him made her moan. His scent produced a massive olfactory high, sending her head spinning. His musk pooled in the creases of his thighs and around his cock, potent and full of testosterone. London moaned as she sucked him gently deeper.

In response, Javier balanced himself over her and hissed in a breath, pressing far into her mouth, all the way to the opening of her throat. She met his gaze with a whimper.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” Xander’s hoarse declaration scraped across her skin, making her shiver as he slid so, so deep inside her snug passage. “Breathe through your nose, belleza. Relax your throat. Javi’s got more cock to give you. You want it all, don’t you?”

London gave him a shaky nod. She did. She wanted everything they could both give her. She didn’t know if this relationship would last beyond today. She didn’t know if they’d forget her tomorrow. But right now, she wanted to know beyond any doubt that she’d given her all to please them as they pleased her.

She did as Xander instructed, dragging air through her nose and releasing the muscles in her throat. As he neared her lips again, she swirled her tongue around Javier’s hot shaft.

“Shit!” he hissed, then grabbed her hair. Her scalp tingled with an odd pleasure/pain as he drove his cock in her mouth again, deeper than ever.

When he eased back, she sucked the head just past her lips, then swirled her tongue around the smooth-skinned glans like an ice cream, laving, relishing, worshipping.

Javier tossed his head back with a long groan. “Goddamn it!”

Deep breaths heaved in and out of his chest. London sucked even harder, toyed with him more. He stiffened on her tongue.

“Little one,” Javier panted. “Baby . . .”

His gravelly voice thrilled her.

Xander lowered himself over her body once more and took her hips in hand, angling her so that he electrified that sensitive spot inside her. She gasped around Javier’s cock, and he took advantage of it, thrusting completely into her mouth and prodding at her throat. She tried to relax and take him. He stared down at her, nostrils flaring, his expression a dark promise to ravage her completely the second he got inside her. Her clit throbbed furiously, and her womb tightened with need.

“You look incredible, belleza.” Xander’s voice slid over her like raw silk, raising goosebumps all over her body. You’re pleasing him so much. Pleasing me so much. Focus here for a minute. Javier, let her go.”

With a snarl, his brother withdrew from her mouth. London mewled in protest. She missed his flavor already, the intimacy of not just looking at him or touching him, but actually tasting his skin, measuring his desire for her on her tongue.

He continued to jerk his cock in his tight fist and glared at Xander. “Hurry.”

With a smile, Xander pierced her with his stare, slid his hands around her hips to cup her ass and lift her right under him. Now he unleashed all the furious need he’d been withholding since he worked his way inside her. He pounded into her in long, rhythmic strokes that made her arch and want to beg. London had held her pleasure back for them, in part to stave off the inevitable moment when they turned their attention to another woman, in part to collect as many memories to savor as possible. But now the ravaging need unraveled her, dismantled her. Her pussy burned, clamping down on Xander as every surge of his erection hit deep and ignited her most sensitive spots.

She clawed at him. “Xander!”

“Now, belleza. Come!”

His words were somehow magical, bringing that slow, seemingly never-ending build inside her to a churning rise of sensations that finally peaked and rolled over her, heavy and mind-bending. Moments before it gave way to ecstasy, she knew this was going to stun her. Undo her. Change her.

And she wanted it more than anything.

The explosion sent her flying into a realm she’d never known. With an arch of her back and a scream that echoed off the walls, her pussy spasmed, pulsed. She utterly disintegrated in Xander’s arms as his cock jerked inside her. He gritted his teeth, the tendons in his neck standing out, his face flushing, and groaned long and low with primal satisfaction.

His strokes slowed gradually. Her walls continued to pulse gently around him every few moments as they fought to catch their breath. Perspiration dampened every part of her skin now. Their heavy breathing mingled. London wasn’t sure she could open her eyes, much less move a muscle. Two giant orgasms, the latest even more shattering than the first, turned her completely inside out. Lethargy dragged through her veins. She wanted to sleep for a week.

Xander pressed his forehead to hers and brushed the hair from her face, cuddling closer. “How do you feel, belleza?”

“Wow,” she whispered. “That was . . . like nothing I imagined.”

He lifted his head and smiled down at her. London’s heart flipped in her chest. She felt it again when he feathered his thumb over her lower lip until it tingled. Then he kissed her softly.

“Usually, a woman’s first time is too painful to be pleasurable, I’m told. You gave me something special, belleza. I wanted you to feel good about all of it.”

She nodded. “I wouldn’t change a moment.”

“We’re not done, are we?”

Javier’s sharp tones startled her. She jerked around to find his body tighter than a bowstring. He’d clenched his jaw and stared at her through narrow eyes. His red cheekbones stood out like twin blades on either side of his face. His hand roughed up and down his cock in a tight, jerking grip.

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