The Novel Free

Princess in Love

The only problem is that Kenny's in this class. We have to sit alphabetically, so he's way up at the front of this row, but he keeps passing notes back to me. Notes that say things like, Keep on smilin! and Hang in there, sunshine!

He won't fess up to the rose thing, though.

By the way, want to know the total number of comments made to me so far today by Michael Moscovitz?


And it wasn't even really a comment. He told me in the hallway that my combat boot had come untied.

And it had.

My life is so over.

Five days until the Non-Denominational Winter Dance, and still no date.

Distance formula: d-10xrt



d=10 + (10)(2)

= 10 + 20= 30

Variables are place holders for numbers (letters)

Distributive law

5x + 5y - 5

5(x + y- 1)

2a - 2b + 2c

2(-l)-2(-2) + 2(5)

-2 + 4+ 10= 12

| Four times a number is added to three, the result is five times the number.

Find the number.

x = the number

4x + 3 = 5x

-4x         -4x

3 = x

Regardez les oiseaux stupides.

Cartesian coordinate system divides the plane into four parts called quadrants

Quadrant 1 (positive, positive)

Quadrant 2 (negative, positive)

Quadrant 3 (negative, negative)

Quadrant 4 (positive, negative)

Slope: slope of a line is line denoted m

Find slope

negative slopes

positive slopes

zero slope

vertical line has no slope

horizontal line has 0 slope

Collinear - points that lie on the same line parallel lines have the same slope

4x + 2y = 6

2y = -4x + 6 y

= -2x + 3

active voice indicates that the subject of the verb is acting passive voice indicates that the subject of the verb is being acted upon

Tuesday, December 15

Algebra and English finals completed. Only three more, plus term paper, to go.

76 comments today, 53 of them negative:

'Sellout' = 29 times

I-Must-Think-I'm-All-That = 14 times

Here Comes Miss Thang = 6 times

Lilly says, 'Who cares what people are saying? You know the truth, right? And that's all that matters.'

That's easy for Lilly to say. Lilly's not the one who people are saying all those mean things about. I am.

Somebody left another yellow rose in my locker. What is up with that? I asked Kenny again if it was him, but he denied it. Strangely, he seemed to get very red in the face about it. But this might have been because Justin Baxendale, who was

walking by at the time, stepped on Kenny's foot. Kenny has very large feet - larger even than mine.

Four more days until the Non-Denominational Winter Dance, and nada on the date front.

Wednesday, December 16

World Civ. exam finis.

Two more, plus term paper, to go.

62 comments, 34 negative: '

Don't give up your day job' = 12 times

'Sellout' = 5 times

'If I was flat-chested like you, Mia, I could be a model too' = 6 times

1 rose, yellow, still no indication who left it. Perhaps someone is mistaking my locker for Lana's. She is, after all, always hanging out in that area, waiting for Josh Richter whose locker is next door to mine, so that the two of them can suck face.

It is possible that someone thinks he is leaving roses for her.

God knows, no one at Albert Einstein High School would want to leave flowers for me. Unless I were dead, maybe, and

they could fling them on to my grave and say, 'Good riddance, Miss Thang.'

Three more days until the dance. Still nothing.

Thursday, December 17,1 a.m.

It just occurred to me:

Maybe Kenny is lying about the roses. Maybe they really are from him. Maybe he's leaving them as kind of teasers, leading

up to asking me to the dance tomorrow night.

Which is kind of insulting, really. I mean, him waiting this long to finally ask. For all he knows, I could have said yes to somebody else by now.

As if somebody else might have asked. HA!

Thursday, December 17, 4 p.m.,

Limo on the Way to the Plaza

THAT'S IT!!!!!

I'M DONE!!!!!!

DONE WITH FINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!

And guess what?

I'm pretty sure I passed all of them. Even Algebra. The grades aren't posted until tomorrow, during the Winter Carnival, but I bugged Mr. G so much he finally said, 'Mia, you did fine. Now leave me alone, all right?'

Got that????? He said I did FINE!!!!!!!!!! You know what fine means, don't you?

IT MEANS I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank God all of that's over. Now I can concentrate on what's important:

My social life.

I am serious. It is in a state of total disrepair. Everyone at school — with the exception of my friends - thinks I am this total sellout. They're like, 'You talk the talk, Mia, but you don't walk the walk.'

Well, I'm going to show them. Right after the World Civ. exam yesterday, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew exactly what

to do. It's what Grandmere would do.

Well, OK, maybe not quite what Grandmere would do, but it will solve the whole problem. Granted, Sebastiano isn't going

to like it very much. But, then, he should have asked ME, not Grandmere, if it was all right to run those photos in an ad for his clothes. Right?

I have to say, this is the most princessy thing I've done so far. And I am very, very nervous. Seriously. You wouldn't believe how much my palms are sweating.