Sweet Home

Page 59

“You are. I don’t even see other girls now, haven’t since our very first kiss.” It seemed as though it was almost painful for him to admit those words.


Fingertips stroked my face and he watched every move I made. “Mmm?”

“Are we wrong? Is how we need to find… pleasure completely f**ked up? You ordering me around like a staff sergeant and me giving in to your demands.”

He smiled darkly at my tormented worry. “I’m gonna say a resoundin’ yes.”

I nodded, slowly turning away. He pulled me back to his amused face. “Do you like it, Mol? Do you enjoy me bein’ in control?”

My eyes rolled back, scorching heat threatening to ignite at the mere thought. “Yes… every time.”

“Then we’re not wrong. In fact, there are no two better-suited people. We fill an emotional gap that we both have missin’.”

I breathed out a laugh. “Fateful star-crossed lovers?”

He smiled again. It was almost a full smile I’d never seen from him before, so careless and free. “I think we need to stop quotin’ that damn play, Shakespeare. I feel like we’re the f**ked-up rated-R version of Romeo and Juliet.”

I couldn’t help but burst out in laughter, Romeo joining in. I fixed my dress and took his hand. “Now, let’s go dance.”

“I’m crazy turned on as it is. You’re gonna make me blow by simply watchin’ you move. Your curves are dangerous, baby.”

I rubbed myself against his body, feeling the hard ridge in his jeans. “You’re nowhere nearly done with me tonight, Romeo. I want you thinking about that until we leave this club. But we came here to dance, and I wanna dance. Show all your past conquests that you’re now mine and they need to back the hell off from my man.”

I went to turn away when he jerked me back, lifting me off the floor, wrapping my legs around his waist. “Say that again,” he ordered sternly, playful Rome completely gone and dark Rome rearing his head.

“Say what?”

“What you just said.”

“That you’re mine?”

“Yes,” he rasped as he pushed himself up between my legs.

“You are mine now. With no conditions. Just you for you.”

He growled and slammed me back against the wall. I wasn’t going to stop him taking what he wanted, and from the expression on his face, neither was he. I was going to give myself to my boyfriend in a closet and I honestly couldn’t care less.

Romeo closed in, unzipping his fly, and the sodding doorknob began to rattle. “Hey, who’s in there? Open up,” a male voice shouted from the corridor.

“NO!” he bellowed through clenched teeth, his hands flexing almost painfully at my waist.

“Open up or I’ll get security!”

Romeo’s head dropped to my shoulder, and I muffled my laugh in his long hair. I reached down, pulling up his fly, and wiggled out of his grasp, lacing his hand through mine. “Let’s go, baby. Let’s actually have our date.”

Nodding brusquely, he cupped my face. “You go out there and f**kin’ show everyone we’re together. You own this… us. Time to be bold, baby. Bring the f**kin’ rain.”

A smile slowly spread on my face, a warm feeling bursting in my chest. He’d shown me we were unbreakable. It was time to put that belief into practice.

Romeo yanked the door open and the young bar manager on the other side stepped back at the severe guise on his face.

We pushed through the crowd and made our way to the booth. Our friends were on the dance floor, so we grabbed our beers and settled our heated hormones with the waiting alcohol.

I spotted the busty waitress from before and signalled for her attention. Romeo watched me carefully as she came closer, every muscle in his hard body prepped for intervention. I perched on his knee and let him hold me proudly in his arms.

Her beady eyes crinkled at the two of us and she muttered something under her breath before painting on a fake smile. “Can I help y’all?”

I glanced playfully at Romeo, who pulled a confused smirk at my apparent new confidence. Our tryst in the closet had put my jealousy at ease—if a couple could bring that kind of animalism out in one another, I had no rivals or threats.

“We’ll take a round of tequila shots, twice, and…” I trailed my finger down Romeo’s abs to his jeans, his hips lifting against my bottom in reaction. “What do you want, baby?”

Romeo’s eyes shone with unconstrained lust and he spoke only to me. “We should get everyone another beer too, beautiful.”

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