The Novel Free


"That's cool, but I don't want people to only like my designs because they're your fans," I say. "I want them to really like me and my products."

"First of all, people ain't gonna spend money buying your stuff unless they really like it. Most people don't have money to burn. So once you start seeing repeat buyers, you'll see for yourself it is your stuff they want. Knowing they're supporting the wife of one of their favorite band members is a little added bonus for them."

I nod slowly, trying to process this new world I've been thrown into. "Yeah, I guess that's true." I never really thought about all of this before—or even remotely considered it.

"It is. Look, so maybe this is kind of a jump-start for your business, and I know it's probably not how you wanted to get known, but enjoy it. Your designs are hot. People will love them and pay for them. If they found you through me and the band, who cares? Tons of people got popular and successful due to connections. There's nothing bad about it. Have faith in your designs. Trust me, they'll sell themselves."

I smile at him for making me feel better. "I hope so. And if we design together, the fans will really go crazy, don't you think?"

He nods and blows a puff of vapor into the air. "I do, babe. I think it will be great for both of us. I like the idea of us having a little side business together. A lot of musicians do. Do you have a business name or anything like that?"

Shaking my head, I bite my lip, feeling a little embarrassed that I don't. "No. I just used my name."

"We should come up with a business name, a logo, some packaging, a website like I already mentioned…"

"Talon, really? You think I need all that?"

"Fuck yeah, baby. Let me make some phone calls during the week, and we'll get this all set up right. You could see a lot of money start rolling in from this."

Holy wow.

"Thank you. I appreciate all your help with this. Some of the people online were calling me a gold digger, and I just want you to know I never, ever wanted any of this. I'm not trying to get anything out of you or your fans."

"Fuck those assholes. You, a gold digger? I have to force you to spend money. You'd sit in this house and eat apples and tofu and cut your hair with a steak knife if I let you. Don't listen to that shit, okay? They're just jealous. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory." He pulls me against his chest and puts his arm around me. "I missed you last night," he adds softly. "I really felt like shit when I woke up this morning and realized how bad I fucked up."

I rest my head against his shoulder, resolving myself to forgive him. People make mistakes. "I was really mad and upset, Talon. And scared. I thought something happened to you."

"I'm sorry. Storm and Evie fucking went off on me. Like, both of them at the same time. I thought my head was gonna explode."

I giggle a little. "Good. You kinda deserve it."

"Yeah, I do." He leans his chin against my head. "At least Storm didn't beat the shit out of me like he used to when we were younger. He has a much gentler, yet louder, approach now."

"I was afraid you went home with that blond girl," I admit, playing nervously with the buttons on his shirt.

"What? Not a chance. And I'm glad you didn't go home with Finn." He digs back.

I lift up my head to make a face at him. "Seriously? That's not even funny."

"No, it's not, but I know he's attracted to you, and I wouldn't put it past him to make a move on you."

"He's not as much of an asshole as you think he is, Talon."

His jaw clenches. "Don't tell me you like him."

"I don't dislike him."

He shakes his head in frustration. "We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. But if I ever see him with his hands on you again, I'm going to beat his ass."

I stand up and take Pixie off his lap. "Same goes for your blond. Just because I'm short and shy doesn't mean I'm a wuss. I grew up in the ghetto, and my brother taught me how to fight dirty. I'll kick her fake-boobed, bleached-blond ass into next week."

A huge smirk spreads across his face. "That kinda turned me on. Jealousy means you want me."

"You're twisted. I'm going to feed the cat and make some dinner. You can join us if you'd like."

I'm honestly too excited about all my new orders to continue to stress over some nasty chick pawing at him. I'm just going to have to trust him and try to get used to all these new experiences like fans and skanks.

Chapter 20


Two months with no pussy. First, the weeks prior to the wedding, and now the weeks since the wedding. I'm losing my fucking mind with my dick in this prison of commitment to a girl who served it a sentence of life with the possibility of parole for good behavior.


It's what she wants—and needs.

It's what I didn't think I needed in life.

Could I love her?

Could she love me?

She's annoying. She gets under my skin. She's so fucking good. She turns everything into a debate. But yeah, I dig her little ass. And those lavender eyes could pretty much make me beg if she knew how to work them. She makes me laugh. I've never met a chick like her before, and a little over a month into our marriage, I'm starting to think I don't want to live without her.

Going without sex sucks but I still can't keep my hands off her, always wanting to be touching her, holding her hand, having her as close to me as I can get her. When she hugs me and falls asleep against me, everything just feels right. I've never been affectionate or craved closeness with someone before she came along, and now, I catch myself actually daydreaming about her when I'm at the studio practicing or while I'm driving around. I actually had some asshole leaning on his horn screaming at me because I sat at a red light that turned green for two seconds while I was spacing out thinking about how she smiled at me the night before.

I never thought this would happen.

All this I write in my journal, but I don't divulge it to Dr. Hollister during our video chats because I'm not ready to verbalize how I feel yet, even to Asia. It's been a few days since the club disaster, and she's still not quite right with me. I know it's my own damn stupid fault.

She doesn't know this, but I watch her sometimes on the surveillance system, which I can access from my cell phone when I'm not at home. I only watch her in her craft room, and I love seeing her so focused on her work, sitting at the sewing machine, putting clothes on the mannequin she has, talking to the cat, and sometimes she'll have music on and will sing and dance around the room. That silly side of her gets me every time. She truly is in her own little world, and I want to get in there with her.

Closing the journal, I watch the sun set from the huge rock I'm perched on in the backyard. Then I go back inside the house where she's in the kitchen making some kind of dessert that smells delicious, so I beeline in there and find a plate of cupcakes on the counter. Her back is to me as she's rinsing some dishes, so I sneak one and take a big bite.

And gag.

She twirls around. "Talon! No!" She lunges at me and actually sticks her hand in my mouth like I'm a dog and pulls out the cupcake.

"That's a bath bomb!" she yells. "Go rinse your mouth with some water."

Still gagging, I run to the sink and stick my mouth under the tap and rinse it out, spitting the weird flavor out.

"What the hell are you making soap that looks like food for?" I demand, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"People like it! It's cute."

"It's gross!"

"Well, you're not supposed to eat it. Do you just walk around putting anything that looks good in your mouth?"

"Yeah. Usually."

She bursts out laughing. "You're insane."

Staring at the plate of fake cupcakes, I can't believe they're not real food. I still want one. "They look so realistic," I tell her. "You actually made those?"

"Yes. I make soap bars too and scrubs and lotions. It's all made with essential oils and natural creams and scents."

I had no idea this was the kind of bath stuff she made. "Wow. They smell great. Is this why your skin is always so soft? From this stuff?"

Her cheeks turn pink and her head bows down. "Yeah… Probably. Hang on a sec." She disappears down the hall to her craft room and comes back with a little gift box. "This is a vanilla lavender soap bar. Use it when you shower tonight and let me know what you think."

"I just shouldn't eat it, right?"

"No, please don't," she teases back, standing with her hands clasped behind her back, grinning at me and looking adorable.

"What else do you make?"

"Um…sometimes candles and lip balm too."

"Aha! So that's why your lips always taste so good." I give her a sideways glance and grin, fighting the urge to taste her lips right now. "Now I know your secrets."

"I'm glad you like it. I didn't even think you noticed that sort of thing."

"Oh, trust me, baby, I notice what you feel and taste like." Opening the small box, I wink at her and sniff the soap. "We have to tell Evie, Mom, and Rayne about this too. They'll probably love it. And the girls in Sugar Kiss."

"Sugar Kiss, the band?" she repeats with eyes wide like saucers.

"Yeah, we're friends with them. They will totally love all this. Oh—and the stage clothes. I'll bet they would love some outfits. I'll call Sydney and talk to her about it."

"Talon…you really think all these people will buy my stuff? The ones who contacted me online too?" she asks in disbelief.

"Hellz yeah, baby. I got lots of wild ideas for clothes to show you. We're gonna rock their worlds."

Her entire face lights up at my words. "I would absolutely love that. Are you really going to work on designing and fabricating with me? I kinda need your help to do this right. You've seen more of this type of clothing than I have."