Taming the Storm

Page 73

His eyes narrow. “You knew all along who you were getting into bed with, sweetheart.”

“Ugh! Sometimes, I wonder what the hell I’m doing with you.” I don’t mean that. But I’m angry, and when I’m angry, I’m not rational.

I push against his rock-hard chest and start wiggling, trying to get out from underneath him.

But Tom is a lot bigger and a lot stronger than me. Pinning me with his hips, he grabs my hands and holds them tight against the pillows above my head. I can’t budge an inch. And I don’t like it one bit.

“You know exactly why you’re with me. Because I fuck you like no man ever has before or ever will again.”

Not impressed, I scowl up at him. “Let. Me. Go.”

“No. Seems you need reminding of a few things. One, I am always the one who does the riding, not the other way round. The bedroom is my domain.”

Shifting his hips, he presses the bare length of his hard cock against my clit. I have to bite back a moan. But my body shudders, giving me away. I hate the way my body betrays me when it comes to him.

He smirks. “You got that, or do you need a little more reminding?”

Ignoring my body’s screaming needs, I snap out, “Fuck you!”

“We’ll be doing that real soon, but for now, just answer the goddamn question. I said, you got that, or do I need to remind you again?” He thrusts against me, harder. It’s more precise this time, hitting that perfect spot.

I’m sure that man has a mental blueprint of my vagina because he knows just when and where to touch me at the exact right moment. My eyes roll back in my head, a moan escaping this time. The words leave my lips without thought, “I got it.” My voice sounds breathy, girlish, not like me at all.

Just who am I with him?

“Good girl.”

I see a look of power take over his face before he lowers his head to mine. Our lips are almost touching but frustratingly not. And it scares me just how badly I need his mouth on mine in this moment.

His hot breath mixes in with my own as he rumbles out, “For some ass-backward reason, you are the only one I want to ride. Constantly. Over and over. I can’t get enough of you, and you are the only one I have ever wanted to ride bare-fucking-back. So, that kind of erases the rest, wouldn’t you say?” He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth. “I want to feel you,” he murmurs.

Breath knocked out.

Tom doesn’t push for an answer because he doesn’t need to. I’m a limp, pliable mess of emotions under his firm hands and mind-fucking words.

“Tom,” I whisper, breathless. “Ride me…now…bare-fucking-back.”

Releasing me, he takes his cock in his hand and rubs it up and down my center, coating himself in my wetness. He stops, positioned at my entrance.

I close my eyes.

“Open your eyes.”

I blink them wide to see his blazing down at me. “I want you looking at me the whole time.”

Holding his stare, I nod, gently.

Then, he slams inside me.

“Oh God.” I’m fighting for breath, the feel of him bare inside me…it’s intense.

Him. Me.

Connected in this way.

Strange how the removal of a piece of latex can change things in so many ways.

His eyes have filled with something I don’t understand. “Christ…I’ve never…you’re so fucking tight, Ly. I can’t…” He shakes his head.

“I know…” I touch my hand to his face, tracing my fingers over his cheekbone.

His skin is taut. Eyes dark. Jaw clenched.

He’s a man on the edge.

His forehead comes to mine, eyes still open and on me, as he slowly pulls out to the tip and then thrusts back in.

A rush of breath leaves his mouth, gusting straight into my own. “Jesus, I don’t think I’m gonna last long…not like this. It’s too fucking good. You feel amazing, baby.”

“Just let go,” I whisper. “Give it to me. I want to feel everything you have to give.”

His head lifts from mine, and I see from the look on his face that whatever restraint he was holding on to is now gone.

Teeth gritted, he starts to fuck me like a man possessed.

This is pure, primal fucking at its absolute best.

He’s pushing me up the bed with each hard thrust. I’m clawing at the sheets to keep traction.

“Tell me you’re close,” he grinds out. “Because I can’t hold off…for much longer.”

“I’m close, Tom…yes, just keep…doing…that…”

His pelvis hits my clit, and the orgasm tears through me. My eyes close, unable to stay open from the magnitude of the orgasm, breaking our connection.

“Jesus…this is…I can’t…”

I feel his cock jerk inside me.

I open my eyes to see his shut tight, his head thrown back, his chest heaving with the force of his orgasm, as he pumps himself empty inside me.

Seeing him like this, feeling him bare, the feel of him coating my insides—it’s too much.

My chest feels tight. I can’t catch a breath.

It’s like he just punched his fist into my chest and took my heart back out with him.

Oh no.

I’m in too deep. I’m starting to feel things…for him.

Tom lays his damp chest against mine. He kisses me. “Wow, that was something else.”

I force my feelings away and smile at him. “Who knew it could be so good without a condom?” I run my fingers through his hair.

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