The Angel

Page 101

He heard footsteps in the hall, familiar footsteps, and his heart soared at the sound. But he kept his eyes closed, kept pretending to sleep.

“Welcome home,” Nora whispered. “You survive the night?”

Michael felt a new hand on his back, larger than Nora’s.

“Barely,” came Griffin’s voice, also in a whisper. “Your priest… I have no words.”

“Did he kick your ass? No, don’t tell me. I’ll be too jealous if he did.”

“He didn’t,” Griffin said, and Michael heard the surprise in his voice, the grudging respect. “We talked.”

“A talk with Søren? I think I’d rather take a beating.”

“It hurt worse than a beating. But I think I needed it.”

“So what’s the verdict with you and my Angel?”

“The verdict is…”

Michael felt Griffin’s hand slide from his lower back to his neck. Griffin’s fingers dug gently into his skin.

“Enough faking, Mick. Let’s go.” The gentleness of Griffin’s touch gave way to force, and Michael found himself being hauled to his feet.

“Griffin, it’s seven in the damn morning,” Nora said, yawning luxuriously.

“Good. We’ll need all day to make up for lost time.” Griffin’s fingers dug into Michael’s skin. “Excuse us.”

Michael’s heart raced, his hands went numb and every drop of blood in his body made a beeline for his hips.

“Excused.” Nora waved them off as Griffin hauled Michael toward the door.

“Oh, message from Søren, Nora,” Griffin said, pausing in the doorway.

“Good Lord, what?” she asked.

“He said you’re in trouble for going to the party in the city. Told you to stay upstate and out of trouble. So he’s punishing you.”

Nora rolled her eyes.

“Goddammit.” Nora sounded horrified at the prospect of punishment. “Whatever. I’ll do it. What is it?”

“He said…” Griffin paused and Michael winced. Griffin seemed genuinely afraid to tell her. Michael hoped the pause would last forever. He had no idea what was about to happen between him and Griffin but something told him whatever it was, his life would never be the same again after.

“What?” Nora demanded, her voice edged with anger.

“Don’t shoot the messenger, okay?”

Michael suddenly feared Nora’s punishment more than whatever Griffin had planned for him.

“Griffin…just tell me.” Nora gave him a cold, hard stare.

Griffin exhaled heavily.

“Søren said you have to visit your mother.”

Michael almost laughed out loud with sheer relief. But Nora’s face fell and she raised her hand to her forehead.

“Goddamn motherfucking sadist.”

“Good luck,” Griffin said as he beat a swift retreat, dragging Michael with him by the back of his T-shirt.

“What’s wrong with Nora’s mom?” Michael asked as they neared Griffin’s bedroom.

“They don’t like each other.”

“But why do—”

Michael’s question died on his lips as Griffin grabbed Michael by the shoulders and pushed him firmly but gently into his bedroom door. Digging his hands in Michael’s hair, Griffin forced Michael to meet his eyes.

“Do not speak again until I give you permission.”

Michael opened his mouth in an automatic “Yes, sir” but remembered himself and stayed silent.

“Good boy. Now go. In my bed. Right now.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Michael threw open the doors to Griffin’s bedroom, pulled the covers back and slid into the bed. He did nothing else.

Griffin yanked off his leather motorcycle jacket, stripped down to his boxer briefs and threw himself into bed next to Michael.

Rolling onto his back, Griffin grabbed Michael and pulled him hard to his chest.

“Now go to sleep,” Griffin ordered. Michael raised his head and stared at him. Griffin met his eyes and then burst into laughter.

“Seriously?” Michael asked, breaking the no-talking rule.

“I’m exhausted. Haven’t slept all night. I love you too much to lay a hand on you like this. Now shut up, sub, and go to sleep.”

Michael nodded and laid his head down on the center of Griffin’s chest. He’d only slept an hour or two himself last night. But something Griffin said forced Michael’s head back up again.

“You love me?” he asked, his voice hardly more than a whisper.

Griffin brought his mouth to Michael’s. For what felt like a year but probably lasted no more than a minute, Michael was subjected to the softest yet deepest, most intimate kiss of his life. With the most expert touches of his tongue, Griffin managed to set every nerve in Michael’s body firing with only his mouth on Michael’s mouth.

“Yes,” Griffin said, finally ending the kiss with the most erotic smile Michael had ever seen in his life. “Now go to sleep.”

Michael pressed his entire body to Griffin’s and luxuriated in the warmth of his chest through the soft fabric of his white T-shirt. Right before falling asleep, Michael whispered the two words he’d been waiting to say since the moment he’d met Griffin.

“Yes, sir.”

* * *

Nora stared at herself in the mirror and cursed at her reflection. She hadn’t seen her mother in over six years and here she was trying to decide if her mother would approve of her outfit. Last thing she wanted was to provoke a fight by showing up in any clothes that even remotely hinted at the woman Nora had become. She’d left her mother’s protection and returned to the city, returned to the world her mother had prayed her daughter would one day leave behind.

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