The Angel

Page 103

“I have wanted to do this for weeks.” Griffin ran his hands through Michael’s hair, down his neck and back, over his arms and down his chest and stomach. “Icing you up after your first night with Nora, I thought it would kill me. I’d never needed to touch someone or kiss someone so much in my life.”

“Really?” Michael’s mind boggled at the confession. He couldn’t believe the entire time he’d been aching for Griffin, Griffin had been equally pining for him.

“Really. Swear to God, Mick, it’s nearly killed me not to touch you for so long. Like this…” Griffin pressed his thumb into the hollow of Michael’s throat. “And this…” Griffin ran his hand down the center of Michael’s back from the nape of his neck to the small of his back. “And this…” Griffin pressed his hand between Michael’s legs and cupped his testicles. Michael inhaled and closed his eyes.

“We don’t…” Griffin began and stopped. “It’s a big deal, letting a guy inside you. We don’t have to do that yet. We can wait as long as you need or want. I don’t mind. There’s a lot of other stuff we can do. And I’m a little on the big side so I don’t want to hurt you. We can wait. We should wait.”

Michael opened his eyes and looked at Griffin.

“I want you inside me,” he said simply. He reached out and dug his fingers into Griffin’s biceps. “I will beg you for it if you order me to. And I’ll beg you for it even if you don’t.”

Griffin looked at Michael with an expression on his face he’d never seen before. No, he corrected. He had seen it. Often. On Father S’s face during prayer. It was love mingled with reverence. Reverence…for him?

The reverence quickly morphed to unabashed, unadulterated lust as Griffin gripped Michael’s shoulders and pushed him down hard onto his back. Their mouths met, their tongues intermingled…Griffin’s hips pushed into Michael’s. Michael trembled as he felt the full force of Griffin’s hunger for him pressed against his stomach. But he wanted this, needed this. All summer long he’d waited for this. He wouldn’t let fear stop him. He’d worry about what his father thought tomorrow, what the world would say. Today all that mattered was Griffin.

“Stay here,” Griffin said as he pulled himself up and off of Michael. Michael nodded and lay perfectly still on his back, panting. He didn’t watch Griffin, merely stared at the ceiling. He could definitely get used to staring at Griffin’s ceiling.

Griffin returned to the bed with rope cuffs in his hand and a smile on his face.

“Up,” Griffin ordered and Michael came to his feet.

He stood in front of Griffin and inhaled with pleasure as Griffin took Michael’s forearms in his hands and bound them with the rope cuffs behind his back. Michael wondered why his forearms at first and not his wrists. Then he remembered his fresh tattoos. He’d almost forgotten about them. But Griffin hadn’t.

“Now…” Griffin said with a sensual smile. “Down.”

Michael hit his knees without hesitation or a word of protest. Ever since witnessing Nora doing this to Griffin six weeks ago, he’d dreamed of going down on his knees like this. Griffin pulled off his boxer briefs and tossed them aside. Yes…Michael took a deep breath. Just like this.

Griffin slid into Michael’s mouth. Michael discerned the subtle hint of salt on his tongue and relished finally knowing what Griffin tasted like. He took as much of Griffin into his mouth as he could. Nora had done this to him several times this summer, but he still didn’t have much of a clue what he was doing.

“It’s okay, Mick. Go easy on yourself,” Griffin said, twining his hands in Michael’s hair. “It feels amazing.”

The slight catch in Griffin’s voice stoked Michael on. Somehow Michael had managed to do something right. Right enough that Griffin had to call a stop to it.

“Yeah, that was as amazing as I dreamed about. Too amazing,” Griffin said, pulling out of Michael’s mouth. “Don’t want to end this before it begins.”

Griffin reached down, grabbed Michael by the arm and hauled him to his feet. As Griffin reached behind him and pulled off the rope cuffs, Michael pressed a kiss onto Griffin’s muscular shoulder.

Griffin stopped moving but Michael kept kissing.

“Is this okay?” he whispered as his mouth moved from Griffin’s shoulder to his neck.

“God, yes, it’s okay.” Griffin tilted his head to the side to give Michael better access to his throat. “Mick…I want to do something if you’re okay with it.”

“Anything, sir.”

Griffin gave a low, throaty laugh.

“Let me tell you what it is before you say yes to it.”

“Okay, sir.” Michael bit lightly at Griffin’s earlobe and was rewarded with a sharp intake of air. Biting…Griffin liked biting. Awesome.

“I want to go bare with you. You can say no.”

Michael stopped in the midst of a protracted kiss of Griffin’s collarbone.

“You mean…?”

Griffin nodded. Michael hadn’t forgotten their conversation from weeks ago when Griffin revealed he’d never in his life had had sex without using a condom. He’d said it was the one thing he held back so he’d have something to give if he was ever in a real relationship with someone.

And Griffin wanted to give that part of himself to Michael.

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