The Angel

Page 105

Griffin laughed as he nuzzled the back of Michael’s neck with kisses.

“Glad you like it. Anything feel bad? Feel weird? I want you to tell me.”

“Feels amazing.”

“Amazing is what we’re going for. This will be even better when you’re healed up completely and I’ve beaten the hell out of you first. Sex after S&M is a new kind of amazing. Well, I guess you know that after all this time with Nora.”

“I do,” Michael said. “But I don’t how it is with you. And I can’t wait.”

“Me neither. Okay, three fingers? Good? Bad?”

“Good. More than good.” Michael felt open and relaxed. The orgasm had helped with some of the tension but really it was Griffin, just Griffin, who could make all the stress go away. Michael loved Nora and adored her. But she had a wildness to her, an unpredictable side that fascinated him, but scared him too. With Griffin though…with Griffin he felt safe.

“More than good,” Griffin said. “That’s an understatement. God, Mick. I can’t believe how good you feel. I have to be inside you. I don’t think I can wait any longer.”

Michael pulled against the sashes on his wrists as Griffin pushed up deeper into him.

“Then don’t wait.”

Griffin slid his fingers out and Michael heard the sound of the lube bottle again. More of the cold liquid covered him and Michael opened his eyes and stared at his bound hands. Whenever he’d fantasized about this moment with Griffin, he’d always imagined the fear and how he would have to fight to overcome it. But now he felt no fear at all. Nothing but hunger, passion, need.

And love.

“Here’s a little trick,” Griffin said as he set the bottle aside and pushed even closer to Michael. “If you kind of bear down first—”

“I know. Bear down first. Then release. It’ll fit better,” Michael said, quoting Nora from the day she’d scandalized the crazy old bats at church.

“Nora. Right.” Griffin laughed in Michael’s ear. “I’m glad you had such a good teacher.”

“I feel like I have a lot to learn still,” Michael said as Griffin kissed his neck.

“I will teach you everything you need to know. Lesson one. When I go in, you breathe out. Cool?”

Michael gave one practice exhale. “Cool.”

Again Michael stared off into the nothing at the corner of Griffin’s bedroom and tried not to think about what was happening to him. He didn’t want to stress or tense up. He’d learned that from Nora.

So when Griffin started to push inside him, Michael did nothing but what he’d been ordered to do. He breathed out, hard and slow, and only after his second long exhale did he let himself focus on what he was feeling.

Michael buried his face in his arm and groaned.


Griffin dug his fingers into Michael’s hips.

“Good?” he asked, his voice tense and breathless.

Michael nodded. “Good. Very good.”

For a few minutes Griffin barely moved except to run his hand up and down Michael’s arms and back and side. Michael couldn’t begin to imagine the self-control it took for Griffin to be inside him without thrusting. But it worked. Gradually Michael relaxed enough that Griffin could push a little deeper inside him. And then deeper. Michael turned his head back for a kiss just as Griffin began to slowly move in and out of him.

“There’s something wrong with your back,” Griffin breathed into Michael’s lips.

“There is?”

Griffin grinned at him. “My welts aren’t on it.”

Michael laughed but the laugh turned to a gasp as Griffin hit a spot inside him that made every nerve in his body sing. He’d never dreamed it would feel this good. Arching his back, he took Griffin in even deeper. He tossed his leg back over Griffin’s thigh. His hands formed fists and the pain in his wrists made the pleasure all the more potent.

He let go completely, let his ego die, his fears fade.... With Griffin inside him, he couldn’t begin to care what his father thought, what anyone thought. No way was this wrong. And no one would ever convince him of that.

Griffin pushed his hand hard into Michael’s lower stomach as his thrusts grew faster and harder.

“God, Mick…” Griffin rasped into his ear. “It’s never felt like this before. And it’s not…”

Not the condom thing, Michael knew Griffin meant. But he didn’t have to say it. Griffin’s body said it, his hands that held Michael like the world was about to end, his lips that couldn’t stop kissing his neck and shoulders, his desperate breaths that matched Michael’s.

Michael felt the muscles in Griffin’s thigh going taut as steel. He pushed one, twice, and with a final thrust, Griffin came hard, his mouth at Michael’s ear. Michael grunted in shocked pleasure as he felt Griffin pouring into him.

For a few minutes or a few hours—Michael was too spent to notice the time—Griffin stayed inside him after catching his breath. Michael felt the first stirring of awkwardness. What did they do now? What was he supposed to say? Would things be weird now that they’d had sex? What happened now?

Griffin wrapped a strong arm over Michael’s chest and held him close.

“I want to own you,” Griffin whispered into Michael’s ear.

Michael smiled, and for the first time in his life knew exactly what to say and how to say it.

“You already do.”

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