The Angel

Page 76

“How are you doing, Nora?” Griffin asked as he bent Michael’s fingers down until only his index and middle finger of his right hand were extended.

“I am fine. Impatient but fine. Is there any f**king coming anytime soon? I ask out of mere curiosity. I could work on the edits Zach just sent me while you two chitchat.”

“Hush. I’ll f**k you soon enough. Now, Mick.” Griffin turned to him. “Science is divided on the existence of the G-spot. Some scientists say it exists. Some scientists don’t. Those scientists that don’t—” Griffin took Michael’s hand and guided it inside Nora “—are f**king idiots. See?”

Griffin led Michael’s fingertips to a spot a little over an inch inside Nora.

“Push down and in,” Griffin said. “Hard.”

Almost two months under Nora’s tutelage had made it nearly impossible for Michael to disobey any order. He pushed down as instructed. Hard.

Nora gasped and her inner muscles clenched around Michael’s fingers.

“Oh, God…” she panted.

“Love that G-spot,” Griffin said, pulling Michael’s fingers from Nora. “Don’t you?”

Before he could answer, Griffin lifted Michael’s fingers to his mouth and slowly, seductively licked the wetness off. Michael almost died the moment Griffin’s tongue touched his trembling fingertips. Michael’s fingers…inside Griffin’s mouth…

“Now excuse me.” Griffin let Michael’s hand go. “I need to f**k your mistress.”

“About damn time.”

Griffin whacked Nora one more time on her bottom and she let loose another yelp followed by a lusty giggle. Michael couldn’t look away as Griffin pulled his pajama pants down and rolled a condom onto his erection.

Slowly Griffin slid into Nora, who moaned as Griffin pushed deep with a sigh. As Griffin thrust forward, Nora pushed back against him. The sight of Nora’s and Griffin’s bodies joined together sent a thousand different feelings rushing through Michael’s body. He’d never been so turned on in his life watching Griffin’s hips moving in hard but graceful undulations, the muscles of his thighs and stomach thrown into high relief in the candlelight. But underneath the desire lurked longing and anguish, need and sorrow. He wanted this, wanted to be the one on his hands and knees with Griffin behind him and inside him. But he couldn’t have that. Not now. Not ever. Not with his father ready and willing to kill him for even thinking such thoughts. And Michael knew Griffin deserved better than him—than a stupid kid with no money, no fame, no nothing special about him. And Griffin deserved a hell of a lot better than somebody too pu**y to even tell him how he felt.

So Michael merely watched in silent envy as Nora came hard and loud with Griffin’s hands on her waist. A few more thrusts and Griffin came with a soft gasp. Michael closed his eyes and tried to imprint the sound of Griffin’s orgasm forever into his mind. He might never hear it again and that little sigh that caught in Griffin’s throat for the barest second was easily the most beautiful and erotic sound Michael had ever heard in his life. He could hear it every day for the rest of his life and never get tired of it.

Griffin pulled out of Nora and she rolled onto her back. Reaching out she took Michael’s hand.

Michael didn’t have to ask. As he straddled Nora’s hips, she reached into his boxer shorts and guided him inside her. She felt so warm inside, so wet. Once deep in her, Nora twined her legs around his back and gently rolled herself until Michael lay flat on his back with Nora on top and over him. He closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the incredible heat of her. Her lips caressed his neck, his cheek.

“Tell him, Michael,” she whispered, the halo of her hair hiding her words from Griffin’s ears. “Just tell him.”

Michael shook his head.

“I can’t,” he whispered back.

Nora continued to move on him, taking him deep into her before sliding out to the tip and back down again. Michael groaned with physical pleasure even as a knife of agony cut into his chest.

Something brushed Michael’s hand and his eyes flew open. Turning his head, he saw Griffin stretched out on his side next to him and Nora. Griffin had taken Michael’s hand in his and twined their fingers together. Griffin said nothing. Michael said nothing. They only stared at each other until Michael had to close his eyes again as he came hard inside Nora.

Even as he shuddered in silence, Griffin held on to his hand so tightly it almost hurt.

And even in the middle of the climax that racked his entire body, Michael didn’t let go.

* * *

Suzanne arrived at the rectory at a few minutes before midnight. First she checked the church and found it locked tight and abandoned but for the small chapel of perpetual adoration that stayed open all hours of the day and night. But she didn’t find Father Stearns there. She walked the short distance to the rectory with her heart pounding so hard it felt as if it was outside her chest. In her career she’d confronted lying politicians powerful enough to destroy her and her family, foreign generals with firearms strapped to their sides. But never before had she experienced fear like this. She remembered her reaction to Father Stearns, to Søren, that night at the rectory when she’d begged for his body, begged to be with him.

But now she wanted to make him beg. And she would show him the same mercy he showed her. None.

She found the rectory dark and silent. She heard no footsteps inside, saw no lights burning through any windows. Where would he be if not at home at this time of night? Once she’d asked herself the question, she knew the answer. He could be anywhere. This priest did not play by the rules the Church imposed upon him. He could be with a prostitute right now, with a lover. Or worse, with another fifteen-year-old girl he’d seduced until she grew up and loved him enough to dedicate every last one of her books to him.

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