The Angel

Page 95

“Stand up,” Griffin said with the unmistakable tone of an order.

Michael came immediately to his feet.

“I’m so—” Michael began but Griffin didn’t let him finish the apology.

Griffin reached out and cupped Michael’s neck and pulled him hard against himself. Before Michael even knew what was happening, Griffin’s mouth was on his.

The kiss was everything Michael had dreamed about—powerful, possessive, unyielding. Griffin held Michael’s face in his hands, allowing Michael no chance for escape. But as Griffin’s tongue sought his, as their lips found each other, Michael knew he never wanted to escape.

Slowly Griffin pulled back.

“I’ve wanted to do that since the second I saw you,” Griffin breathed, pressing his forehead to Michael’s. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you, Mick.”

Michael couldn’t believe the words.

“No…no way. I’ve been here two months. If you wanted me—”

“Your f**king priest told me if I laid a hand on you, he’d never let me see Nora again.”

Michael whirled around to face Nora, who watched them both with the tiniest hint of amusement on her lips.

“Nora? Father S said—”

“He has his reasons,” Nora said. “And yes, he told Griffin he’d revoke his 8th Circle privileges and kick him out of the community if he tried anything with you. And he wouldn’t let us see each other again. But I told you before, Griffin. Søren’s not a monster. You can talk to him. Call him. Explain—”

“Fuck calling him. And f**k the explanations. He thinks he’s God making all our decisions for us. What happens with me and Mick is none of his business. And I’m going to go tell him that. Right now.”

Griffin grabbed Michael one more time and gave him a kiss that left Michael panting and aching. But it ended all too quickly as Griffin wrenched himself away and left the bathroom.

“Griffin!” Nora called out. Both she and Michael nearly had to run to keep up with Griffin’s long, determined strides. “It’s about to storm. Can’t you wait until tomorrow? Just use the damn phone.”

“That won’t be good enough for Søren, and you know it, Nora. When I went to him six years ago and told him I was in love with you, talking wasn’t good enough. I had to prove myself. I was too pu**y to do so then. And I didn’t love you enough to man up. For Mick, I will. If only to show that self-righteous, pretentious ass**le priest of yours that he’s not the only dom with balls around.”

Michael looked at Nora in abject terror.

“Griffin’s not going to fight Father S, is he?”

Nora shook her head.

“No. Søren’s a pacifist.”

Michael sagged with relief. As strong and tough and young as Griffin was, he had a feeling Father S could wipe the floor with anybody on the planet.

“Thank God.”

“No, Søren doesn’t want to fight Griffin. He wants to break him.”

“Oh…” Michael watched Griffin disappear down the hall. “Fuck.”

Nora nodded. “My sentiments exactly.”

Michael waited for Griffin to reappear from wherever he’d gone. Maybe he could talk some sense into Griffin. He remembered the story Griffin had told him that morning after his first night with Nora—Griffin had gone to Father S to ask permission to be with Nora. Father S said not until Griffin was willing to submit to real pain, real dominance. Griffin couldn’t go through with it back then, not for Nora. But him…for him…

“I can’t let him do it. It’s stupid. We’ll figure something out,” Michael said, desperate to keep Griffin safe. “I’ll talk to him. I’ll talk to Father S. He—”

The sound of a roaring engine interrupted Michael and put an end to whatever plans he had to stop Griffin from his ridiculous idea of confronting Father S.

“What the—”

Nora sighed.

“That would be a Ducati monster peeling out of the driveway,” she said. “And in high gear too. He’s gonna get a shitload of speeding tickets if he’s not careful.”

“Nora…” Michael looked at her, his stomach a knot of pain and hope and sadness and joy in one aching, roiling mess.

She exhaled and laughed.

“Can we not have one week without some major drama around here? Come with me, Angel. I want to show you something.”

* * *

Suzanne drove back to the city but didn’t stop there. She kept going, kept driving and didn’t stop until she’d arrived in Wakefield, Connecticut. The entire way there, she thought about Søren, Father Stearns, Elizabeth’s brother… How could they all be the same person? To Claire he was the ideal older brother. To Elizabeth he was the symbol of the worst part of her life. To his congregation he was practically God incarnate. And to Nora Sutherlin he was “Beloved.” But that she loved him didn’t mean he loved her back, not in the same way perhaps. Suzanne knew Patrick loved her, was in love with her. But she didn’t feel the same.

Or did she?

Pulling her phone out of her purse, she dialed Patrick’s number. She nearly laughed at the relief in his voice when he answered.

“Suz. Goddammit. Where have you been? Is everything okay?’

“It is. I think so. Better anyway. Can you do me a favor? I’m driving and I need to look something up.”

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