The King

Page 97

“Now I’m going to hide,” Felicia explained. “And you’ll have two minutes to find me. If you find me in that time, you can do anything you want to me for the next hour. If you don’t find me in two minutes, I get to do whatever I want to you for the next hour. And you’re not going to like it.”

Kingsley’s breath hitched in his throat. He had to have this woman—not two minutes from now, but two minutes ago.

“I’ll start the countdown,” she said from what sounded like twenty feet away. “Three....” Her voice receded. “Two...” Her voice grew ever fainter.

While waiting for the “one,” Kingsley focused on his hearing. She’d led him down the hallway to the entryway of her home. Felicia had rugs all over her hardwood floors, but they still creaked ever so slightly when she walked. He searched for the sound of her movement. Left? At his left was her living room. Right? Right would take her either up the stairs or into a coat closet. Would she run to the closet? Hide in a bathroom? Slip behind a door?

When she said “one” he barely heard it. He came to his feet immediately, took a single step forward and found her arms around him. She ripped off the blindfold and grinned.

“I wanted you to win,” she whispered.

Kingsley shoved her against the wall and devoured her mouth with kisses. She pushed her hips into his as his hands found her breasts. This was exactly what he wanted—this warm, beautiful woman wrapped all around him. He brought them both down to the rug. The front door stood five feet away. He almost hoped someone would walk in and see them coupling right on the floor of her entryway.

She made no protest as he pushed her thighs wide and opened her up with his fingers. He licked her, lapped at her, sucked her clitoris until she panted and squirmed underneath him. Nothing turned him on quite like making such a dominant and powerful woman lose control of herself in desire for him. She pumped her hips against his mouth and clutched his shoulders in need. Her dark hair spilled over the floor. He’d rarely seen a sight so erotic as her naked body lost in lust writhing beneath him on the floor.

Since she’d made him wait, he would take his time, although it killed him not to slam into her right this second. Instead, he pushed a finger inside her. Then two. Then three. He rubbed circles into her g-spot until she arched off the floor and groaned his name. He fucked her with his fingers, setting up a rhythm until Felicia panted in time to his movements. Then he turned his hand, pushed hard against the back wall of her vagina and was rewarded with her gasp of shock and pleasure. She said his name again, moaned it, breathed it, begged it. He needed to fuck her and fuck her now. She’d given him the entire hour to do whatever he liked to her and with her. He’d have her this second and then would take his time with her. She had a large vibrator in her bedroom he’d use on her to force her to climax until she begged him to stop. But now he needed to be inside her.

He opened his pants, pulled off his shirt and put on a condom from his wallet in a matter of seconds. Then he grasped her by the knees, dragged her to him, letting the rug chafe her bare back. So what if it hurt her? Pain was their favorite toy.

With one smooth thrust he entered her, and she welcomed all of him inside her. She dug her heels into the rug and pushed up as he pushed in, meeting at the middle with a shared grunt of need. She twined her arms around his neck, her long legs around his lower back, and took his every thrust. He grasped her hair and forced her head back. He kissed the hollow of her throat, bit her lips and told her in no uncertain terms what he planned to do to her as soon as he’d come.

He pulled out and ordered her on to her hands and knees.

“You should have expected this after making me crawl,” he said as he entered her from behind. She didn’t argue, didn’t protest. Instead, she reached one hand under her body and between her legs and let her fingertips caress him as he moved in and out of her. He grew slick with her wetness, and her body opened up until he could bottom out in her. Her fingers moved from him to her clitoris. As she stroked herself, he clutched her shoulders, riding her with growing urgency. When she came, he felt her muscles clamping around him, fluttering and shuddering. With a few more long slow strokes he came, too, a cry of triumph and release escaping his lips.

For a few dozen breaths he stayed inside her as his heart calmed and her spasms subsided. He pulled out of her slowly, watching him leave her, knowing he’d be inside her again as soon as he was able.

He left her on the floor as he disposed of the condom, came back to her and offered his hand.

She rose to her feet, and off her feet he lifted her. Once again she wrapped herself around him as he carried her up the short flight of stairs to the master bedroom on the second floor. There he made good on his threat to make her come until she begged him to stop. Five orgasms later she claimed she could take no more. He wasn’t finished, however. So he put her on her back, entered into her wet depths with one powerful stroke and held her breasts in his hands while he fucked her. He thrust into her as slowly and as leisurely as he could while she lay beneath him, receiving him, taking him, enjoying him.

He came again with a sigh before collapsing on to Felicia’s warm, welcoming body. She held him close, kissed his shoulders, neck and lips and told him how much she’d enjoyed that. But since the hour was up, he had to be on his very best behavior.

Or else.

“I am an angel,” he said, rolling on to his side. “A saint.”

“And a liar,” she said, facing Kingsley. She tugged a lock of his hair. “Now go get us two glasses of wine. White. I’ll be waiting in bed.”

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