The Novel Free

The Vampire’s Fake Fiancée

“We celebrate Halloween every day. It’s what brings the tourists in, it’s our industry. There’s trick-or-treating for the children every Friday night. And every month has a larger event designed to bring in even more visitors.”

“Oh? What is it this month?”

“It’s already happened. New Scare’s Eve. Although technically that could be considered a December event, but January is a slower month than most. Which is fine. Many of the shopkeepers take their vacations this month.”

“So what will it be in February?”

“The Valentine’s Day Bake Off. Also, the annual blood drive but that’s more of a local event.”

She cocked a brow. “And that blood drive benefits who?”

He smirked. “Nocturne Falls General Hospital. Mostly.”

She shook her head. “I suppose that’s a necessity.”

“We only take what we need.”

“And the Valentine’s Day Bake Off? Who does that benefit?”

He shrugged. “Everyone who gets to taste the desserts, I suppose. All the funds raised from the entry fees go toward the hospital’s cardiac ward. The contest is popular with the locals, but we get a lot of visitors in for it too. Especially women.” He sighed. “Which makes it one of Julian’s favorite events.”

She laughed. “That seems about right. Do you and your brothers do the judging?”

“I don’t. Julian has but he was banned for being too easily swayed by a pretty face or a sexy smile. And Hugh can’t this year because Delaney will definitely compete.”

She lifted the bag Delaney had given her. “If her entry is half as good as that truffle she gave me tonight, I’d say she’s a shoo-in.”

“She may well be.”

“Do you at least go to it?”

He shook his head. “No.”

“Might be fun to have a day out, though, don’t you think? There’s probably more to it than just a bake off, right?”

“Yes, there are pie eating contests, games, live music and what else, I’m not sure. Dancing maybe. But again, not my thing.”

She imagined what it might be like to dance with him. She enjoyed dancing, although it wasn’t something she got to do very often. The thought of being in his arms, of being pressed against his body, sent another shiver through her.

“Are you cold?”

“No, I’m fine. Just…fine.” Then a new thought occurred to her. One brought on by the idea of being very, very close to him. And maybe encouraged by the beer she’d had. “If you’re going to kiss me, I’d rather we get the first one over with now.”

He stopped on the street. “What?”

They were just outside the entrance of a bar called DOA, which was translated on the window as Drinks On Arrival. “I was just thinking, if you’re going to kiss me in front of Evangeline, I’d rather not be surprised by it or she’ll know you’ve never done it before.”

The look of shock remained on his face. “I suppose you’re right, but…”

“I know. It’s an uncomfortable thought. Which is why I’m suggesting we get it over with now so that if we’re somehow pressed into it the night of the dinner, it won’t seem so awkward.”

He cleared his throat. “That’s smart. And if we can pull off a kiss that looks natural, it would go a long way toward convincing her.”

“All right then.”

He looked around. “Perhaps not on the street.”

“People seeing us together will just strengthen the story that we’re a couple.”

“True.” He cleared his throat again and smoothed the lapels of his jacket. “I haven’t done this in some time.”

Neither had she. “It hasn’t changed, I promise.”

“No, I guess it hasn’t.”

He looked at her with great intent, a soft, silvery glow gleaming in his eyes. He leaned in, closed his eyes and pressed his mouth to hers.

She closed her eyes and kissed him back.

A second later, her lips were vacant of his. The kiss was over.

It had been warm and technically a kiss, but not much else could be said for it.

He shifted uncomfortably and looked relieved that it was over. “That wasn’t so bad.”

“Actually…” She smiled at him, trying to ease the sting of her answer. “I know you haven’t kissed anyone in a long time, but that wasn’t so good.”

His expression fell. “It wasn’t? How not so good?”

She crossed her arms, tucking the shopping bag half under one of them. “You’re supposed to be in love with me, right? We’re engaged and all that. You have to…kiss me like you mean it or this whole thing has no chance of convincing anyone.”

“All right then.” The glow in his eyes sparked brighter. “Round two.”

Sebastian had been holding back, thinking he could get away with the barest of effort. That was not, apparently, the case. But a war raged inside him, one side fighting to keep his emotions in check, the other, the side of him that was sick and tired of being alone for so long, battled to kiss this very willing woman in front of him until she forgot her own name.

He could do it, too. Or at least, he thought he could. But it would mean allowing her into his life, because there was no way he could kiss her for real and not feel something. He was a vampire, but still flesh and blood. Still capable of feeling, no matter how hard he’d tried to shut that part of himself down.