The Novel Free


“With Sean.”

“All weekend?” Her tone carries a sneer of disbelief. She did just see him in our doorway dropping me off, it can’t be that hard to believe. I mean, really.

“Yeah, he kinda didn’t want me to leave.” I can’t help but take a little jab myself. I want her to know to keep her eyes off him because Sean is mine, and he’s made it clear I’m his. I won’t have him coming over and her pulling some shit or trying to put me down in front of him. I’ve put up with a lot from Harper but now I seem to give a shit.

“Well, you’re here now,” she smirks, and her words burn. Point Harper.

“Some people do have to work, Harper.” I push past her, not wanting to have this verbal jab fest. I may be over her shit right now, but I also don’t want to hurt her with the things that are suddenly on the tip of my tongue. I want to let all the hateful comments fly and give her a nice dose of her own medicine.

Not right now, though. Right now, all I want is a hot shower and to go to bed. Tomorrow can’t come fast enough. I’ll be back with Sean and out of this apartment that I suddenly hate.

“Are you cooking dinner?” I hear her call out behind me, making me roll my eyes.

“No,” I say, before shutting my bedroom door and dropping my bag on the floor. I pull my phone out and scan for any messages. It’s been maybe three minutes since he left and I’m already checking them. This is going to be a long night.

* * *

It is. I toss and turn all night until my alarm finally goes off. I drag myself from the bed and slowly get ready, taking a little extra time to do my hair and apply some light make-up.

I pull out my favorite work dress, hoping it’ll give me some confidence. It’s violet and hugs my body, but it looks professional and comes down to my knees. I pair it with some caramel kitten heels. I smile as I look at myself in the mirror. I wonder if Sean will like it.

I check my phone again and see no messages. Maybe he’s just crazy busy.

Me: Miss you