Thrill Me

Page 36

“You have gardening tools?” he asked.


“Go get them. I’ll help you swap out dead for alive.”


She went into the house. For a second he thought about following. About stopping her in the kitchen or hallway and pulling her close. Holding her would be good. He’d always liked the feel of Maya in his arms. Then he could kiss her. Really kiss her. Not like before, but a kiss that rocked both their worlds and left them breathless. Because Maya breathless had always been one of his favorite sounds.

Only he didn’t, because sex would complicate things. He shook his head. He was the only one here—no reason to lie. Sex would put what they had at risk. Sex would take away the easy and make their relationship awkward. He liked what was going on with Maya. He liked working with her, hanging out with her. He liked having her as his friend again. As much as he would like to get her naked, this was better.

She returned onto the porch with a tool in each hand. “Tiny shovel or weird claw thing?” she asked. “You’re my guest, so you get to pick first.”

Because Maya was nothing if not fair, he thought, reaching for the spade.

“This is a man’s tool,” he told her.

She batted her eyes. “And here I thought it would be bigger.”

* * *

PAPER MOON HAD started life as a bridal boutique. In the past couple of years, the store had expanded to include a clothing store that specialized in unique fashions made by little-known designers. Maya had been meaning to stop by to spruce up her wardrobe or at least find a few things with a little color in them. Her work uniform had consisted of a lot of black. And while that worked as a TV producer in LA it wasn’t exactly Fool’s Gold friendly.

Now she found herself in the bridal side of Paper Moon, waiting to try on her bridesmaid’s dress.

“I know you wouldn’t do this for just anyone,” Phoebe told her.

“I wouldn’t, but I would do it for you in a heartbeat.” Maya smiled. “You’re getting married and you asked me to be in the wedding. That’s so cool.”

“You really think so?” Phoebe sounded anxious. “I don’t want you to think it’s silly.”

Maya hugged her. “Never. I’m so happy for you and Zane. The wedding is going to be beautiful and you’ll be the most perfect bride ever.”

Phoebe blushed. “I doubt that.”

“We can take a vote.”

Madeline walked into the large dressing room. “What are we voting on?”

“Phoebe being the most beautiful bride.”

“Of course she will be.” Madeline hung up the pale blue dress. “All my brides are. I take my work very seriously.”

Phoebe’s worry faded as her expression turned impish. “Despite how you’re stalking Jonny Blaze.”

Madeline grinned. “First, I’m not stalking him. Second, I can multitask. I’m a great multitasker.” She opened her mouth, then closed it. “OMG, did you invite him to the wedding?”

Maya laughed. “I can’t figure out if your panic is that he’ll be there or he won’t.”

“I’m not sure, either,” Madeline admitted.

“Sorry to disappoint,” Phoebe said. “I did invite him, but he’s going to be out of town. Filming on location.”

Madeline waved her hand in front of her face. “Good. I would hate to embarrass myself. Plus, it’s your wedding. The day should be about you and Zane and not me and my movie star crush.”

“You could be the entertainment,” Maya told her.

“Um, no.” Madeline motioned to the dress. “Put that on. If it looks half as good as I think it’s going to, you’ll both be thrilled.”

Phoebe and Madeline stepped out of the large dressing room. Maya quickly stripped down to a bra and panties, only to realize there was no bra-wearing with this dress.

The design was simple. A sleeveless bodice in a faux wrap style and a long slim skirt. The back had crisscross straps and a flowing bow. The fabric was soft, with a slight sheen to it.

Maya slipped into the dress, then closed the side zipper. There was a bit of support in the front. She was on the small side, breastwise, so the style worked fine. She put on the nude pumps she’d brought along for the fitting, then stepped out into the main viewing area of the store.

Phoebe sighed and clutched her hands together. “I love it. Do you love it?”

“It’s beautiful,” Maya said. “But you’re the one who has to decide. This is your day.”

While Zane and Phoebe wanted a traditional wedding with all their friends and much of the town in attendance, they were also keeping things simple.

“The dress looks great,” Phoebe said. “Madeline?”

“I love it,” her friend told her. “It goes great with your bridal gown. The wrap style is similar but the skirts are completely different. They’ll complement each other without competing.”

Maya stepped up onto the raised platform in front of the half circle of floor-length mirrors. As she turned back and forth, she could see herself from every angle.

“I need to start working out,” she murmured, eyeing her butt.

“Stop,” Phoebe said with a laugh. “You’re tall and skinny and if you weren’t my best friend, I could easily hate you.”

“You’re glowingly in love,” Maya pointed out. “I get to worry about my butt if I want to.”

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