The Novel Free

Thrill Me

“How did you meet?”

“Through friends. We were at the same party. It was one of those things.”

“I can imagine. She’s very beautiful.”

Hyacinth was a petite firecracker on skates—Maya would guess she was even more impressive in person. She had a bubbly, slightly irreverent personality that made her a favorite subject for interviews.

“You were in love with her.” Maya made the words a statement rather than a question.

“I was.”

“And now?”

Del studied her for a second. “No. It’s long over. We wanted different things. I was too traditional for her.”

“Traditional as in marriage and kids?”

“Traditional as in one man, one woman.”


Del shrugged. “It happens. She liked variety. A lot of variety. I realized I either had to accept that or move on. It’s not in my nature to share the woman in my life.”

She never would have guessed that was what broke them up. “You know that for most people, being a one-woman man is a really good thing.”

“I’ve heard rumors.” His dark gaze settled on her face. “What about you? Any embarrassing secrets in your past?”

“I’m oddly boring that way. There was that one night with the wrestler, but you don’t want to know about that.”

He grinned and put his arm around her, then guided her out of the barn. “Even though I know you’re making it up, tell me the story, anyway. Good-guy wrestler or bad-guy wrestler?”

“Bad guy, of course.”

“That’s my girl.”

* * *

THE DINING ROOM in the ranch house was awash with twinkle lights. Large displays of flowers filled the corners and marched down the center of the table. Every place setting had a stemless wineglass with Zane and Phoebe’s names engraved, along with the wedding date. The traditional dining room chairs had been covered with pale blue linen toppers, and soft music played from portable speakers.

“You outdid yourself,” Maya said. “I’m feeling a strong combination of wow and envy.”

Dellina, the pretty brunette who had planned both the wedding and the rehearsal dinner, sighed. “Thank you. Envy compliments are my favorite. When it’s your time to do the marriage thing, call me.”

“Sure,” Maya said, thinking she needed a relationship first.

The rehearsal had gone smoothly. It helped that the wedding party was small. Now they were going to enjoy a nice dinner before all the craziness started in the morning.

Maya followed Dellina back to the living room, where the small group had gathered. Phoebe was talking to Chase and Del. Dellina moved to her husband’s side, while Zane approached Maya.

“She’s throwing me out,” he complained as he handed her a glass of champagne.

“Just for the night. Tomorrow you’ll be married and with each other forever.”

Zane watched his bride for a second, before looking at Maya. “Thanks to you.”

“Yes, you owe me. Remember that the next time I annoy you. That should be in about five minutes.”

He didn’t smile at the joke. “I do owe you. You’re the one who brought Phoebe into my life. Without you, I probably wouldn’t have met her.”

Maya swallowed against a sudden rush of emotion. “Don’t you dare break the tear seal,” she told him. “If I start crying, you know Phoebe will be next.”

Zane winced. “Good point. How about those 49ers? I think they have a real shot at the Super Bowl this year. What about you?”

Maya chuckled. “I’m sure they’ll go all the way.”

Zane moved close and lowered his voice. “I’m going to risk the tear seal and say you know you’re always welcome here, right? You’re family. I know we’ve had our differences, but they’re behind us now and you’ll always be a part of things.”

“I know.” She swallowed, fighting tears. “I wish we’d had this talk ten years ago. I might not have stayed away for so long.”

“Me, too. But maybe we both needed to grow up. You more than me, of course.”

The need to cry evaporated as she laughed. “I can always count on you to put me in my place.”

He kissed her cheek. “No. You can always count on me. Period.” He nodded at Del as he approached, then went off to talk to Phoebe.

“You doing okay?” Del asked.

She tucked her arm around his. “Yes. Just bonding with family and trying not to cry. You?”

“I’ve sobbed at least twice since we arrived. Did you see the flowers in the dining room? They’re so beautiful.” He waved his free hand in front of his face. “I just love weddings.”

“Mock me all you want,” she told him. “I’m having a moment here.”

“You should enjoy it. Zane’s a good guy. I’m glad he found the right woman.”

“Me, too.” She sipped her champagne. “I hope this isn’t too intense for you.”

“It’s nothing. At my house there was lots of yelling and the occasional fight broke out.”

“I guess that comes with having five boys so close in age.”

“My mom was doing most of the fighting.”

Maya laughed. “I’m serious.”

“Okay, serious it is. We fought a lot. And then we made up.”

“Are things better with Aidan?”