The Novel Free

Thrill Me

She wanted to find out. She wanted to know it was just as good. She tilted her hips forward and let her belly come in contact with the hardness of his erection. All that for her? Talk about getting lucky.

A burst of soft laughter came from the other side of the barn. She jumped. Del drew back a little, but kept his arms around her.

“Seems like we’re not the only ones thinking a little privacy would be a good thing,” he murmured, his voice low and husky.

She moved her hands from his shoulders to his wrists. “Follow me,” she said, taking his hand in hers.

She led him out of the barn to the back door of the main house. A few lights had been left on, but most of the rooms were dark. She took the back stairs, remembering exactly how many steps until they reached the main landing, then drawing him down the hallway to her high school bedroom.

Her windows faced away from the tent. Even so, she made sure the curtains were pulled before she turned on the table lamp. Del stood next to one of the two beds, his gaze intense.

Desire tightened the lines of his face. He looked like a man who wanted a woman. Lucky for her, that woman was her.

They stared at each other for several seconds. She thought he might ask if she was sure or wanted to have some other bit of conversation. Instead, he crossed to her and reached for the zipper on the side of her dress and drew it down.

She raised her eyebrows. “How did you know where that was?”

“I’ve been studying your dress all night.”

“A man with a plan.”

“I have more than a plan.”

He pulled down the straps of her dress. The entire gown slid to the floor and pooled at her feet. Underneath she had on a thong and nothing else.

The room was silent except for the sound of his sharp intake of air. His muscles went tense and she watched as his already-large erection flexed.

“Where’s Chase’s room?”

The question had her blinking. “Ah, across the hall, two doors down.”

Del was moving before she’d finished speaking. When he was gone, she hesitated, not sure what to do. Fortunately he was back less than twenty seconds later, a box of condoms in his hand.

She grinned. “Like I said, a man with a plan.”

It was the last thing she said for quite a while.

There was the sigh when he crossed to her and cupped her breasts in his large hands as he kissed her. The little moan when he broke the kiss so he could bend over and lick her nipples. The gasp when he swept her up in his arms and lowered her onto one of the beds.

It was the same bed they’d made love in ten years ago, she thought hazily. The bed where she’d lost her virginity that weekend Zane had taken Chase to some science competition.

Everything was different now, she thought, watching Del kick off his shoes. They were both older. Neither of them frightened, inexperienced teenagers. His shirt and trousers hit the floor, then his socks and briefs followed. She got a quick glimpse of his erection as he slid onto the bed and pulled her close.

He shifted her onto her back and kissed her. His tongue pursued and she allowed herself to be delightfully caught. They enjoyed the age-old dance of soon-to-be lovers, exploring, touching, feeling, but with the added benefit of having been there before.

When he lowered his head to take her nipple in his mouth, she knew how it was going to feel. Anticipation sharpened the sensation. As he sucked, need spiraled to her belly, then lower, causing her to swell and dampen. He moved between her breasts, back and forth, taking his time, as if they had nowhere else to be.

She wanted him, wanted this, wanted what would happen when he entered her. But she also needed time to stretch until this moment went on without ending. She didn’t want to think about tomorrow or even later. There was just now.

She pushed on his shoulder, urging him to lie back, then leaned over him, so she could decide what happened next. Undeterred, Del cupped her breasts as she explored his shoulders, his chest. She ran her fingers down his belly and captured his penis in her right hand.

“You’re playing with fire,” he teased.

“Is that what we’re calling it?”

He grinned. “You keep doing that, you can call it anything you’d like.”

She paused to put a condom on him, then he moved his hands to her hips and urged her to straddle him. She braced herself with her hands on either side of his broad shoulders. He moved his hand between her legs and rested his thumb against the very heart of her. Then he began to stroke her swollen, hungry center.

He circled, slowly at first, before increasing the speed. She tried to stay in her head, to not get lost in what he was doing. But it was impossible. Everything felt too good. Need spiraled, taking her closer and closer to her ultimate destination. She wasn’t ready and tried to hold back. If only...

She made the mistake of sinking down. Just a little but it was enough. His erection filled her and she was lost. Lost in the feeling of being stretched in the best way possible. Lost in the easy way they fit together and how good it was when she raised and then lowered herself again.

His touch on her clit never changed. He kept pace with her growing desire and up-and-down movements. His breathing matched hers. Their thighs tensed.

She moved a little faster, wondering if it could be better, then had to gasp as fiery pleasure shot through her. It was going to be too much, she thought frantically. Too good, too soon. She wasn’t ready. She needed this to last longer.

Her head warred with the rest of her body and quickly lost the battle. Soon she couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything but raise and lower herself, moving closer and closer to the pinnacle of her release. Faster, she thought, feeling that familiar promise barely out of reach. She was almost there.