
Page 44

"Earth to Tor?" she says, giggling, nudging my leg with her boot.

"Huh?" I drag my eyes away from her mouth. "Kids?"


"Someday, yeah."

"You'd make a great dad."

"Think so?"

"Definitely. Look how good you were with me all the time when I was little."

No. I can't think about that. Thinking about that makes me feel sick and twisted. I can't think about shoving my cock into her mouth one minute and then remember rocking her to sleep when she was a baby the next. Standing, I throw the rest of my cone in a garbage can buzzing with flies. What the fuck am I doing with her? Why am I playing with fire and tempting us both with something we can't have? I wonder if I should see a therapist about this mess I've got myself into, to help me figure out if what I'm doing is completely fucked up or if it's actually acceptable if we both want it. And we're both consenting adults now. And we love each other.

But she's still my best friend’s daughter. Regardless of all those other things, that fact will never, ever change.

She wants to see the dog and the kitten, so I bring her back to my place instead of straight to her house after our ride. I didn't tell her about the kitten; I surprised her by letting her come over to clean when she got back from Maine, and the kitten was sleeping on the couch when she got there. She called me at the shop all crazy excited after she saw her and I told her about how I found the kitten in a box on the side of the road. Originally, I thought the kitten was a boy, but it's actually a girl. Needless to say, Kenzi fell immediately in love with the kitten just like she did with the dog.

"Did you name this poor kitten yet?" She asks me, sitting on the floor with both the dog and the kitten crawling up in her lap for love. Kenzi is a like a pet whisperer. They all love her.

I sit on the couch and pull off my boots, thinking we'll relax and have a bite to eat before I take her home.

"Yeah. Kitten. It goes with Diogee."

She smirks at me. "That's lazy, but it fits her," she picks the kitten up and cradles her against her chest. "She's so adorable, Tor. I want to kidnap her and take her home with me."

"Your father will have a shit fit. You can come over here and hang out with them any time. I keep telling you that."

She pouts. "It's not the same. I miss having my own pet."

"We could get you another bunny." I offer. I considered surprising her with one, but wasn't sure if it would just make her grief worse. I didn't want her to think I was trying to replace Snuggles. After talking to Mom about it, we decided it was best to wait.

Putting the kitten down, she watches her walk off to chase Diogee's tail and then pulls the clip out of her hair, unbraiding it and letting it all fall around her shoulders in soft waves. "I've been thinking about that, and I think I do want another one. I love the Lionheads."

"What the heck is that?"

"It's a breed of bunny with a really fuzzy face and head. They're adorable, they almost look like little toys."

"Find one and I'll take you to get it." I say without hesitation.

I move into the kitchen and open the refrigerator, rummaging around to see what we could have for dinner that's quick and easy.

"You want hamburgers?" I ask, my head still in the fridge, when her warm hands slide up my back. I turn around and shut the door behind me, surprised at her touch. She's being way more daring today than she ever has before.

"I'm not hungry." She says, gently resting her palm on the center of my chest and peeking up at me, eyes burning with everything I want to see.

Her touch has pushed my last button. The last of my self-control crumbles, replaced with a mix of raging frustration and desire I can't even begin to extinguish. I push her hand off my chest and slam her back against the wall, crushing my lips to hers, my hands gripping her waist. Her gasp against my lips should have been one of fear or maybe shock, but one glance at her darkening eyes tells me neither one of those is what she's feeling. Not even close.

"Is this what you want, Kenzi?" I growl against her lips. "Is this what you've been begging for all day, touching me?"

"Yes," she whispers breathlessly. "I want you."

I slowly back away from her, torn between throwing her out and dragging her down the hall to my bedroom. "You don't even know what that means."

Her green eyes lock onto mine and I can see that I'm wrong. "Wanna bet?"

Holding her gaze, I yank off my worn t-shirt and toss it to the floor, watching how her eyes take in my bare chest and then drift hungrily to my abs. I want her to run. I want her to stay.

"Well, here I am. Show me."

I know every single one of Kenzi's expressions for every feeling she has ever felt. But I've never seen this look of sheer smoldering desire on her face before. Her eyes stay on mine as she steps towards me with zero hesitation, zero doubt. She completely owns her determination to do exactly what I asked - show me.

The space between us disappears quickly, and she backs me up against the adjacent wall, her hands coming up to hold my face as she goes up on her toes to kiss my lips.

"You," she says softly. "You are what I've always wanted. And yes - way before I even knew what that meant. But I know what it means now."

She lowers her head and kisses my bare chest, right above the tattoo of her words, her lips soft, wet, and warm.

"I want all of you," she continues as her lips move across my flesh. "Your love, your body. Your past, your present, your future. Everything."

I can barely breathe as her mouth and hands trail down my chest to my stomach, and I lean back against the wall with my heart drumming loud and fast. My little Kenzi is fading away into the background. This woman in front of me has stepped into her place, saying all the words I need and want to hear, touching me in all the right ways, turning me on, making me fall harder. Blinking, I almost believe she'll disappear and this will turn out to be just a fucked up hallucination, but she's still here, now kneeling down in front of me with her hands on my thighs.

When her lips press against the front of my jeans, directly over my cock, I suck in a breath and my hand drifts to her head, gripping her hair.

"Kenzi..." I whisper raggedly, staring down at her. I don't know what she's done to me, but I'm powerless to do anything but just let her do whatever she wants. She plants small, quick kisses along the length of my cock, and almost makes me explode when she gently bites the head, her teeth grazing over the material of my jeans.

Yanking her up by her hair, I cover her mouth with mine, my chest heaving against hers as my hands slide down her back to cup her ass cheeks, grinding my cock against her.

"You're playing with fire," I rasp out.

"I don't care."

"Make me stop, Kenz. Please..." I beg, knowing I'll never let her go if she doesn't stop this. She's got me too far gone to turn back and her new level of sensual confidence is throwing up way too many green lights.

"No." She says simply, wrapping her arms around me, kissing me just as hungrily as I'm kissing her.

"Push me away."

"Never." She whispers, pulling me even closer.

"What's gotten into you today?" I demand, moving my lips down to suck her neck.

"I don't know..." she breathes, tilting her head back, letting me suck the delicate flesh of her throat. "Being so close to you all day...touching you...I don't want to stop."

"Then we're not stopping 'til we've had every fuckin' inch of each other," I move my lips back up to hers and stare down into her eyes. "Once we start this, we can't go back, Kenzi."

She gulps, a hint of nervousness finally showing, and then she nods.

"I know, Tor. This is what I want." Taking a small step backwards, she pulls off her shirt and drops it onto the floor, mimicking my dare.

"I want you to touch me." She says, and suddenly it's Christmas in August as I'm staring down at cleavage for days surrounded by thin, teasing black lace that I want to chew through to get to her. The power keeps shifting between us and now it's my turn to be knocked back into shyness. I feel like I'm fifteen again, awestruck by how beautiful and perfect she is, afraid to touch her or speak for fear of scaring her away.

I don't let that kid in me resurface for long, though. He's got no right to be here anymore and I'm not letting him ruin this moment for me.

"Oh, I'm going to touch you," I reply, palming her full breasts and rubbing my thumbs over her nipples peeking through the lace as her lips part in an excited, sultry sigh.

Bending down, I kiss her and walk her down the hallway to my bedroom, not breaking the kiss or taking my hands off her for a second. After kicking the door closed behind me, I push her onto the bed and crawl on top of her, hovering over her, reading her face. I need to know she's ready for this or I'll never be able to live with myself.

Reaching up, she pulls the hair tie out of the back of my hair and smiles when my hair falls down into her face.

"You like that?" I ask softly, stroking her cheek with the back of my hand.

"I've dreamed about you on top of me like this, with your hair in my face."

I suck in a quick breath. "You never told me you dreamt about me."

Her hands skim up my chest, over my shoulders, and clasp behind my neck as she stares up at me. "I was afraid it would make you pull further away from me."

"I don't think I can pull away anymore. It's a battle I just can't win."

She pulls me down to her lips. "I don't want you to," her voice is as sweet and soft as her kiss. "Ever," she kisses me again, pressing her body up against mine. "Please." Her lips touch mine again, soft and tinged with a dash of strawberry. Irresistible. "This feels right."

It does feel right. So right that any thoughts of this ever being wrong are being sucked out of me like a vacuum by her lips on mine and her hands slowly roaming over my back, the lace of her bra chafing against my chest, stoking my desire for her until I can't hold back anymore. Crushing my lips down on hers, I kiss her long and deep, using my leg to move hers apart to sink between her thighs, and we both moan and exhale, as if we've been holding our breath forever waiting for that first moment of full body contact.

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