Treasure Your Love

Page 29

My fingertips grazed his swelling shaft.

“You’re turning me on, baby.” His whisper turned into a guttural rasp when my fingers began to work up and down his hardening shaft, mirroring his movements as his fingers circled faster around my clit, until I felt I couldn’t bear it anymore.

“I want you inside me,” I moaned against his mouth.

“Not yet.”

He lifted my left leg, and I let go of his bulging erection to hold onto his shoulders for support. Ever so slowly he began to thrust one finger inside me, then two, igniting a blaze.

Oh, God.

Water kept pouring down on us, and I was sure that wasn’t the only thing running down my leg. My body began to rock back and forth against him, seeking the pleasure only he could unleash. He pushed two fingers in and out, fast and furious. I moaned and leaned into his hand, ready for complete abandon. Just when I thought he’d take me over the edge, Jett slowed down—unbearably hot, unbearably painful—and then pulled out. His fingers continued to circle my clit without giving me the release I desperately needed.

“More,” I said. “I want you to fuck me now.”

It wasn’t an option; it was a demand.

“As you wish.” His eyes bored into me as he pressed me against the tiled wall and forced my left leg up higher. I could feel the slick head of his erection at my entrance, circling and nudging, doing anything but filling me. Impatiently, I stirred against him, my eyes begging him to take me.

“Is this what you’re looking for?” He pushed the head inside me, stretching the soft flesh, while kissing my earlobe. My heart almost stopped from the sudden sweltering sensation gathering deep in my abdomen. I was so close. Just a few more inches.

“More,” I whispered.

His erection plunged another inch into me, teasing me by moving gently, building the momentum until I felt like cursing him for torturing me.

“Fuck, Jett!” I swore. “You’re killing me.”

He laughed that deep laugh of his that always made me tingle all over. “As you wish.”

I gasped as he shoved his entire length into me—fast and determined. One full thrust. My flesh tightened around his shaft. The pain of him hitting an aching spot inside me disappeared quickly, and more pleasure began to build inside my abdomen. Consuming me. Burning my insides like hot lava.

He quivered, alive with fire, waiting…waiting for what?

My mind was too clouded to ask a question, too high from his scent and the taste of his mouth, too starved from his touch.

I needed him. He had to be moving. He had to before I exploded. Or else…

I ground my hips against him in need of more. My thigh muscles began to hurt from the effort, but I didn’t mind. I needed release, and if he wouldn’t give it to me, then I was ready to take it.

“I could stay inside you forever,” Jett whispered—almost dreamy, almost regretful. He circled his hips without thrusting. “Remember the feeling of me inside you. We’re together. Not you, nor me, but us.”

The rawness of his hot words sent another ripple through my core, pushing me closer to the brink of an orgasm. It felt good. He was so good. I wanted to tell him. As if sensing my desire for him, he smiled. Our eyes locked with such intensity I felt lost in them, unable to tell where I ended and he began.

“You know I can’t decline when you’re like this.” His lips crushed mine. “So wet. Baby, I could do this forever.”

Finally, his entire length began to move. I could feel every hard inch of him getting bigger, filling and stretching me. Pushing my boundaries.

Moaning into my open mouth, he began to thrust, first slow and then hard and harder. Faster and faster, sending my world into a whirlwind of lust and exhilaration. I closed my eyes to savor the sensation as the room began to spin around us. All I could feel was the hardness of his body spearing me.

“Jett.” My breath quickened, and I plummeted into a sea of ecstasy. From the periphery of my mind I heard his final moan and felt his hot moisture spilling deep inside. My body melted into him, trusting him for support, as his waves of pleasure washed over me, taking us both to new shores.

I didn’t know how long we stood in that shower, our bodies merged, the water cooling our feverish skin. Eventually, when the water began to turn cold as ice, we stepped out of the shower, dripping all over the floor. My legs were shaking from the effort, but my heartbeat had slowed down to a normal speed.

“Thank you,” I whispered, so low I didn’t think Jett would hear me.

“For what?” He wrapped me in a towel and kissed the tip of my nose.

For being amazing.

I shrugged and smiled, keeping my thoughts to myself.

Chapter 26

BY THE TIME we finally arrived, the party was in full swing. The entire first floor was abuzz with people, Doug included, and more were flooding in by the minute. An indie band was playing in the corner. The air was thick with cigarette smoke. The tables were littered with alcohol bottles, half-empty glasses, and snacks, reminding me of my college days. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was going to be a long night, I could see that.

Jett led me through the crowd, his possessive hand resting on the small of my back. I nodded even though I couldn’t hear a word he said and continued to scan the room for Sylvie—without much success. We made it over to Brian. A girl sat on his lap. I recognized her as the one who had urged me to hurry with changing into the racing suit. The moment she saw us approaching, she stood and left.

I frowned.

Not only did she not like me, she had no problems showing it.

“Good job.” Brian patted Jett on the shoulder and then turned to address me. “People owe me a shitload of money. I knew Jett would win.”

So it was all about money?

Jett cocked his eyebrow. “Did you also bet on winning the drinking game tonight?”

“Are you challenging me?” Brian laughed out loud. “’Cause I’m a champ all the way. I have a high tolerance level. No fucking way you’d beat me.”

“Who said I’m in?” Jett said. “No drinks for me tonight, but I know someone who’d knock you off your feet.”

“In case you’ve forgotten, I’m Irish,” Brian said. “I’ve won against everyone.”

“Except for your sister.” Jett nodded at the red-haired woman standing behind Brian. “She’s in town, visiting.”

Brian turned, his smile gone. “Crap.”

“My money’s well invested.” Jett shot me a reassuring smile, and I knew he wasn’t being serious. “She’s going to strip you of your title big time.”

“Hello to you, too, big guy.” The woman smiled at Jett and turned to me. Her hazel eyes reflected her curiosity, but there was something else in them—warmth, which led me to believe Jett and she had been friends, and nothing but friends. “News spreads fast. When I heard you were back, I had to come and see for myself.”

“Brooke,” I said, reaching out. She grabbed my hand and gave it a good shake. For a moment, we just looked at each other, assessing. She was in her mid thirties, with a full-bodied voluptuous figure, pale skin, freckles, and an infectious smile. I decided to like her instantly.

“I’m Cassidy,” she said. “I’ve already heard so much about you. The bastards who’re after you will pay.” It took me a moment to realize she was talking about Alessandro’s club. “Brian knows how to find them. He’s like a bloodhound.” She roared with laughter.

“I hope so,” I said. “Jett and I could do with a little peace.” Cassidy’s gaze brushed my abdomen, and she nodded knowingly. I wondered how she’d found out, but instead of asking I just smiled.

We chatted until Brian hit the stage, drawing everyone’s attention to us by declaring Jett as the winner of the race, as if the world didn’t know already, and then he went on to recount Jett’s little stunt, including our car almost crashing into Brian’s Ferrari. The room filled with laughter, Brian’s included. Brian finally left the stage, and people flooded over to congratulate Jett, Doug among them. I stepped aside to give Jett his moment. Either the race had changed everything, or maybe everyone had been waiting for Brian’s approval, but the ice was broken.

For the first time I saw Jett relaxed and easy-going in a public gathering. As if the person before me wasn’t the Jett Mayfield I knew—the rich, reticent millionaire whose only purpose was to ensure the success of his company. Kenny had been right. The gang was Jett’s family. Jett had more in common with them than he might ever realize because they had shaped him. They had helped him after his father kicked him out. For the umpteenth time, I wondered what had gone so horribly wrong that Jett returned to his father.

“Want to leave, baby?” Jett whispered in my ear. “You look so good in your tight jeans you’re turning me on.” As though to prove his point, his hand brushed my ass and his lips grazed the sensitive skin on my neck. A delicious jolt pulsed through me. If it weren’t for the dozen people around us, I would’ve ripped open his shirt and pulled down his pants to enjoy his glorious body.

“We’ve just arrived and you want to leave already?” I asked, amused. “What happened to partying through the night?”

“Is that a trick question?” His hoarse tone sent another shiver through my body. Slowly he began to nibble on my earlobe. “When I want something, I don’t wait.”

“You take it. Got it.” I swallowed and turned around, facing his deep green eyes the color of sin. “What are you suggesting?”

“I have a good idea, Miss Stewart.” Heat traveled somewhere south at the insinuation in his voice. “Let me show you something that will make your panties wet.”


He grabbed my hand and motioned for me to follow him. We were almost out the door when Brian blocked our way.

“Did anyone show you your way around?” Brian asked, addressing me.

“No need,” Jett said through gritted teeth. Did I detect a hint of irritation?

“But I insist.”

I shrugged at Jett, who shot me a glare. I shrugged again. This was Brian’s territory, and he was proud of what he had built. We were guests, so obviously we had to behave as such. Jett could take off his pants later.

“Sounds great,” I said. “Lead the way.”

Brian talked all the way through the tour, while Jett’s mood seemed to plummet to an all-time low. Amused, I gaped at the hugeness of the place. The warehouses were interconnected by a subterranean maze of corridors, which I had already suspected. The upper floors had all been converted to rooms and apartments. From outside the walls looked like they might be about to crumble, but the interior design showed Brian had spared no expense. The furniture was minimalistic but modern and expensive, the technology high-tech. Abstract paintings in red and blue with golden swirls hung on the walls, each showing the same signature. I wondered if one of the guys was an artist.

“You all live here?” I asked, impressed.

“Some of us. Others prefer their own place,” Brian said, and opened the next door, leading us into a huge living room with a fireplace and yet more paintings displayed on the walls. “You’re welcome to stay here for as long as you want. The top floor is all yours.”

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