The Novel Free

Two By Two

“I’ve wanted a hamster for a long time, Daddy.”

“How come you never told me, sweetie?”

“Because mom said you wouldn’t want one.”

“Well, I don’t know,” I said. “It’s a lot of work taking care of hamsters.”

“I know,” she said. “But they’re so cute.”

“They are cute,” I admitted, and for the remainder of breakfast, I listened while London tried to convince me she was old enough to take care of a hamster.

I was sipping my second cup of coffee in the kitchen while Vivian began loading the dishwasher; in the living room, London was playing with her Barbies.

“She’s old enough to have a hamster, you know,” Vivian commented. “Even if you’ll have to clean the cage.”


“Of course,” she said. “You’re the dad.”

“And in your mind, helping my daughter clean a hamster cage is part of the job description, right?”

“Think of it as a good way to bond with her.”

“Cleaning hamster poop?”

“Oh, hush,” she said, nudging me. “It’ll be good for her. She’ll learn responsibility. And besides, it’s a lot easier than getting her a puppy. She’s also in love with the neighbor’s Yorkie, you know, so consider yourself lucky. Did you see the newsletter from the country club?”

“Can’t say that I did.”

“They’ve got some good programs for kids, including tennis. It’s three days a week at nine in the morning for four weeks, so it wouldn’t interfere with any of her other activities. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.”

From where I was standing, I could see my daughter and noted again how much she resembled her mother. “I don’t know if she’d like it,” I answered. “And about London. I’ve been meaning to ask – what are you thinking when it comes to her?”

“What do you mean?”

“Day care,” I said. “You’re starting work tomorrow. Who’s going to watch her?”

“I know, I know.” A tinge of stress colored her response as she rinsed and loaded another plate into the dishwasher. “I meant to research some day cares last week, but I just didn’t have the time. It’s been all I can do to keep my head above water and I still feel like I’m not prepared for tomorrow. The last thing I want is for Walter to think I’m an idiot while we’re at lunch.”

“Lunch with Walter?”

“My new boss? Walter Spannerman?”

“I know who he is. I just didn’t know you’d be having lunch with him tomorrow.”

“I didn’t either until this morning. I woke up to an email with my orientation schedule. They have me on the run all day tomorrow – human resources, the legal department, lunch, meetings with various vice presidents. I have to be there at seven thirty in the morning.”

“Early,” I said. I waited, wondering if she’d return to the subject of who would be watching London. She rinsed some utensils and loaded them in the dishwasher, remaining quiet. I cleared my throat. “And you said you haven’t been able to find a day care center for London?”

“Not yet. I called some friends and they said the day cares they use are good, but I still want to see for myself, you know? Do a walk-through, meet the staff, discuss the kinds of programs they can offer. I want to make sure it’s the right place for her.”

“If you have the names, I can call and make an appointment for us.”

“Well, that’s the thing. I have no idea what kind of hours to expect this week.”

“I’m sure I’d be able to set up an evening appointment.”

“It’s probably better if I do it, don’t you think? I’d hate to have to cancel.”

“So… what’s the plan for tomorrow then? For London?”

“I wouldn’t be comfortable with just dropping her off in some strange place. Would you? I want what’s best for her.”

“I’m sure that if you pick one of the places that your friends use, she’d be fine.”

“She’s already nervous enough about me going back to work and she was pretty upset this morning. That’s why we had a family breakfast, and I suggested getting a hamster. I don’t want her to feel like we’re abandoning her this week.”

“What exactly are you saying?”

Vivian closed the dishwasher door. “I was hoping that you would watch her this week. That way, London will have time to adjust.”

“I can’t. I have client meetings every day this week.”

“I know I’m asking a lot and I hate to do this to you. But I don’t know what else to do. I was thinking that you could either bring her to your office or maybe even work from home. When you have your meetings, you can drop her at your mom’s. It would only be a week or two.”

A week? Or two?

The words continued to reverberate in my mind, even as I answered. “I don’t know. I’d have to call my mom and ask if she’s okay with that.”

“Would you? I’m already nervous enough about my new job, and I don’t want to have to worry about London, too. Like I told you, she was really upset this morning.”

I scrutinized London; she hadn’t seemed upset at breakfast, and didn’t appear upset now, but then Vivian knew her better than I did. “Yeah, okay. I’ll call her.”