Under My Skin

Page 29

She took it carefully like it was a snake about to strike, barely holding it between two fingers. Since it’s a little heavy for that, I grabbed for it as it started to fall. I held it out to her again and, trying to be patient (this was the fifth time this had happened) told her again, “This is only a demo. It has never been used by me or anyone else. I have it only to demonstrate it during parties so you can see the real thing, rather than a picture in a catalog. Pass it on when you’re done.”

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and while the women were passing the wand-like vibrator around, I discreetly palmed it to see who it was. It was a text from Brandon.

Sold any anal beads or butt plugs yet? What about that virgin cream stuff?

I shook my head and put my phone back in my pocket, not even bothering to respond to his off the wall questions. Apparently he had been snooping through the catalogs in my office. Looking back up I saw that the Turtle Tool was almost back around to me. I walked over to the last woman and waited while she looked it over, turned it on, held it against her hand, and then giggled before she handed it to me.

I put it back in it’s container and set it back in the tub it came from. I grabbed the jelly-coated, egg-shaped bullet with the small finger-like protrusion at the top and turned back to the women. Holding it up, I started in on my spiel.

“Alrighty then. This, ladies, is my best friend. One of them, anyway.” I paused to smile good naturedly at the laughter that always came with that line. “This is the Super Egg. It’s basically an over-sized, jelly-coated bullet. This little puppy can be inserted or used for outside stimulation. The little finger at the top here,” I pointed to it with one finger while holding it up in my other hand for them to see, “is for clitoral stimulation. When you turn it on, the whole egg vibrates because, like I said, it’s just a big ol’ bullet.”

I turned the egg on and held it up again, stretching the cord out between the egg and the battery/power box. “It does have a cord, but it’s thin and not too long, not too short. Can you see the finger doing it’s thing?” I asked the ladies who were all watching, enraptured by the tiny, waving little finger. They nodded. I definitely had all of their attention.

I passed it around when I was done talking about it, and so went the next hour. We’d already gone through the lotions, creams, paints, and all that shit earlier, so when I got back the last dildo I’d sent around (which happened to be Big Kirky’s ‘cousin’, a much more reasonably, though still large-sized jelly dong with a suction-cup bottom), I was ready to pack up and go home. Instead, I sat in the chair beside my display table and waited while the women all left the room to adjourn in the kitchen while they came back in, one by one to place their orders.

Thankfully, I’d replenished most of my stock as far as the creams and things went. I had a few basic bullets and a couple of the more popular vibrators in stock, as well, so quite a few of the women went home with their complete orders in their discreet brown paper sacks. I’d gone back to using them instead of the sweet hot pink plastic shopping bags that had Down & Dirty scrawled across them because so many women were so embarrassed to be seen leaving with them. Yeah, I don’t get it either.

Once everyone had ordered, I packed up my stuff, loaded up, and headed home. When I got there, Jackson was sprawled across the couch with the remote in his hand, watching TV. Brandon and Chloe were nowhere in sight.

Jackson sat up and paused the show he was watching, smiling at me as I sat down beside him. He pulled me onto his lap and cuddled me close, kissing my lips softly. I smiled back at him and melted into his kiss again until we finally separated, both of us breathless.

“Well hello to you, too!” I said.

He chuckled and asked me how my party went. I hit him with some highlights before asking, “Where’s Brandon and Chloe?”

He shrugged. “Chloe needed some things from the store and Brandon was headed into town to grab us some dinner, so she just rode with him to have him swing her by Walmart on the way.”

I nodded, even as a green-eyed monster seemed to invade my body and settle in with a sneer. Damn female hormones!

“You okay, baby?” Jackson asked me softly. His deep brown eyes gazed at me with concern.

I pasted on a smile and kissed him gently before jumping up and asking him to help me unload my car. He got up with no hesitation and helped me unload every bit of my naughty things; he even scrambled to catch ‘Big Kirky’ when he tumbled out of the tub that I tote him around in for parties. Now that was a sight!

After everything was unloaded and put away, we cuddled back up on the couch and started watching a movie. We did the whole ‘rock, paper, scissors’ thing to see who got to pick the movie. I won (for once) so I’d put in Identity Thief, which since Jackson likes it, didn’t faze him at all. We were almost all the way through the movie when Brandon and Chloe got back, walking in the door laughing, their arms laden with plastic bags.

Brandon’s smile stretched into a grin when he saw me and Chloe was right behind him, smiling just as warmly. I smiled back, glad to see her smiling genuinely and feeling better. She looked so much better than the first time I saw her, but then again, some asshole had used her for a punching bag, so…

They disappeared into the kitchen with the bags and I could hear them slamming around in there and then throughout the house, putting things away where they belong. When they were done, Brandon came and sat down on my other side, reaching for me and pulling me onto his lap. His lips met mine and I moaned softly when his tongue speared between them to tease and tangle with mine. We stayed that way for pretty much the rest of the night, cuddled up together on the couch and watching movies until I was yawning every two seconds and could hardly keep my eyes open.

The next couple of weeks settled into a pattern. I’d actually taken Chloe into the store with me and had given her a job. I’d been looking into getting someone in there that could handle things if I wasn’t there. Usually the only other person that worked in my store was my mom. Working with me seemed to make her even happier, although I drew the line when she tried to pay me rent for staying with me. So she came to work with me every day, and every night, we all had dinner, hung out either at home or with Emma and Luke, and then went to bed where Brandon and Jackson proved time and time again, together and separately, how exceedingly talented they are in the bedroom.

Brandon, Jackson, and I had had a chat about something sort of like that a couple days ago. Jackson’s house was almost done and ready to move in. He approached the subject with Brandon and let him know that he wanted the three of us to live there together. The master bedroom would be mine, but all three of us would share it. They would each still get their own room, just somewhere to call their own and to get away to if they needed some space.

As for Chloe, since she was planning on living here and not going back to California, I brought up the subject of letting her stay at my place. Emma had actually done that for her sister, Leah, and it worked out perfectly. I figured Chloe would enjoy having her own place, and, believe it or not, Leah and Chloe had met last week and were practically inseparable now. All they’d been talking about is the UFC thing that Calland had invited Leah to and somehow managed to score an extra ticket so Chloe could go, too.

I’d been busy planning Emma’s bachelorette party, while fielding calls from Luke, who was trying to get details from me, not only about Emma’s party, but his own, too. He’d given in and Brandon and Calland were planning the whole thing. They’d managed to keep it secret so far, too, shockingly. I have to admit that I was pretty intrigued about it myself.

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