Under My Skin

Page 6

All of a sudden the bathroom door crashed open and Jacks filled the doorway, his eyes wild, panting as he yelled, “What? What’s wrong? Allie!”

I finally found my voice. And let it rip. “GET OUT! Oh, my God! Just go! What the hell are you doing here?” But my words echoed ineffectively through the room because they just stood there, both of their gazes locked on my wet, naked body. Did I mention I was NAKED?

The irony of the situation hit me suddenly and I started laughing uncontrollably, even if a little bitterly, dropping the showerhead into the tub and reaching to shut the water and the jets off. Here I am, trying to finally get some relief from the sexual tension the two asses standing in front of me had ramped up, and I’m STILL not getting any relief BECAUSE OF THEM! Argh!

But enough is enough! Their time of controlling the situation is done; I’m taking control now, and judging by the way their eyes are roving over my bare skin, it’s not going to be too hard to do.

I stood up after pulling the plug on the tub, reaching out for the towel I’d left on the counter before stepping out. Brandon was so close that the tips of my breasts grazed his chest before he swallowed loudly and took a step back.

Glancing over to the door where Jacks was still standing, frozen, I licked my lips as I started running the towel down the length of my body, deliberately turning slightly away from them as I bent at the waist to dry my legs. I heard twin gasps as my position afforded them a view of bare, tender pink folds peeking out from between my thighs and the soft globes of my ass cheeks, both begging for their touch.

‘In for a penny, in for a pound, right?’ I thought to myself as I dropped the towel, all pretense, and, still bent over, ran my hand up my leg until I touched that tender flesh, running my fingers lightly back and forth over my slit. I widened my stance and allowed the tip of my middle finger to slide between my nether lips, moaning softly as I encountered the wetness seeping from my flesh.

I heard a harsh groan behind me, followed by a low growl, and then I was being lifted into the air against the hard wall of Brandon’s chest, my fingers slipping away from the apex of my thighs. My hand was instantly caught and my head spun when Jackson stepped forward and slid my finger deep into his mouth, sucking off my juices.

I went limp against Brandon as he swung around and headed for my bedroom, Jacks following close behind. He’d lost his grip on my hand when Brandon had moved, but the heat in his eyes as they locked on mine over Brandon’s shoulder made me shiver in anticipation.

Finally! Yes! This was happening…no way in hell were they stopping before we were all a breathless, tangled mess on my mattress, or so help me God, there would be fucking hell to pay.

Brandon dumped me unceremoniously on my bed and I bounced once before I was surrounded by the unwavering heat of two pumped up, sexy, alpha-males, one on each side. I sat up, finding Jackson’s lips with mine and kissing him wildly as I blindly reached out to grab for Brandon’s shirt, desperately tugging at it, wanting it off and his bare skin against mine. He complied immediately and my hand was suddenly tracing the hard muscles of his chest. I moaned and broke the kiss with Jacks, tugging at his shirt with my free hand, wanting him bare to me as well.

Panting, I moaned, “Clothes off, NOW!”

Both of them sprang into action, jumping off the bed and shucking their jeans in an instant. I learned rather quickly that neither of them bothered with underwear apparently, so they were bared to my gaze, and sweet baby Jesus, what a sight! The Hallelujah chorus began blaring in my mind and my mouth watered.

Blinking, I sucked in a breath, taking in the beauty of them. Both of them were very well endowed, Brandon just a tiny bit longer than Jacks, but Jackson’s girth more than made up for that. Both were also clean-shaven…score!

“You sure about this, baby?” Jackson asked me, his voice ragged and low.

“You stop and I’ll castrate you both. You both wanted this relationship and you have not held up your end. You’ve only tortured me,” I growled, narrowing my eyes at them.

Jackson chuckled and held up his hands in surrender; Brandon shook his head and grinned at me. They were both so amenable to this now that I had to open my mouth and ask.

“Why the hell haven’t you touched me, then? How the hell can you sleep next to me and not want to do more? You guys said you wanted me so bad, but…” I broke off, my voice cracking and surprising me. Damnit! I didn’t want to turn into an emotional wreck, begging for attention.

Brandon’s grin slipped off his face immediately, and he was beside me in an instant, Jacks right behind him.

“No, baby, no…” Brandon soothed. “We want you. So bad. Seriously bad, to the point that we were afraid we’d scare you off. And we wanted to be sure that this is what you really want, that we’re not forcing you into anything.”

“Why didn’t you say anything, sweetheart?” Jackson asked. “The last thing we want is for you to pull away from us. And before you say a word, I know that’s what you were doing. You didn’t call or text me today, and I’m pretty sure it’s a no for Brandon, as well.”

I shook my head, done with the conversation. I wanted to get back to the good stuff, because I seriously was about to go postal if I didn’t get my rocks off! “Less talking, more touching,” I said, firmly.

I didn’t give them a chance to say anything more, reaching out and encircling both of them with my fingers. I heard Brandon gasp and he jerked slightly in my grip. Jackson inhaled sharply before releasing his breath on a groan.

Without stopping the smooth glide of my fingers up and down the smooth, hot, hard flesh jutting from each of their bodies, I slipped off the edge of the bed to my knees in front of them. I’d never dreamed of doing something like this in my life…well, okay, maybe dreamed about it, but never imagined that it would come to fruition. A headiness coursed through my veins, making me bold, and I felt sexier than I’d ever felt in my life as I leaned in and kissed the tip of each of them in turn.

Twin moans sounded softly above my head and I smiled secretively to myself. Never stopping the motion of my fingers on Brandon’s shaft, I shifted slightly and closed my lips around Jackson’s taut, heated flesh. Sucking him deep in my mouth, I slid my hand down and cupped the heavy sac resting between his thighs, tugging gently as I flattened my tongue against him on the way up, swirling it against the head, flicking the small slit there.

I moved my hand back up to his shaft, encircling it and resuming the smooth pumping motion I’d used before. I shifted to the other side and did the same for Brandon, smiling against his flesh as he growled at the feel of my mouth surrounding him. I switched back and forth between them for a while, reveling in the differences I noted; their distinctive, intoxicating scents, the taste of them, the slight difference in their sizes.

Moaning deeply in my throat, I released them and stood, pressing myself between them, begging for their bodies to encompass me in their heat. I ran my hands through Brandon’s hair, tipping my face up and begging silently for his kiss. I expected hesitation on his part simply because of where my mouth had been, but there was none. He immediately took my lips in a deep kiss, thrusting his tongue between my lips when I gasped as Jackson’s hands came up and cupped my breasts from behind.

I thrust my hips back, my ass rubbing against the velvet covered steel springing forth between Jackson’s thighs. His fingers pinched my nipples, tweaking them roughly, and I let loose a low growl, that edge of pain shifting me a little closer to going over the edge of wildness I was teetering on.

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