Unforgettable Love

Page 29

“Oh my goodness! What a precious little puppy! Boy or girl?”

Pulling my eyes from her tits, I smiled. “Girl.”

The jogger picked up the puppy and held her against her chest. Fucking lucky dog.

“What’s her name?”

Em poked me in the side. “I haven’t decided yet; my sister isn’t being much help.”

The jogger glanced at Em and smiled. When she turned to me, her lips parted open. “Well, if you need help naming her, I’d be more than happy to help you brainstorm.”

I fucking love Sierra.

Smiling, I said, “A brainstorming session. I like the sound of that.”

Running her tongue along her upper lip, the jogger set the puppy down. “Well then, let me give you my cell phone number and let’s plan it.”

Pulling out my phone, I handed it to her as I said, “The name is Dodge.”

Grinning while she typed in her information, she purred back her name. “Meredith.” Handing it back, she gave me wink. “Hope to hear from you soon, Dodge. We can pound out some ideas.”

Fuck me. My dick just jumped with my baby sister standing next to me. Not cool.

Meredith took off running as I watched her fade into the distance. Damn, she had a nice body. Looking back at Em, she stood there with her mouth gaped open.

“That was gross! Oh my gosh. Aaron, please tell me you are not calling that floozy! And why did you tell her your name was Dodge?”

Shrugging my shoulders, I laughed. “It’s just a nickname, Em. That’s all.”

Shaking her head, Em looked at me. “Well I like Aaron. Your real name.”

“Yeah well, Dodge and Aaron are two different people, Em.”

Tilting her head, she gave me a smile. “Maybe it’s time you decide which one you want to be . . . Aaron.”

Swallowing hard, I slowly nodded my head before pulling away from my sister’s knowing eyes.

Looking down at my phone, I smiled as I opened up my pictures. Seeing the picture of Em and the puppy, I sent it to Sierra.

Me: My sister Em loves the mutt, even though you ruined dinner with my baby sister on my birthday.

Less than a minute later, Sierra responded.

Sierra: You were having dinner with your sister?

Me: Yeah, why?

Sierra: No reason. Have fun potty training the pup!

Rolling my eyes, I pushed my phone back into my pocket. I was back to hating Sierra again. “Come on, let’s get to PetSmart and get that crate.”

The entire way to PetSmart I had to listen to Em lecture me about whoring around with women. The sooner this day was over the better.

Whining, crying, howling. Holy fucking shit! Pulling the pillow over my head, I yelled out, “Make it stop!”

Looking at the clock, I wanted to cry. It was three in the morning, and I had to get up in a few hours to exercise and get to work. Pushing the covers off of me, I headed into the laundry room.

Opening the door, I glanced down at the sweetest looking face I’d ever seen. The puppy immediately stopped yelping.

Letting out a sigh, I opened the crate and she came running out. Scoping her up into my arms, I made my way to the back door. She took off for the grass and peed for the longest damn time.

Smiling, I leaned against the house. Damn, if she wasn’t already the smartest dog ever. Pesh. Sierra thought she pulled one over on me. Look at my baby girl going potty on her own.

Turning and looking at me, I swear the damn dog smiled as she ran back to me. Picking her up, I gave her a small treat. “What a good girl you are! Yes you are. Who’s my pretty girl?”

Getting rewarded with kisses all over my face, I laughed and looked around. Fuck, if anyone ever heard me talking to her like this, I’d be labeled a pussy for life. Especially if Sierra heard me.

Making my way back into the laundry room, I put the pup back in her crate. Standing up, I looked down at her sad face. Holding up my hands, I said, “Oh no. Don’t even think of giving me that look.”

Then she whined. My heart broke in two. Damn it all to hell. Opening the crate, I picked her back up and carried her to my room. “This is a trial run. You piss or shit in my bed and your ass is right back in that crate. I need some sleep, princess, if I let you sleep with me and you’re good, I might consider a repeat.”

The pup began kissing my chin as I smiled. Crawling into bed, my little princess snuggled right up next to me. It took her less than two minutes to fall asleep. Thank you, God.

My body slowly began to relax. Drifting off to sleep, the thought of how I was going to pay Sierra back slowly faded away.

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