Unforgettable Love

Page 78

A tear slowly moved down Sierra’s cheek. “Everything I do in this life, Sierra, I do it for you. You are my life and my very reason for being. I’d lay down my life for you. I need you to know that.”

Pressing her lips together, Sierra closed her eyes briefly before opening them and capturing my eyes. “You’ll never begin to know how you make me feel. Never in my life . . . have I felt so . . . loved and worshiped. I love you so much, Aaron. I’ve never felt like this before. Ever.”

Kissing Sierra softly, I slowly made love to her. When I couldn’t hold off any longer, I poured myself into her and knew in that very moment what I wanted more than anything.

To be Sierra’s husband and the father of her children.

WHEN AARON PULLED UP TO In and Out Burger, I died laughing. “This is where you’re taking me for dinner?”

“Hell yeah. Best burgers around,” Aaron said as he jumped out of his truck and ran to my side. Opening the door, I pushed him out of the way and turned to glare at him.

Placing my hands on my hips, I shook my head. “You are not a true Texan.”

Jerking his head back, Aaron curled his lip and grimaced. “Did you really just say that to me? I’ll have you know, hanging in my bedroom at my parents’ house is a birth certificate from the state of Texas stating I’m a Texas native. I am Texan, one hundred percent, baby.”

“Texas birth certificate? As opposed to?”

Letting out a gruff laugh Aaron gave me a smirk. “You’re just jealous because you don’t have the giant framed birth certificate stating you’re a native Texan.”

Tilting my head, I gave him a look like he was stupid. “Um . . . dipshit. I don’t need one. My actual birth certificate states where I was born. Texas. Why do I need a special one that says the same thing?”

Pointing at me and yelling, “Ha! See. You don’t value your true heritage. If you did, you’d be shouting from the tree tops that you’re a native Texan.”

Dropping my mouth open, I glared at Aaron. “What did you just say? Um . . . excuse me, dickhead, but you’re the one standing in the parking lot of an In and Out Burger that’s from California. Where had I been driving, we would be standing in the parking lot of Mighty Fine Burgers. You know . . . the burger joint started by true Texans.”

Aaron placed his hands over his heart as if I had mortally wounded him. Letting out a giggle, I felt the weight of what happened today slowly lift away. I would not let Robert win. He would not strip me of my happiness.

Aaron reached for my hand and tried to lead me into the no-go zone. Stopping when he realized I wasn’t moving, he let out a small chuckle. “Oh my God, are you serious? You’re really not going to eat here?”

Shaking my head, I said, “Nope. I don’t even care if one of my favorite authors ever loves this place. I’m not going in.”

Aaron looked at me and asked, “Which author? Is she one who makes you laugh? Turns you on?” Wiggling his eyebrows, he pulled me into his arms. “If you were a true fan, you’d eat here just because one of your favorite authors loves this place.”

Giving Aaron a sly smile, I felt the butterflies dance in my stomach as he leaned his forehead against mine. “She made me cry.”

Aaron frowned as he rubbed his nose against mine. “Oh, baby. Good cry or bad cry?”

Looking away, I thought about poor Chase. How could she? Fighting the tears, I looked back at Aaron. “I’d rather not talk about it. Damn it, let’s just eat here. I’m starving and the more we talk about this, the more I shrivel up from hunger.”

After being forced to eat in a no-go zone, we finally started making our way to where Aaron said the true fun would begin. I had to admit, I was excited as hell, and my tumbling stomach was the proof. I knew it wasn’t going to be anything fancy, seeing has how Aaron told me to dress in shorts, a T-shirt, and sneakers.

Aaron got on the highway and headed north. “Um . . . are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

Shaking his head, Aaron laughed. Not just a simple, nah I’m not going to let you in on my secret, laugh, but more like a I’ve got an evil plan up my sleeve kind of laugh.

Rolling my eyes, I shrugged my shoulders in an attempt to make it seem like I didn’t care Aaron was keeping me in the dark. Secretly it was killing me. Killing me!

Then it happened. Aaron pulled into the iFly parking lot . . . and parked. Oh hell no. He is crazy insane if he thinks I’m going to partake in this.

I was about to ask him if he was lost when I saw Em come running up to the truck flailing her arms about in a crazy manner. Aaron threw his door open and jumped out of the truck.

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